
haven't posted here in what seems like eons. guess i'd drop by to say something before i go on north to experience the jolly wonky weather of england (and miss the european grand prix, the french open final, the first week of euro2004, class/og/cca/old class outings galore etc etc etc).
has shane been inducted into this hall of lame?
(btw those of you going for e lit trip - PLS PLS PLS someone bring a FILLED-IN copy of the latest econs notes... i need to fill in my own.
and boof if emily asks for our phone numbers pls giv her mine and inform her that i'll meet you guys at heathrow. gracias.)
will miss you lot for e next 3 weeks...bah.
12:44 am

shoojee makes a smart suggestion.
i can make it monday afternoon - who else can?
9:10 am

Encyclopedia of Revolutions of 1848
this is really useful for history people! one million articles on the 1848 revolutions in europe (italy, germany). bios of the people you need bios of and those you don't. articles on regions, organisations, etc. freaking useful.
a simpler timeline, lacks detail but can be researched on.
much more detailed article on italy, 1848 from wikipedia
10:56 pm

i feel missed!! how touching =)
movie: what's it about? i am sadly ignorant.
and anyway i'm broke... though there have been offers to sponsor me
(i have lovely classmates)
and -some people- have been advising me to embezzle the class funds.
unfortunately there are NO class funds to embezzle. !!
and as your trusty treasurer, can you really see me doing that? -innocent-
in any case thank goodness wednesday is a holiday. kindof. or slack day.
if i spend the rest of the days like i did today i will collapse/ blow up by the end of the week.
(falling asleep in math, trying to sleep in a/c lit, and i'm sure everyone else has it as bad)
kitson has infected everyone with his cold!! twit.
aps was disgusted today by the thought of all the germs floating around, circulating
ts epidemic!
wednesday, wednesday! i haven't been down to support a sports match in ages
and i'm dying to see rugby.
--no, not the way you're thinking. ;p
in other news (goodness i sound like i'm adopting this blog)
my chinese oral is still abyssmal. is that how you spell it?
at least chinese is (marginally) more fun now..
and the french ca wasn't too bad either. they give really strange marks, like 0.25 and 0.75, and the whole thing is out of 20. i am mystified.
doesn't the phrase "send us good summer" sound so villagey and old-time and lovely?
10:06 pm

i think we should go see eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, as a class!
i do have a personal vendetta against jim carrey for contaminating the world with too much stupid slapstick comedy, but i will have to sacrifice that because i've heard nothing but good things about this movie. however, kelly's going out of town on friday (ohmigod that's in five days! kelly babe i'm missing you already!) and then vaish is leaving on saturday morning and i'm not sure when soph's leaving and then seven of us are leaving on thursday, so basically it's got to be before friday unless we decide to forget about vaish and kel. and i shall be nice here and say that they're not easily forgettable people, nor would i really like to forget them. unfortunately, i'm not really free until friday evening, so how??? and saturday's out because i have stuff the whole day - so unless anybody wants to forget about MOI!
anyway: decide soon, people!
11:15 pm

yea yea lets go!!
how about kitsons house on 1 june?! its like a sunday or monday right?!!?
or tuesdae?
we could rent a video
and den watch and eat and ... make his mum mad hahaha
and we could use that party to truly officially initiate shane too!!!
shane is a nice name
its two lips away from shame
like if u press them together
ok nvm
we we we like to party
we we we like to party
... i think.
chOon HWEE
3:48 pm

what's shane's email address!
and handphone number and stuff!?
and someone add him to the egroups!
and someone show him this blog address, and add him!
11:10 pm

can we have a party pleeeaassseee? half the class is going off for the uk trip, and others *cough* are going elsewhere and it's going to be AGES before we see each other again! and i bet noone will come in the june hols cos everyone'll be panicking for common tests (i already am!!!) and while the uk people will get to see each other ad nauseam, i wont get to see anyone for three whole weeks!!! so we should have a party, like on friday to mark the end of school or sth!!! then when i leave on saturday, i can look through all the photos i WILL take and feel happy happy happy =)
comecome, satisfy vaish's wants!
2:52 pm

