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Sunday, December 26
hahaha such lovely j1s from my church coming to rj next year.

-subtext subtext-

anywayyy. happy day-after-christmas everyone =)

-_- claud, perhaps you should update the "whatnot" column?

oh have you been to the new campus it's very impressive. not that i don't prefer, and won't miss, the old one, at this point in time anyway. i love the trees there. especially the flame-of-the-forest one (the one with the orangey flowers in the archery part of the field). and the narrow corridors and peeling paint and graffiti, and the used feel you get everywhere--lt4, the steps outside lt4, the tses, the mushrooms under the tree outside ts2, the top step of the spexgall, the railing on one side of canteen (the side nearer the parade square) (and i hate to say this, but yes, the toilets have that feel too. though it is considerably less pleasant).

anyway. a spanking new building. i wonder where that phrase originated from ;p haha.

but the new lts don't have steps outside (i -think-, can't remember), so thankfully there will be no more incidences of me walking down halfway, looking up to talk to someone, thinking i am at the bottom of the steps, and falling off the rest of them. unless it occurs inside the lt (hopefully not as the drop in lt1 is Very Scary).

OH AND THERE IS A CATWALK IN THE PERFORMING CENTRE OR DRAMA CENTRE or whatever it's called. the black thing on top where you can walk around and drop things on unsuspecting people's heads. it looks absolutely fascinating.

wish there were more trees, though. the day we went it was so glaring and bare.
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