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Sunday, December 11
all of a sudden no one's blogging here so I'll do my part to keep this thing awake. Let's see. I am now in Kuching (got back yesterday afternoon). This afternoon I made a vegetable garden. Planted brinjals, watermelons, lady's fingers, winged beans, silk gourd and long beans. we had to get sticks (for the creepers) from a nearby jungle. My dad is very tired now. *smirks*

Tomorrow I will develop and upload all my pictures from the digi cam. I hope my mum doesn't hog the car. *fight face* I also need to start on my violin and figure out how to use makeup (if not all that prom stuff will go to waste). I can't figure out what else to do yet coz Kuching is a boring place. =P

Oh, but I like my house. i can sit down and lie down and do whatever without the fear of dirt. not like... the hell hole. Also, it's kinda fun having 3 dogs (they're all white!) coz it makes me feel like a boss again (they follow me around like my 'kakis' and they have sharp teeth so it's kinda cool? =D)
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