
Claud you embarrass me! What an announcement. =P
Thank you, anyway.
I have to make it known:
Kelly is RP Vice-President
and Vaish is Publicity Head.
Applaud them as well! I'm very proud of them and I think they're both going to be totally great at their jobs.
I couldn't imagine a better Publicity Head or Vice-Pres.
Although I myself am still surprised that the exco thought I was good enough to be President. I really hope I live up to it, although it really isn't that big a deal in any case.
9:05 pm

please bring $15 for arts fac items TOMORROW, friday.
and please also do not come after me with a guillotine or attempt to overthrow the treasury
(i blame mr rollason for inciting such rebellions)... you can blame arts fac!
your class fund money is being used for photocopying and subsidising/ covering other smaller amounts.
and therefore cannot be used for this (also, the treasury is still relatively poor, though getting richer.)
arts fac items your money will cover:
1. t-shirt
2. badge
3. arts fac fund
thank you!
8:13 pm

this blog is dying, more people come back to post.
but for now.
let us all welcome the one newly raised and exalted from our midst: aparna! newly made raffles players' president! =D [applause]
congratulations darling!
11:55 pm

Actually wuz thinking of turning the meeting at Mark's on Saturday to a meeting cum Spanish party but now that I think of it, we probably shd keep it to just the Brainiest meeting coz we might not get anything done otherwise.
11:42 am

at this point i need to interject very loudly;
1-0!! 1-0!! 1-0!!!!!!
i rest my case.
hah how dare the unbelievers soil the shrine of a13a! =P tis amusing tho.
3:43 pm

I just found out that other classes play table tennis in our ts! Travesty!
11:11 am

"sex is nice, but your company is a lot better."
"in heaven, i will sing your praises, my sweet angel of mercy."
"you've been worn by more men than thrift store underwear."
"i've never seen you sad in the presence of a full glass of beer."
"it's easier to overlook your religion since i've pretty much been hoping to have sex with you since day one."
10:35 pm

proposal for saturday:
since, as reported in the chinese evening papers, they've nabbed the 10 losers who were going to ruin one of the most important matches of this season (yeah right.), nothing will stop the weekend tie between manyoo and pool from turning into a classic.
i wish.
anyway we could go to mark's place to mug maths for a few hours first (since we all don't want to move down the lt), say from 5 or something, then have dinner and watch the match of the decade unfold before our very eyes.
unless, of course, another ten losers try to ruin it.
subject to parents' approval.
"Merseyside derbies usually last 90 minutes and I'm sure today's won't be any different." -- Trevor Brooking
"I'm not a betting man... but I bet you Italy will win the game." -- Graham Taylor
"Gary (Lineker) always weighed up his options, especially when he had no choice." -- Kevin Keegan
10:13 pm

issue 1 of r[a] mag is finally out!
you all betta buy from me and kelly... or else XP
lame quotes from footballers and the like. i shall be posting two a day. there are 58 of them.
"The new West Stand casts a giant shadow over the pitch, even on a sunny day." -- Evening Standard
"Shearer could be at 100 per cent fitness, but not peak fitness." -- Graham Taylor
10:46 pm

I think Spanish party will be postponed coz of overload of concerts. Vaish will confirm this with us at sch. but if it is cancelled, mark can we still hang out at ur place? Coz got tv. and got aircon. LoL.
2:04 am

i have a $10 ticket!
Shirin and Andi decided on $10 tickets because they were broke at the time of purchase.
10:51 pm

yo dudes. who has $10 rj dance night tix? i just got one, and the only other person i know who has a $10 ticket is benuel.
10:28 pm

Yo people because i KNOW ya'll have been falling over your chairs and jumping off buildings in frustration when you cannot reach precious lil me, I've decided to be considerate and get a new number. so here it is. 981109807 I think. Or something like that. actually, u shd ask aparna. I can't remember what it is but it starts with 9 and ends with 07. If I remember correctly... yes. now now... *tries to keep jumping doggies down* DOWN CHILDREN! I know you love me but I really can't keep answering the phone so before it starts ringing off its hook (not that it has one) I'm going to plead with you to use the short message service instead of calling. Of course if u do call.......... I'll probably not pick up anyway! hahaha and before I go... *flings hands towards the adoring masses* I love ya'll! I love ya'll!
and I know you love me too *wink*
==this is a computer generated message and does not require a signature==
7:33 pm

