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Saturday, June 19
claud: finally, the return!!
i was going to stay resolutely offline today, but the return of the lit trippers and their subsequent blogging has proved too grrrreat a temptation! anyhow I MISSED YOU ALL SOO MUCH!! ahh uk sounds great. =D we made too many jokes about chairs and captains frolicking in uk, i think. grin. i hope you lot got something for me! i probably have souvenirs of singlehood life. like, hmm... receipts from supermarkets and such. =P you might not want the leftover food tho. grin.

shoojee- the blueblack lump going off for cap on monday. honestly, i don't know what to feel more sorry for, the blueblackness or the going-for-cap-without-studying-and-jetlagged bit. =P you lucky twit.

why is weeghee only coming back later?!?!?! he needs to be the press secretary for rmun! no one else knows what the hell press corps is like! other than a black hole that sucks yoru extra delegate in, after which you never see them for the duration of the conference. paH! not to mention. PW!!
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