haha cool, my entry has sparked off much commentary.
about bush: kitson, don't get too excited. i'm not really on his side, and actually i've changed my mind. my dad told me that kerry can't actually do a whole lot about the protectionist stuff, and yeah, bush hasn't exactly got a clean bill on that one. and i just don't like bush, and i clearly support kerry on the social issues although the way he's trying to be pseudo-conservative and say the things bush says in order not to alienate the conservative vote is either inconsistent or hypocritical. but kerry is the lesser of two evils, and actually in comparison to bush is hardly evil at all. so... yes, change of mind. i guess i'm what they would call a swing voter? actually not really. swing voters just don't have particular party affiliations. i'm not sure if i'm a swing voter since i clearly prefer democrats. anyway not like i'm a voter anyway. so anyway, i'm back with the kerry side.
about europe: haha of course, i know it's completely expensive and ambitious but it's been my dream for a long time to do something crazy and lorelai-like after As. i mean, how many times in your life can you do 20 countries in 2 months. 19: perfect age, plenty of time. so that leaves us with the money problem. which is a problem, definitely. especially since my S paperlessness now leaves me without any scholarship hopes therefore i'm banking on parental finances therefore asking them to gimme 20grand for a trip to europe before they have to spend 100000 a year for the next 4 years after that, would be nothing short of inhumane. sigh. i wish i could be young and rich.. like eatmejusteatme. have you seen his freaking holiday plans?
Right. This one is slightly nuts, but between 21 Dec and 24 Jan my plans are: Christmas in London, Boxing Day in Amsterdam, New Year's and a couple of days in Paris with Janaki, a week back in London, and then a couple of days in Stockholm with Emi. I'm also trying to figure out a way to visit Rachel in Geneva. Meanwhile my sister's on the phone asking, "Dude, do you want to come skiing with us in the French Alps?"
yeah so i have dreams of being like that. but i figure when i'm young i should do the crazy road trippy thing with the youth hostels and stuff and it'll be fast and furious and fun. when i'm old and hopefully rich, i can spend two months at the ritz in paris and shop daily on the champs elysee and visit the dior atelier and sit by the seine in a yves saint laurent rive gauche dress. rive gauche, how appropriate. heh that's a little bit of french i know from reading vogue - rive gauche means left bank, referring to the seine's left bank. although actually i'm not sure how you figure out which one's left and which one's right.
so, my point is: we should do the crazy city tour while we're young and alive and kicking. because it'll be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, money permitting. and kitson you should definitely join us but when do your As get over? i guess because of the money issue we could cut it down to fewer cities. keep it to southwestern europe or something so england, france, italy, spain. but gahhhhh how can we leave out prague and vienna and copenhagen. maybe we should find out how the gilmore girls did it in their perfect marc-jacobs-wearing wb world. i guess they had more than 10,000 euros at their disposal considering that one of their outfits generally costs about a tenth that amount. oh dear god i sound ever so bitter. i'm wanting moneyyyy.
at some other time i also need to see africa. morocco, egypt, etc.
oh and i was telling shoojee that i have strange urges to visit war zones. the ivory coast, the DMZ in korea, baghdad, the gaza strip. am i the only one?
i am discmanless and leaving for india in ten days! i'm panicking already!!! i need to buy a discman, only my parents seem to think it'll do me good to be without music for a month, only it's more than a month and i'll just freak out and die if i don't have music. i'll probably take my cds anyway and hug them to sleep or something. this is pure torture. plus blee's pulled out of india cip leaving worm as the only one who's sort of confirmed, and that does not bode well at all because the india people are so not going to be interested in having two people do cip. and plus staying with some random guy at my grandaunt's place? now my mum's annoyed that i put her through all the effort and then nobody was interested. ah well. story of my life.
now i will go watch some more gg.
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