I am quilt ridden
My work unstarted
My paper blank
I have been using opium ink again.
Outside the blossom telescopes into fruit,
Inside my mind there is a blight.
A train whistle
I reshelve my books,
Shunting them into another sidetrack.
I don't feel up to it today,
Tomorrow I'll get down to it.
The party will be a good experience,
There's bound to be a discussion.
I'll work all night tonight,
Tomorrow I'll work all day.
The commercial whirlpool
Draws me into town.
I buy some study aids,
They will act as pacemakers.
I rearrange my furniture,
Now the stadium is set for action.
Meanwhile my grant is being gobbled up
By that scythe-armed bandit,
'Jack Pot or Not?'
remember this, people who did poems deep and dangerous? grin. terribly appropriate for now.
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