today: all the girls skipped pe. -_-
we are going to be so dead next week...
we should come up with some kind of roster or something... we blueslip way too often
(in practical, not moral, terms).
class tea looks set to be moved to friday. most interesting sessions.
my mum saw me! how alarming--
especially since i wasn't exactly supposed to be there...
but never mind, she's being very liberal about it. thank goodness.
here is a lovely, lyrical poem.
from f. scott fitzgerald's /this side of paradise/
(fantastic book if you like whimsical writing):
Here, Earth-born, over the lilt of the water,
Lisping its music and bearing a burden of light,
Bosoming day as a laughing and radiant daughter...
Here we may whisper unheard, unafraid of the night.
Walking alone... was it splendor, or what, we were bound with,
Deep in the time when summer lets down her hair?
Shadows we loved and the patterns they covered the ground with
Tapestries, mystical, faint in the breathless air.
That was the day... and the night for another story,
Pale as a dream and shadowed with pencilled trees--
Ghosts of the stars came by who had sought for glory,
Whispered to us for peace in the plaintive breeze,
Whispered of old dead faiths that the day had shattered,
Youth the penny that bought delight of the moon;
That was the urge that we knew and the language that mattered
That was the debt that we paid to the usurer June.
Here, deepest of dreams, by the waters that bring not
Anything back of the past that we need not know,
What if the light is but sun and little streams sing not,
We are together, it seems... I have loved you so...
What did the last night hold, with the summer over,
Drawing us back to the home in the changing glade?
What leered out of the dark in the ghostly clover?
God! ... till you stirred in your sleep... and were wild afraid...
Well... we have passed... we are chronicle now to the eerie.
Curious metal from meteors that failed in the sky;
Earth-born the tireless is stretched by the water, quite weary,
Close to this ununderstandable changeling that's I...
Fear is an echo we traced to Security's daughter;
Now we are faces and voices... and less, too soon,
Whispering half-love over the lilt of the water...
Youth the penny that bought delight of the moon.
6:52 pm

im bored. econs mugging is terribly unproductive because i get distracted by the most inane things, for example, the state of my nails. what a thing to get distracted by. argh. maybe i'll pon tomorrow. but then i'll have to study next week -and- prepare for the interview. BAH. and i've slept the past three days away.
go download friends everybody! the one with phoebe's husband!! season 2 episode 4. priceless.
4:43 pm

haha choon. we can see you're bored.
...you watched taking lives? issit good? i wanna watch also...
are we still going to all inaugurate our uniforms on monday?
not sure if everyone's got their uniforms yet...
about the interviews: i have a feeling that stuff about that arts school is gonna pop up somewhere.
raymond carver is somehow so bloody depressing.
so very bleak.
i'm gonna read more of his stories.
10:59 pm

hey guyS!!
actually ms lim said just come up with the script first
and since this is like a student thing
its kind of informal anyway
right now im just readingthrough the play
and putting notes in places where i tihnk a song might fit
or a dance
maybe after we get MORE things done
den we can make a proposal
do u think
im eating hobnobs
sounds so nice
but its actually
bloody things
bloody price
i like to play
i don't like to bum
my interview is on monday too
somehow im not scared or anything
i think 10 years later ill look back n think how funny everything is
in 10 years time ill be 27
hopefully with a kid
i could be a single parent marching along the Seine
playing with my kid
on the way to look for his/her long lost father who lives somewhere in Paris
in order to get the divorce papers signed
den after that i could go back to my workplace in Finland or smth
and my kid would learn finnish
or maybe ill star in some movie n get lots of money
i watched taking lives!!
maybe i wun haf a kid.. ill jus be alONE.
im chao bored lah sTONED
6:02 pm

i don't know about oxford, but in the US, universities do offer Economics alone for undergrad. Not all universities, but most of the prominent ones.
And Antony & Cleopatra - we should come up with a proper proposal and get it approved by the powers that be, and then officially get people to sign up for scriptwriting etc. Or are we just going to do it traditional-style? We should keep producing and directorial duties to ourselves so that we have full control! *evil megalomaniacal laughter* For acting, backstage, costumes/makeup etc I think we should open it to the whole arts fac, but that can come later. Maybe I can come up with a rough proposal by Monday or Tuesday, how about that?
9:13 pm
Vivien @fashfix:

