more randomness.

the world is lovely, if tired.
choon. love the mecano song you sent--
une femme avec une femme.
wiggy says it reminds him of those old chinese songs on his dad's car radio
the feel, i guess. yes.
then i checked the lyrics, and i swear it's a beautiful song.
just something about the french and the way she sings it.
8:42 pm
absolut garbage

butch vig is god.
Clutch your pictures of the Pope. (just like I told you)
Pray to God for love and hope. (just like I warned you)
Bring the Virgin home for luck. (just like I told you)
Bolt the door, try to keep it shut. (just like I warned you)
I'm overworked but I'm undersexed
I must be made of concrete
If we sleep together
Will you like me better
I think I'm paranoid
And complicated
I think I'm paranoid
Manipulate it
Trying hard to fit among you
Floating out to wonderland
God I'm pregnant
Damn the consequences
excerpts of lyrics off garbage's version 2.0, which is perma-stuck in my laptop/pc/radio.
2:29 pm
u2 - who's gonna ride your wild horses

you're dangerous
'cause you're honest
you're dangerous
'cause you don't know what you want
well you left my heart
empty as a vacant lot
for any spirit to haunt
hey hey shalala
hey hey shalalala
who's gonna ride your wild horses
who's gonna drown in your blue sea
who's gonna ride your wild horses
who's gonna fall at the foot of thee
well you stole it
'cause i needed the cash
and you killed it
'cause i needed revenge
well you lied to me
'caused i asked you to
can we still be friends?
hey hey shalala
hey hey shalalala
who's gonna ride your wild horses
who's gonna drown in your blue sea
who's gonna ride your wild horses
who's gonna fall at the foot of thee
oh....the deeper i spin
the hunter will sin for your ivory skin
took a drive in the dirty rain
to a place where the wind calls your name
under the trees the river laughing
at you and me...
hallelujah, heaven's white rose
and the doors you open
i just can't close
don't turn around
don't turn around
don't turn around
your gypsy heart
don't turn around
don't turn around again
don't turn around
and don't look back
come on now, love
don't you look back
who's gonna ride your wild horses
who's gonna drown in your blue sea
who's gonna taste your salt water kisses
who's gonna take the place of me
who could tame the heart of thee...
-- comparing these lyrics (1990) with those in the latest album i cannot help feel a sense of loss. what happened to bono?!
10:33 pm
film and other stuff.

so shall we set up a film division? i'll need help, of course, but i'm confident i can get plenty of that considering the dramatic inclinations of our class. :) i shall have to discuss it with mrs perry, of course. hopefully they'll be ok with it. it'll be ultra-cool if i can revolutionise rp in our year! of course that might be unrealistic, but we can try. that's what we did with lysis, after all :)
andandand. a&c how? are the other humanz people game for it, you think? it'll be fun to do something together as humanz. and it'll be a fantastic way to get to know the play better. the drama night, unlike the film division, has a very high likelihood of being approved. only thing is, the dates have to be maneuvered carefully because there's dramafest and j2 common tests and mrs perry's production. all around the beginning of the year. but yeah, if ac can manage 6 productions a year, we can aspire for the same!
i can't find 'daisy pulls it off' online.. i think i may make a trip to the esplanade library today. i don't feel like hanging around at home, and i haven't bothered enough with math this morning to be able to go to school in time for math lec test, like i initially planned to. sigh. meaning i'm missing purvis and pw -again-. after this i am really not going to skip school for a long time. i have to regain my good (was it ever?) rep with teachers etc. at this rate i'm really going to get shitty recommendations.
i feel sleepy. and my leaky knee is annoying cos i have to think first before flopping down on the bed, for fear that i might flop onto my knee and the pus or whatever might leak again. ew. it's been more than 48 hours already and it hasn't scabbed over. hmm. should i be worried?
9:48 am

