i heard Bianca chan got the jardine scholarship!!!!!
how coool is THAT!!!?!?!?! no friggin BONDS *faints*
but then her portfolio is remarkable
anyway i hope ruth and sophia become counsellors!!!!!
and i hope we make a play!!! and we get a kitchen!!!!
suzy why did u flood the whole page with jokes!? and htank you claudiA!!
let me spot interview questions:
1) Do you want to work for the government in the future? (If yes see 2. If not see 3.
2) For which section of the government? See 4.
3) Why do you want to get the Humanities Scholarship? (Go to 5.)
4) Do you wish to enter politics? (If yes, see 6. If not, see 7)
5) How do you think you can contribute to the country? (see 8)
6) Here's a registration form for Young PAP. Thank you very much for your time. We expect to see you $2000 richer soon.
7) So you'd rather stay at home and write stories? See 9.
8) Will you migrate overseas... do you think? see 9.
9) It has been a really enjoyable time talking to you. (see 10 or 11. throw 2 dice or smth)
10) Thank you very much for your time.
11) We expect to see you $2000 richer soon.
lalalalal im so boreddddd
let's spot more questions!!!!
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