
sick. not in school. missing school :( mymy how nerdy. but its a compliment to y'all =)
and shoojee's finally cracked.
5:58 pm

my webbie has moved:
freehostdepartment finally got on my nerves.
9:46 pm

at aparna's house now. having fun. cant wait till ya'll come.
6:28 pm

my goodness this
haiku generator is just weird!!
i swear i did not use it for lit. =P
oh goodness look:
bushku generator too!
11:14 pm

gee i like to think of dead
gee i like to think of dead it means nearer because deeper
firmer since darker than little round water at one end of
the well it's too cool to be crooked and it's too firm
to be hard but it's sharp and it's thick and it loves, every
old thing falls in rosebugs and jackknives and kittens and
pennies they all sit there looking at each other having the
fastest time because they've never met before
dead's more even than how many ways of sitting on
your head your unnatural hair has in the morning
dead's clever too like POF goes the alarm off and the
little striker having the best time tickling away every-
body's brain so everybody just puts out their finger
and they stuff the poor thing all full of fingers
dead has a smile like the nicest man you've never met
who maybe winks at you in a streetcar and you pretend
you don't but really you do see and you are My how
glad he winked and hope he'll do it again
or if it talks about you somewhere behind your back it
makes your neck feel all pleasant and stoopid and if
dead says may i have this one and was never intro-
duced you say Yes because you know you want it to
dance with you and it wants to and it can dance and
dead's fine like hands do you see that water flowerpots
in windows but they live higher in their house than
you so that's all you see but you don't want to
dead's happy like the way underclothes All so differ-
ently solemn and inti and sitting on one string
dead never says my dear,Time for your musiclesson
and you like music and to have somebody play who
can but you know you never can and why have to?
dead's nice like a dance where you danced simple hours
and you take all your prickley-clothes off and squeeze-
into-largeness without one word and you lie still as
anything in largeness and this largeness begins to
give you,the dance all over again and you,feel all again
all over the way men you liked made you feel when they
touched you(but that's not all)because largeness tells
you so you can feel what you made,men feel when,you
dead's sorry like a thistlefluff-thing which goes land-
ing away all by himself on somebody's roof or some-
thing where who-ever-heard-of-growing and nobody
expects you to anyway
dead says come with me he says(and why ever not)into
the round well and see the kitten and the penny and
the jackknife and the rosebug
and you say Sure you
say (like that) sure i'll come with you you say for i
like kittens i do and jackknives i do and pennies i do
and rosebugs i do
11:57 pm

i'm posting to myself on VEAL today, but anyway, more poems:
since feeling is first
since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;
wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a far better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
--the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids' flutter which says
we are for eachother: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph
And death i think is no parenthesis
-- e.e. cummings
11:56 pm

Alright I've mailed the class list to everyone except Claud and Viv - because Claud's over her storage limit and Viv's email apparently doesn't exist although that's the email in the list, and on my MSN contacts, and it certainly does exist. But hotmail is beyond strange, so just ask me if you haven't got it and I'll send it over msn.
Bugger. Hotmail also somehow emailed the mail that I typed, accidentally saying that I didn't manage to send it to Vaish, instead of Viv.
Saturday plans:
Pajama party at my place!
Girls-only, as we're going to be doing silly girly things and watching girly movies.
Anyway, who can go?
This Saturday, post-dinner, so bring
vegetarian junk food, and lots of
girly movies.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady, Bridget Jones and Legally Blonde are musts. Unfortunately I own none of these movies. All I have are heavy, serious movies. And this party shall be anything but heavy.
sleeping bags would be a good idea.
I hope this thing pans out - the short notice, and the fact that I only just came up with this idea and my mom's on a plane currently and I haven't really asked her explicit permission, and unfortunately I can't have this thing without telling her because I've got a brat brother who'll be pleased as punch to rat on me.
To the guys: sorry! Will plan a class party for another day =P
10:43 pm

I revamped the class list ages ago and told Mark to print for everyone!
Is there any way I can post a link to a document here?
Or some sort of html that could let me put the table here?
Actually nevermind.
I'll just email it.
And! I'm home! Ponning! Batchelor didn't even ask me anything! Hee. Our class is disappearing fast today.
-waves to kitson and shoojee and kelly etc who are still slogging it out in school-
3:43 pm

more fun! =D
i love the internet =D =D
12:00 am

My OG OUTING ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REFVEOR rulesss......
5:13 pm
Vivien @fashfix:

aH! i can blog! so cool! =)
12:09 am

and oh this is hilarious!!!
to make up for the depressing/ melancholic poetry earlier (except for the adcock one...)
freud's take on politicics!
i have no idea how i come across such sites...
11:49 pm