AHH! i just realised that my interview is on monday!! WAH!!!!! kitson n claudia!.. can u like tela
pathetically (spell??) transfer all ur current affairs knowledge to me =(
oh n i asked around too so prep urselves for questions on ur leadership potential/quality. for monday im gonna b a christian who helps out at church a lot with YF n cell group shit. since i have NO leadership position crap in school =/
6:41 pm

anthony and cleopatrA!!
we MUST make a play claSS!!!
dreams can come true!!... i hope
it sounds so shakey thouhg
it might crumble any moment
not for now though.... hopefully
damn im late.
4:21 pm

my fren told me that they asked some snr why he chose to go to rj
cos he was from chinese high
and they asked him about his cca.. which is rugby
so yea
its pretty random
but apparently for the majority raffles population... raffles family population.. rgS and rI asses
we get questions on current affairs
so people
go learn about your indonesians and whatnots
i shall go and ask around more...
go class!!
we can do it!
how nationalistic ^_^
3:38 pm

journalism... the only sort i'm interested in is that of the national geographic variety.
bleargh. looks like the civil service for me ;p
8:32 pm

what of
and let's make a list of current affairs issues (my knowledge of which is sadly lacking).
- bird flu
- madrid bombings
- iraq
- elections in indonesia/ malaysia
what else?
8:30 pm

i heard Bianca chan got the jardine scholarship!!!!!
how coool is THAT!!!?!?!?! no friggin BONDS *faints*
but then her portfolio is remarkable
anyway i hope ruth and sophia become counsellors!!!!!
and i hope we make a play!!! and we get a kitchen!!!!
suzy why did u flood the whole page with jokes!? and htank you claudiA!!
let me spot interview questions:
1) Do you want to work for the government in the future? (If yes see 2. If not see 3.
2) For which section of the government? See 4.
3) Why do you want to get the Humanities Scholarship? (Go to 5.)
4) Do you wish to enter politics? (If yes, see 6. If not, see 7)
5) How do you think you can contribute to the country? (see 8)
6) Here's a registration form for Young PAP. Thank you very much for your time. We expect to see you $2000 richer soon.
7) So you'd rather stay at home and write stories? See 9.
8) Will you migrate overseas... do you think? see 9.
9) It has been a really enjoyable time talking to you. (see 10 or 11. throw 2 dice or smth)
10) Thank you very much for your time.
11) We expect to see you $2000 richer soon.
lalalalal im so boreddddd
let's spot more questions!!!!
5:39 pm

hi people i hope this post gets published testing testing
5:29 pm

wah lao. trust shoujie!! i post helpful research on scholarships and universities so you have stuff to talk about if they ask you that for your interview, and what does he post?? fat jokes!!!
......-_-;;; anyways scroll down past all that nonsense to read that post. grin.
11:49 pm

i feel like preparing for my interview, so have been doing more research on scholarships. personal choice as follows:
Jardine Foundation
SPH Journalism
PSC Scholarships
universities online:
oxford [
trinity college!!!!]
[ok. let's make a concession to the people who won't be able to read if their index finger's chopped off]
yeahyeah someone post links to american universities. i can only post this one offhand, my cousin's going there soon.
a spot of research produced this:
what constitutes 'ivy league'? for a starter on us uni education.
more surfing and i get good vibes from
dartmouth and
brown. esp dartmouth, which feels like a less poseur cornell. cornell is like the ultimate poseur lib arts college.
anyone who wants to go to the beeeg beeeeg names like harvard pooh go and research yourself.
hope this helped.
11:28 pm

just checking...
is anyone in class in possession of my copy of sigur ros' agaetis byrjun?
i can't seem to find it anywhere at home.
i will cry if i lose it... it cost me 14pounds...
12:25 am

and make sure your sound's on!!
and look especially at 'bluebirds in spring'!
(francais mauvais = bad french i.e. poor french)
10:34 pm

look at this site:
it's hilariously (?) adorable.
now you know where the muffins come from.
...actually, not really.
10:30 pm

yo choon!!
anyways. who wants to post soph and ruth's campaign posters here?
4:49 pm

i got in alreadY!
but i couldnt' post yesterday
chon hwee
1:39 pm

i've added you three times! i think blogger's got a prejudice of late, against hotmail addresses. do you have an email address with any other domain?
anyway will send you another invite.
EDIT: according to blogger, you're already in the blog - for both superoldgranny and tiger_koh.
blogger is very screwed up.
but just go to blogger.com and see if you can get your password sent to you or something.
10:13 pm

i live in complete utter dread of what maybe a 2.4 timed trial run during pe tmr.
12:20 am