this song is the epitome of melancholia - of exclusion, of the loss of words, of loneliness, of what could have been.
it isn't enough to read the lyrics to this song - you have to listen to it in order to appreciate the full onslaught of the icy blue wave that the song is.
if you want to ride on it, that is. :p
rows of houses
all bearing down on me
i can feel their blue hands touching me
all these things into position
all these things we'll one day
swallow whole
and fade out again
and fade out
this machine will
will not communicate
these thoughts and
the strain i am under
be a world child
form a circle
before we all
go under
and fade out again
and fade out again
cracked eggs
dead birds
scream as they fight for life
i can feel death
can see its beady eyes
all these things into position
all these things
we'll one day swallow whole
and fade out again
and fade out
immerse your soul in love
your soul
1:23 am

a melancholy sort of night
a face like summer, i think ... somewhere dusk..
josh groban plays from the computer--i hate the phrase
as if it were as inanimate as that. as if music--
italian seems almost too good to use for everyday
you would expect romantic things to be said in it.
in italian, spanish, maybe even french: imagine,
pass the pepper, please. bless you. but even that:
vaulted cathedrals, the shuddering echoes inside.
this is called romanticising. just a language, after all.
but then communication is such a beautiful thing.
communication, communion. for which one does not need words, i suppose.
perhaps even the deepest kind is that which is wordless--
free of the boundaries, of narrow meanings and imprecision.
tonight is a night to be sad on.
--if i had anything to be sad about, which i don't at this point.
a strange beauty in sorrow seen from a distance.
not so close up. people never cry the way we like to say they do.
do you ever wonder what the future holds?
here we have it so nicely planned out. as if it will neatly fit into a box.
as if all is happiness and success,
as if all obstacles can be overcome.
as if what is left beautiful by the side of the road will never call to us,
as if we can look at it and smile and move on.
how do you want to live, really? happy in the maze of corridors that leads to your hdb flat, your house? the safe route, certainly.
would you dare try what you only dream of; do you have urbanised dreams?
what of the wilder: are they, too, born of a romanticism that we associate with the country, the exotic?
in that case, less valid?
the worst is this: imagine following that steep winding staircase up to the top and finding that it isn't, after all, a bell tower.
but what else could it be. so then
imagine that you look down and see only grey roofs, narrow streets, the weary yellow sky. imagine reaching the top and then beginning to believe that these were your original dreams.
(anyway, excuse me. i feel like thinking fragmentedly.)
10:05 pm
drama is fun!

yes i want to direct a&c next year! if we can have a production that is. i think it should be possible. i reallyreallyreally want to. humanz can do a&c and i'll propose to the arts people that they do othello. i told nasty already to propose it as an arts fac drama night. it'll be funfunfun! and we can use the drama centre at the new campus because i'll make mrs perry let us! fantastic! we must have next year pouring with drama productions, just like ac. eventually we can maybe even spend the amount of money on productions that they do! (possibly...)
and vaish we'll try and have you direct the openhouse play, if the rest of the rp committee is ok with it. must have a meeting about that asap. and then there's dramafeste as well, which i did want to direct but there are so many other people who'll be wanting to.. have to see about that later. i want to focus more on directing now, although besides that there'll be mrs perry's BIGBIG production next year which i assume we'll all audition for - lots of female parts, she says. yay! although she hasn't revealed what exactly the play is yet. maybe she'll tell us on tuesday.
oh and i wanted to do a film next year. we must set up a film division for RP next year, although that won't quite be 'players'. hmmm. food for thought. ideas, anyone?
12:29 pm

haha NOW arent you glad i
bullied encouraged you to try out for lysis?! from "oh fine just read lines with vivien for her part ok?" to this!
i love saying i told you so, especially for good stuff like this. yayyy =)
anyway! i must be firm and stick to my promise of beginning the mugging proper with the end of lysis. study group sessions are to be renewed! to all who dont know, there will be study sessions every thursday from 5 onwards. whether silent or discussion, up to you, but we MUST study all the same.
and even if anyone's interested, you shall be seeing me in the canteen. so yes. we will face doom bravely!
12:43 am