because i'm bored, and at the risk of being labelled 'weird'
here are some nice poems! or that i like, anyway...
for your reading pleasure, if you have the time and are interested =)
dover beach, matthew arnold. mr p- gave this to us, actually. loss of faith.
tristram and iseult, matthew arnold. if you like long epic-y poems and arthurian legend. it -is- very long. but it's lovely if like the story...
against coupling, fleur adcock. read it and go figure... this is a very controversial poem. ;)
variations on the word 'sleep', margaret atwood. she's also written /variations on the word 'love'/. it's not just about sex.
11:44 pm

derrick, where do you find these things??? [peers]
12:07 am

more fun!
something to taint those innocent hearts of children...=P
The Rainbow Plucking Orgy
don't worry, it's not porn ;)
11:16 pm

i had fun on wednesday =) just for the record.
and econs is done!!!
and i give up on the math questions. i am on 21, and cannot do anything at all. bah. volunteers to save vaish's math???
3:11 pm

brainless fun for everyone! (while you procrastinate.)
8:05 pm

increased functionality- annoucements box, and archives. i can't stop coding. oh and more lines. this is such a trashy template. i keep making trashy templates.
1:07 pm

AND! I have a
new blog!
Have updated the link here.
10:51 pm

ahh we'll meet as per mark's plan and we'll see how it goes from there.
here, finalized.
11:30 pm

so - are we following mark's plan or are we following the blog plan?
11:03 pm

Nice template! It's basically the portrait version right.. very nice :)
10:58 pm

look doods it's a new template.
twiddles around with graphics.
10:32 pm

ok! i've settled on it! wednesday, we crash someone's house early afternoonish, around 2, then at 4 we go down to orchard to the basement in that place opposite wheelock where you can lan/pool and then we can go to wheelock for dinner or something. how's that?
someone volunteer a house!
11:51 pm

watch it punk, you're defiling my precious third language with that vulgar association with man u! both beautiful german and trashy football in the same post. tsktsk.
10:10 pm

points at the manyoo lovers and laughs. FOWLER!!!
4nd |ann1n9 w1|| p\/\/n j00r a55.
12:07 am

nooo don't LAN!! I don't even know what it is! And it sounds boring. =[
We could leave you guys to it, and the rest of us could play pool!
12:00 am

wow. flurry of activity.
me is free on everyday except for tuesday i think.
and i'm for lanning also.
(cs, that is. immensely fun seeing the reaction on people's faces when they get fragged by a pathetic newbie like me.)
anyway those who ordered orientation photos they're with me right now. one photo is missing - due to unknown reasons, of which theft or developer-screwup could be a reason - collect them from me on class outing day.
i thought i wasn't going to spend much during the holidays...
10:44 pm

claudia's inner guy gets shoved out of the closet very forcefully.
LAN!!!! LAN!!!!!!!!
shoojee, weeghee (ooh they rhyme!) if you don't supoprt me on this you're like, not male.
9:32 pm

yay! nice plan. very... detailed and thorough. only, is it decided that we're doing the movie marathon instead of going out for a movie? and at whose house?
6:30 pm

ok options for pool place: lucky plaza or b3 at cuscaden. i personally recommend lucky plaza because there are always fights going on at b3 and while i find them quite entertaining (partly because i know the fighters) i doubt the rest of you will find them the same. so lucky plaza. meet at 2 at some kind volunteer's house, watch movies till 4, play pool from 5 to 7 and then dinner! amendments?
10:59 am

let's do wednesday. pool, then dinner. before pool, i suggest [with a certain amt of trepidation] lanning. coz i'm already getting bored with bashing comps. -_-;; gahhhhhhhhhhhh. what an insane hour to be up at. heydiddlediddle. then again i'm going to play like nwn or something. wheee! coffee. bye.
7:55 am

i DO want to know~!
but, i also want to go out. so. am free wednesday thursday friday i think, wednesday's the best.
and, can we add pool to the options? kitson and i want to play pool!
movie, pool, dinner? or movie marathon, pool, dinner? we could borrow jo's fantastic collection of pirated dvds. on the other hand i still need to watch mystic river.
11:53 pm

