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Saturday, December 18
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For the sake of airing my point of view...

daniel wrote about smtgd in his new weblog.. and my response will be aired here becoz i feel like it..

Firstly, I agree. we are utterly short handed. I agree. And daniel has been doing a lot (too much) work.. like benuel. I agree.

We have been quite disorganised. I agree.

His emphasis on the negative. I disagree.

Yea, he said idealism has given away to practical concerns. I dont believe that is or should be the case. idealism shd always be at the forefront of any enterprise- despite the importance of practicality. If you do not have idealism in front, there is no longer any point to work. Because in my opinion at least, you do what you feel is best.

"ill-organised staff, uncooperative canners and unresponsive equipment can fairly tie up anyone's consciousness into knots"

True. True. But i resent the impications of "ill-organised staff". At least for myself, I have always been the first to admit to my shortcomings. Yet, I resent the force of the discription because having been through the processes with all the core committee people you know how hard they've worked; indeed how they've given their best. That to me, is almost the most important. No doubt dan realises they've done their best too. i suppose the difference lies in how my priority is your best effort while dan's is the best results.

"But that's not to say that miracles didn't happen."

Another point of contention- how when things go wrong it is our screw up and when things go right it is a miracle. I've been told i treat myself too harshly. Somehow, I feel this is treating somethingood too harshly. I mean yea, we can't -plan- for bands to introduce us to places like Boons but we can plan to treat them nicely so they're happy with us and hence would be more likely to help us out. In the same way we couldn't have 'screwed up' the weather and God knows we can't put every band indoors even if there wsa space.

"So you see, real volunteerism doesn't come from the canners... or even from us, but from the most unexpected of places."

I agree. Volunteerism comes form the most unlikely places but if what we're doing isn't real volunteerism than i don't know what the fuck is. (No, I dont mean that personally really... I'm just really frustrated at such harsh detractions when so much work has gone in).

"The best moment so far was when NJ Western Dance, who busked at Ngee Ann yesterday, danced practically nonstop around noon, and then got talent spotted for a potential gig worth a few hundred"
Yup, and the HC/RJ quartet got half a dozen (or more) job offers too.

I really dislike the description "lackadaisical planning and organisation". Again, just because the thing isn't perfect... or even if it's far from perfect. I think we've done our best. I don't think everyone sees/understands that.

"No matter how much we mean well, if we can't do it, then it will count for very little."
Lastly, no... the most important thing of all is not a perfect or even smooth event, it is the idealism and desire to do good behind it. and it's the experience and memories we take from it that will stand up in our memories and be counted.

Yup... my two cents worth... not sure wad the rest of you think. Today was a niie day. It was very relaxed on my part (since I wasnt even due down). Loud music, raves, starbucks seats... yea, tis was a good day.
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