I've finally cleared out my clogged up e-mail box thank heavens. I just thought I'd pop by to say hi and I miss u all very much. see you tomorrow! muakz. by the way, I broke up with aps just now. :~(
3:38 pm

argghhhh!!! someone MAKE ME do my history essaY!
i hate kwok.
and on another note, my sharukh poster fell off =( so now im propping him up against my bed. poor thinggg.
9:36 pm

hello my dears! here to make a special announcement.
chocolate buffet outing,
6.30pm, city hall mrt. we'll walk over to fullerton, where the choc buffet's being held. it's pretty ex tho- $24++ per head if i'm not wrong. eeps.
i just checked the fullerton site and it says that the buffet only starts at 8- so do you all still want to meet at 6.30, or would later be better?
[later note: aps has an idea: clarke quay!]
5:22 pm

jo is josephine, our senior!
and what is WITH the disappearing Silas Marners? it's getting terribly fishy, like is there some gang in the school that goes around picking up unattended Silas Marners?!
and, did everyone get the news that Shane's coming to our class and Matthias and Rebecca are going to 1b and those are all the people that are moving? because that means that noone's going to be kicked out! we'll have 20 people in our class and that's fine! yay!
and i don't know shane, but i'm told by pretty reliable sources that he's a nice guy.
they'll be moving next week, so make room :)
i love all of you very very much! i no longer feel depressed that some of you may have to move! all is well in the world! my heart is swelling with joy, i kid you not. i feel embarrassed by my emotions, in fact.
incidentally, hope the 2.4 went well! i was observing the extreme sunlight and feeling great sympathy for you poor souls having to run in the sun. hopefully in two weeks when i have to take it, the sun will be a little less harsh. i wish i could take it on a saturday morning, really. that would be great.
haha, ok. i'm going to go take a nap now.
5:35 pm

re shoojee
quite dangerous, i suppose.
re vaish/ aps
i realise i have nothing more to say on the issue anyway.
not now. another day maybe.
or maybe i should just shut up and hold my peace eternally.
(and stop being so damn cynical about the whole issue.)
or maybe it's the time of the night, again
or just coming down from today's relative high
this is not versification. it's just. how i blog.
viva espana
this is pretty much a fantastic class ;p
even if the only spanish thing, in the end, was the salad. hee.
i love salads. (they're easy.) hm. i should learn something else.
i realise i've had a strange childhood:
growing up with a fascination for war stories and war games
or at the very least rescue missions
during which my stuffed toys would be stuck in an explosive volcano, or similar
i know much of the world war 2 trivia that the guys know
(at least, more than expected of me?)
--and i never realised it was a guy thing, before this year.
but for all that perhaps i am not really any less feminine.
more risk!!
10:01 pm

if she can take in the son and treat him as her own, then she's got to be greatly admired.
but there's definitely some reason she's doing all this.. do you think it's really possible to love a man so much that you'd do anything for him, including forgive an affair and take in his child?
and what happens to the mistress?
and can the man stop his affair habits, you think?
plus the whole "it's not love, it's spite. why let her win?" thing is sort of fishy.
and the wife kept going on about how it's practical to just stay together. maybe she doesn't really care.
but then again, she's been supporting her husband for more than two years.
it's really quite interesting.
but love is a complex thing.. i guess it happens through, women forgiving their husbands' misdemeanours and staying with them because they love them. only this women, being financially the upper hand in the relationship, i can't quite see her being all submissive and stuff.
i guess we really are a bit too young to figure out why she'd do it, from her point of view. we should bring it up in purvis' next lesson. someone remember to.
very confusing.
11:07 pm

the mind boggles.
that someone could actually find the strength to do something like that within her.
still, there's a nagging question:
what if she has no other choice?
i wonder whether she really forgave him, or figured that the alternative, to go back and live with her relatives, would be much worse.
this man cheated on his wife. he brought his mistress into the very house where she was living, on a false pretext. he brings up the topic of divorce and agrees that it would be completely justified. he's baiting her.
and yet
she doesnt leave.
i wouldnt be too quick to go by the straits times alone. virtuous women sell more copies than human women.
5:11 pm

while you're at it,
this is simply disturbing.
"dominatrices and alpha males", i quote eugene, on his blog.
what twisted minds. ;p
francis loh incident--
my mum suggests that the wife is really very... smart? savvy?
because--presumably--what the husband, or at least his mistress, wants
is for the wife to divorce him. so he can marry the mistress.
and perhaps she feels it isn't right to give in to him that way.
and also, the daughter. you know what they always say--"for the children".
though i do agree that it is amazing that she's willing to take in the son.
the lovechild, bastard child (ouch), whichever.
maybe it's the only way to keep her husband:
he could always use that against her--look, he's younger, i need to support them
the daughter being 17. older, less need for me.
in the end why do people marry?
would you marry someone if you didn't love the person?
how easy do you think it is to stay faithful?
10:34 pm

updates on brainiest rafflesian!
round 1
round 2: lit, geog, music, maths, fashion, sports, movies, science
round 3: first 15
round 2: current affairs (i need another 6 questions.)
choon? kitson? ruth? one of you three should have it. SEND. IT. NOW.
round 3: i STILL need another 27 raffles trivia questions. i messaged 3 people (derrick, shoujie, vivien) to help, if you can, please? even if you weren't messaged and you happen to read this PLEASE do some and send them to me. if you haven't done anything for the quiz yet (there are people who haven't and i know who you are) DO THIS.
12:48 pm