the last time i blgoged here my entry got erased!
our class + lysistrata is so cool!
i feel so happy that almost half our class is involved.. n for e other half.. nvm its alright! we'll all haf fun nxt time
n tt sophie vivi and me are e 3 women! so happy!
im in baby yellow colour mood
cheers choon
12:28 am

sound of vaish's head hitting keyboard. oiodfkjfdaks.
i am soooooo tired.
yet im here.
goot night all.
and i need a back rub!
12:56 am

Claud, I totally agree!
Wait - that is the Vid/Ranon/Abby/Anj class right? Yup, they're such a funky class! Lit and econs and science, terribly funky. Although nothing beats the arts classes still :) Whoopee!
I have a feeling our class is going to be -very- empty tomorrow. We're such BAD people.
11:48 pm

What kind of Title could I have put up there without making our plan sound cheesy and immature? Has everyone heard of the Plan we have come up with regarding our expat teachers next year? I suppose not. But you will soon. Please enquire with your classmates who know about this for details. And please remember that our deadline is in 2 weeks time from now. preferably sooner so we have time to compile everything. Please try to keep all this down (ie. don't make it the talk of the day). I know posting it on the blog is a little un subtle but it's a good way of spreading the news, reminding people about it.
Format of our Compilation
content page
general report (we shall call them reports for now) - done by the debaters
Specific reports - done by class on behalf of the entire humans cohort.
Copies of the survey form that all non-RI people got
All this will be bound into a proper book and will be submitted to the relevent parties on
Teachers Day. Please be enthusiastic. You know you want this too. To whoever reads this, please do not blow this up yes? We don't want disruptions to the whole running of things. Thank you. May this serve us well.
Auspicium Melioris Aevi. =P
4:55 pm

thank you. oooh i need to do that. swear swear swear filthy obscene word! blog for more details.
anyhow i think my favourite science class is 1S03L. this is a flagrant show of biasedness, because there are
probably loads of other funky science classes
in alternate universes out there, but the funky class i know best is 3L so until the rest assert themselves, 1S03L stays my favourite science class! muack.
12:26 am

i have gone public! heh.
now claud's glorious template is for all to see.
will still be keeping my other site, though.
refer to
http://falsealarms.blogspot.com for details.
8:51 pm

josh groban performed a song with joshua bell on the violin!!
it's called
mi mancherai (il postino).
i am unbelievably pleased =) not forgetting that all this is produced by david foster.
i think good musicians have much appeal.
10:16 am
daggers and heroes and other lovely things

hahaha my title is so very phallic.
just saw kelly's post about my conversation with her, and am very amused. didn't realise that the conversation looked so funny until just now. hee.
and takeshi is wayy better than andy lau! but zz is better than both of them.and wiggy's post was probably the first time i've heard him saying that a female was gorgeous. i think it's the first time, or maybe i don't listen to him enough. but yeah, that bit where they were lying in the meadow, beautifulbeautifulbeautiful. even her boobs looked good. i love the colour of her skin! incidentally, i can't pronounce zhang ziyi's name. or atleast it sounds wrong. someone teach me how. oh yeah takeshi looks wayy better in a western suit. like at his movie premieres - he is SO hot.
anyway, i want to watch Hero!!! can someone lend me a dvd or vcd or something?!
am presently listening to the lysistrata soundtrack. el camino real is amusing and very long. it means 'the real road'. what an odd title. and celtic music is very very relaxing, and the gladiator theme rocks, and i love zero 7! there's no celtic music on the soundtrack though - lysistrata can't have soothing music, can it?
shoojee! return kel's secret garden so that i can borrow it!
1:57 pm
david foster.

