i don't really like the site that much, because it's the sort of self-important condescending intellectual bragging sort of thing that characterises too many annoying blogs and i know he hates it being called a blog and it's not a blog but it just resembles blogs that are somewhat irritating. that i find irritating. oh yeah - it's sort of angsty and hedonistic and he swears too much. i know i'm the last person who should condemn swearing but the way he does it is gangsta-cheap. i'm not sure why.
nevertheless, really quite amusing:
"But the coolest thing about Lee Hsien Loong being the Prime Minister is that in the admittedly extremely unlikely event that there’s ever an anti-government protest, we can all bring signs saying, “WHO’S YOUR DADDY?”"
"I really like that Lee Kuan Yew’s taken to calling himself the Minister Mentor. It just goes to show that at some point in their lives, old people will reach an age where they don’t give a piss what you call them anymore. Because there is no way you can say that phrase with a straight face:
“Well, what do you do?”
“I’m, um. I’m a Minister Mentor.”
Who is coming up with these phrases anyway, George Orwell?"
I have to say, LKY as Don Corleone and Lee Hsien Loong as Michael is a VERY interesting parallel. Although Ho Ching as Kay is stretching the imagination a little far. "Here’s Lee Hsien Yang as Fredo, just a half-step slower than Michael, whom Michael loves and shields from the evils of the family business. Hell, Shengwu’s even around to play Andy Garcia’s role if they ever want to film Part III."
And he was very right in his predictions about the sartorially challenged at the GEPAA dinner. Seriously. Chinos and sneakers at the Hyatt. Ouch. However, I have to say that my experience of the GEP's been a good one, and the sartorially challenged probably as many as you'd find in any other class. I think I'll join the GEPAA next year, just for kicks.
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