went over to jb for cny eve.
found the following books in my yeye's library, and subsequently brought them home (with some encouragement, since they would otherwise have been donated to the local library). my dad and i are conspiring to hide them from my mom.
- memoirs of winston churchill, mostly centering around ww2, in 12 volumes
- kafka
- darwin
- plato's "lives"
(the last three were in the kind of binding you don't see anymore--they use it on the old dictionaries and encyclopaedias: hard-cover, brown with letters engraved in gold)
- another tract on plato
- 2 agatha christie books
- alexandre dumas' "the black tulip"
- "secrets and stories of the war", 2 volumes. i have sentimental feeling for these as i used to read them whenever i was in jb at their house.
- collins gem dictionary of quotations
- "springs of japanese wisdom"
- "the challenge and the change", which is about the peace corps
- solzhenitsyn (the one who wrote "a day in the life of ivan ivanovich", or whatever his name was), 2 books--"the gulag archipelago" and "cancer ward", fascinating stuff if i can get through them
- a guide to cats, for my sister
- books on russia, italy, france
- poetry for schools in south-east asia (i opened it and it had the "margaret! margaret!" lost mermaird poem by matthew arnold)
- "the chrysalids"
- my dad's school annuals when he was at st xavier's in malaysia. he looked strange. ;p
the list is not exhaustive. and there's a lot more i didn't take back: the hemingway, ian fleming, james mitchener, something on lky, various tracts on pig rearing and vegetable growing and dogs, my dad's f maths/ maths/ engineering textbooks, dictionaries, thesaurii (?) etc. fascinating.
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