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Tuesday, June 21
And also, The Top Ten Books Every Student Should Read in College.

As the article says, "Interestingly enough, the No. 1 book our judges decided every college student should read is a volume that has been virtually banned in public schools by the United States Supreme Court."

Amusingly, Hamlet and Animal Farm have been given Honourable Mention.

And as for the other list that Claud linked, I find it terribly cute that poor old Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money is on. Evidently a strong classical/monetarist influence on the panel.
Sunday, June 19
claud: Tut Tut, What Young People Are Reading These Days, Tut Tut.
The Top Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Century

as compiled by a bunch of conservative academics and public serpents servents. have a look and consider.

in my opinion, chocolate dessert recipe books are far more harmful than any of those listed. [nods firmly]
Saturday, June 4
superoldgranny: hows ur hOLS BABY!?!?!?
hows ur HOLS BABY?!
a little boring MAYBE?!?!!?
wanna go rockin wit me LADY?!?!
i could be ur new arm cANDY!!!

claud: I ate a bug for dinner.
I mean to say, I fixed some broken and redundant code and in the meantime rigged some of the layout code. not much of a difference unless you're using MSIE. in which case you shouldn't be.

it is better if still completely lacking in integrity, scalability, etc.
Vivien @fashfix: ideas (no not a singtel ad) :)
ha have come up with a brill brill BRILL idea which i think that the school should adopt except its kind of late so i dont think the school should adopt it as a means to torture future generations ho ho ho :)

so anw my rad *as in brilliant *also asin radical? idea is that basically we should have like two weeks of hols right (june time which is around now la) and then 3rd week of hols should be stupid common tests. then we get back the rest of our 2 weeks since they usually waste 1st week on tests ANYWAY right. and its like TOTALLY win win. teachs get more time to mark the scripts, we actually get a HOLIDAY without the nagging parents/selfconscience that we should be studying plus we will get to study plus no prologued agonising torture.guilt. i mean the moe gives us like 1week ONE WEEK to study for our freaking prelims! but 4weeks to study for a common test during which the amount of topics tested = 1st common test for which we got one week. not that i want them to give us 4weeks to study for prelims but well it gives everybody options i mean if people really do want to revise its better cause you have 2 weeks to focus on the immediate and 2 weeks to revise instead of juggling between immediate & future.

okay fine im just getting cranky
but it REALLY is a good idea aint it! :)

and im not going bali :(
but i might be going to bangkok after prelims :)
and im going msia :(
but to go shopping and genting and melaka :)

oh well hope the bangkok people are alright and that theyve been to many girly bars :) hehs