CLASS OUTING!!! or i shall spank all of you when we get back to school. options:
movie marathon cum stayover
OR, we could do all of them!!! waaaahahaha how fun. 'course, by the end of the day "broke" wont be sufficient to describe the state im in. but yes! post here with when you're free and what you want to do. and you better post. or else.
you dont want to know.
9:42 pm

incidentally, how private is this blog?
10:21 pm

eeek. i must remember that i now have
lower vertebrates guys in my class... soccer hooligans, every last one of them. =P
to make my brother happy:
10:34 pm

my name is
weeghee not
anyway who wants to go watch the soccer match between singapore and japan on wednesday 31st march at jalan besar stadium? tix cost 5 bucks in total - 4 for the match and 1 for sistic. ticket sales start on this thursday and i reckon i'll troop down to jelita to buy tix...
8:04 pm

idioteque really reminds me of french rap, crossed with early garbage music possibly. and i have come to a conclusion that i must announce.
work of any kind requires three things in large amounts: focus, consciousness and COFFEE.
boingeyboing. eureka!! i need a towel!
oh, in case i haven't mentioned this:
do not muck about with the template unless you know what you're about. if it's like a revamp, major or minor, lemme know first. otherwise you want to add links or whatever, go ahead. guidelines, tho: no filters, iframes, huge images or embeded music. i will personally whup the person who embeds music. grr.
10:22 pm

i cannot help bopping to idioteque.
and i think we should collect class funds soon.
so that i can claim my money from the treasury to fund my addiction to buying cds.
8:38 pm

yes.. choon hwee and grace and yiting need to be invited, which i have now done. sorry. but there are also numerous twits who have not accepted the invitation in the first place! and claud's admin too! i shall just make everybody admin. don't take advantage of it.
12:09 am

..... bopping to anything on in kid a...
let's try the strokes.
i said please don't slow me down, if i'm going toOO fast
reptilia. mmm. everyone go listen to the strokes.
i think claudia marie-lourdes elizabeth is like, disgustingly pretentious bougeosie. like a passenger on the social escalator. [/sarcasm]
11:39 pm

we should all listen to the strokes.
or radiohead.
so that we all get very boppy.
(claudia can you imagine bopping to treefingers? :D)
and does anyone by any chance want a john mayer cd? i got it free and i don't really like it. if you catch me on a good day i might decide to give it away for free.
if not i'll charge you ten bucks, which is still at least 8 bucks off market price.
and we
still love geography. =D
8:02 pm

yeah. pretty. =)
celeste sounds too good!!
first i thought, robespierre
but i have no readings on him. nothing relevant i mean. to his death and all that.
then there's the louis xvi one, which EVERYONE is doing.
so i am resigned to doing strength/ weakness of the monarchy.
but it feels like the easy way out.
shoojee will be guillotined on monday, yes. =)
essay plan. -_-
i got my hair cut today! finally.
prepare to mourn, vaish. =)
but it's not that bad.
2:30 pm

*prepares guillotine for shoojee*
on another note, i like the name keisha! and celeste. celeste sounds so... celestial. ok, duh, of course it would. im crapping ignore me. trying to put off my readings. work awaits. ciao!
1:23 pm

Eliane's a very very pretty name.
I haven't done my readings or started my essay yet. But then, I'm the eternal slacker so don't mind me.
12:18 am

I HAVE NOT DONE MY FRENCH REVOLUTION ESSAY YET!!!!!! *hyperventilating in panic* and i havent finished reading my readings either!!!!! *hyperventilate some more* AAAAHHHHH!!!
good night.
10:59 pm

it's not a particularly interesting story:
eliane, with an accent on the first e that blogger won't reproduce
french name, meaning sun.
(archaic, i think).
confirmation name (the catholic thing).
i don't like to use kelly online--especially for certain things--for obvious reasons. =)
5:37 pm

yeah.. i know 'liane has a long story behind it, but i never heard the story, so spill!
12:21 pm

our ambitions, so far:
- cd library
- (normal) library
- collective notes? or at least posting the essays. though i personally feel that this should only be done after they've been handed in--that way you get more original ideas, and a variety of them.
- we should discuss!! =) thought-provoking, that.
you know,
there's something about 13a.
10:55 pm

yeah posting educational stuff might be a good idea, to keep this place alive. the hwachong classes have some insane people who type up huge sets of notes for history, which are far more comprehensive than rollason's notes, because they're done by a student. sophie will tell you. and then they put them on the class blog. do we have any willing volunteers? to make history a little easier for us all?
but anyway, i was thinking that if it's too much of a hassle, landscape orientation is fine, because if you only have to scroll sideways and not down as well, then it's fine. only the scroll wheels on mouses don't work sideways, but that's ok. it makes life more interesting =] what's graphiking?
ohh.. like graphic-ing.? i am a complete loser when it comes to computer things.
11:02 am

heat the pins and stab them in
wheeeee derrick i'm sorry, but you won't be getting your bends cd back for a while.
two minute break from history essay. argh, but i need more books to quote from and stuff. someone post good quotes!
argh, intellectual constipation. i should have done it all at one shot last night, now i can't think properly. i just drink a starbucks frappe, so that can't be it. maybe i need more caffeine. [starts hooking up intravenous drip]
ehhhhh tell me what you want this place to look like. retain this look but change it to portrait orientation? and a spalash of graphiking.
9:08 pm

it's dying
7:58 pm