Hye u uys dun forget to go Kitson's palce on Monday at 12 noon hokay? And bring food. =P I've flooded ur e-mail boxes with recipes. heh...
11:28 am

yay! progress!
the areas of the quiz now complete are:
round 2: lit, geog, music, maths, fashion, sports, movies
the areas of the quiz for which questions have been submitted but haven't been completed yet:
round 1: vaish, i need the mcqs.
round 2: science (zhian- need soft copy; choon- need understandable questions), current affairs (kitson- submit your questions), history (i still have not seen anything!)
round 3: i have 18 questions- i still need another 27, on raffles trivia.
i need someone to help me compile the questions and answers for the emcees. volunteers? or i will arrow people who don't seem to have done anything so far.
also needed, proofreaders- noticed a lot of spelling/typo/grammer/phrasing errors while i was processing questions, might have missed some, so i need people to go through every single question and check for these errors. if we have questions on the screen that has mispeellings, or capital leTTers in the WRong place, it looks really bad.
1:31 am

this is beautiful. i hope i haven't posted it here before. =)
The last light fades and drifts across the land--the low, long land, the sunny land of spires; the ghosts of evening tune again their lyres and wander singing in a plaintive band down the long corridors of trees; pale fires echo the night from tower top to tower: Oh, sleep that dreams, and dream that never tires, press from the petals of the lotus flower something of this to keep, the essence of an hour.
No more to wait the twilight of the moon in this sequestered vale of star and spire, for one eternal morning of desire passes to time and earthly afternoon. Here, Heraclitus, did you find in fire and shifting things the prophecy you hurled down the dead years; this midnight my desire will see, shadowed among the embers, furled in flame, the splendor and the sadness of the world.
--/this side of paradise/, f. scott fitzgerald.
9:11 pm

the questions for these areas are in and are being processed.
round 1.
round 2:
round 3.
these areas of the quiz are incomplete.
round 2:
current affairs*
those marked with *, i have seen
absolutely nothing at all. +, i've seen questions but
in formatting that can't be processed. (see below for how to format)
our tech run IS ON THURSDAY, which is LESS THAN 48 HOURS AWAY. if we cannot have a tech run with the complete quiz, you all know why. it takes me about an hour plus to complete one area for round 2. that means another 7 hours of work for me. which will be over saturday night if you all do not give grace and i your stuff
BY NOW. with the exception of movies/entertainment and fashion, if i do not see questions correctly formatted and sent by soft copy to my email by tomorrow, i will find creative ways to do unusual things to your (yes, your) computer.
at this point: vaish, shoujie, derrick and yiting are paragons of virtue- they did what they were supposed to! thankyoU! =D=D
11:24 pm

alright. the most major parts of the quiz are completed already, and all that remains now is for the questions to be inserted into the html and some minor html editing to be done. in order to facilitate my editing of 165 html files, could you please follow this format when submitting your questions to grace and i?
1. compile all the questions for one subject into the same document
(i.e. just one file for one subject- combine your work with your partner's)
2. randomise the order of the questions
(this is to ensure that questions are not biased to some order, like chronological etc)
3. make sure the questions are not numbered and the answers follow on a different line
(for easier copying)
4. hand it to us in soft copy, i.e. word doc, i.e. through email/msn ftp
by 8pm, tuesday, may 4
your document should look like this:
When did xxxxxx xxx xxxx?
What does xxxxx xxxxx xx?
and so on
i'm terribly sorry to have to be so anal but i have to edit every single html file one by one and this all needs to be done by thursday or friday, so to speed things up for me just do some formatting and tidying up on your part k? also, i have temporarily cut down the number of questions per specialist area from 18 to 15- having to do 30 less files for now would be a load off, and i really doubt if they can get that far. still, submit as many questions as you've got, but please please follow the instructions for formatting as above. THANKYOU!
(kelly you don't need to- the lit part is complete. the only part complete with questions too, i might add.)
11:35 pm

i have finished working out the tech for the quiz, which means that we can run the quiz on a projector with pretty graphics. but ONLY IF the questions are handed in to grace very, very soon. so please
pleaseplease hand in your questions to grace if you haven't done so. if you have, [choice of deity] bless you.
grace could you please mail the questions for round 1 at least? and maybe some of the categories for round 2. whatever you've got so far, if it's convenient for you.
8:21 pm