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Sunday, October 24
claud: the physicists/the tai tai
hello darlings! how is everyone post-openhouse? i stoned the whole of yesterday away.

anyhow, thong wants to know if anyone's interested in watching either of the above plays. the physicists, which some of you might have heard about before the promos, is about three mad dudes who delude themselves into thinking they're a famous physicist. the tai tai is about a filthy rich lady who returns with a coffin- mystery unfolds.

tickets for the physicists are either $24 or $32, depending on timeslot. for the tai tai, it's either $30, $40, $50, $60 or $55, $65, $75, $85, depending on timeslot and seat. both are currently showing on weekday nights (except monday) and there are matinees on weekends at 3pm- altho either physicists or tai tai only has matinee on either sat or sun, thong can't remember presently. the runs end on 31st oct.

rightyho i know your wallets are all exhausted from earnest, but those who didnt go, those filthy rich, etc- msg me if you're interested? by today, if you can. thong'll coordinate and we can decide on a date convenient for those who want to go.

ah yes: sistic for more details.
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