ahhhhhhhhh david foster produced josh groban's cds!!!!
who wrote the winter olympics song that i am so in love with at the moment.
it's beautifully inspiring, in a way that isn't preachy:
here you are, this is what you can do. the power of instrumentals.
and josh groban.
really i can do nothing but smile.
10:29 pm
daggers and boys

i like takeshi more. angular features appeal to me. actully, strange features appeal to me, but nevermind, i constantly amuse kelly with my random, absurd choices of eyecandy. i shall download it, i suppose, my sister wants to watch it too so i might go with her some time soon.
a little song for our
boys in the band
You're walking like you never seen the light
You're walking like it every night
But I've never seen you dance
And I've never heard you sing
So how can it mean a single thing?
It's all so rudimentary
You're talking like your handy in a fight
You talk about it every night
But I've never seen your flowers,
in the barrel of a gun
All I've ever seen you do is run
Not a rude boy you're the gentry
So tell me baby how does it feel
I know you like the roll of the limousine wheel
And they all get them out for
(they all get them out)
The boys in the band
(only for the boys in the band)
They scream and they shout for
(twist and scream and shout)
For the boys in the band
(only for the boys in the band)
You're walking like you never seen the light
You're walking like it every night
But I've never seen you laugh,
and I've never seen you cry
One of those things that darling you must try
It's all so rudimentary
Now I'm jealous, I'm jealous of my own
I've no homestead but through these hearts I will roam
And they all get them out for
(they all get them out)
The boys in the band
(only for the boys in the band)
Yes they all roll them out for
(twist and scream and shout)
The boys in the band
Only for the boys in the band
Well tell me baby how does it feel
I know you like the roll of the limousine wheel
And they all get them out for
(they all get them out)
The boys in the band
(only for the boys in the band)
They scream and they shout for
(twist and scream and shout)
For the boys in the band
(only for the boys in the band)
what a marvellous round of song. shane learn the bass riff for this please!! come, 13a, we need a guitarist- yeekiat should not be kept from his sax. =D hm. did that sound bad to you too?
11:29 pm
house of flying daggers

is simply absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
ok well not as gorgeous as hero last year(?). also the camerawork was not very good at parts.
but it's be hard to expect anything to match that masterpiece.
zhang ziyi was gorgeous. especially in that part after she and takeshi kaneshiro's character made love in the autumn meadows, and the camera pans over the two of them. so bloody gorgeous.
and the fight in the bamboo forest. bee-yoo-tee-ful.
the storyline was tried, tested and ultimately *slightly* cheesy.
(won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it but intend to.)
suffice to say that the movie is not called shi mian mai fu (literally ambush on multiple fronts) for nothing.
those who haven't watched it esp. choon and randy (who were supposed to join us but were caught up some way or other) HAVE to watch it.
if only for the art and the soundscapes.
< /gush>
10:47 pm

see what intelligent arguments /house of flying daggers/ sparked off:
roses for each night's reward says:
and andy lau is hot!
Diva! | the onion life. says:
andy lau is NOT hot
Diva! | the onion life. says:
takeshi is much hotter
Diva! | the onion life. says:
and andy lau was an annoying character
Diva! | the onion life. says:
(sorry, i'm very typical. almost always on the good guy's side.)
and noo takeshi is cute. andy lau is hot, in the intense sort of way
Diva! | the onion life. says:
andy lau wasn't hot at all
Diva! | the onion life. says:
ok takeshi is cuter than he is hot
Diva! | the onion life. says:
Diva! | the onion life. says:
because he's not really intense, although lookss-wise definitely hotter than cute
Diva! | the onion life. says:
but andy lau is not attractive in any way whatsoever!
roses for each night's reward says:
he is hotttttttttt
roses for each night's reward says:
he issssssssss
Diva! | the onion life. says:
no he isssssn'tttttt
i am tempted to put forth a rational argument on why andy lau is so much hotter than takeshi in the movie. but i don't find them -particular- hot. comparative thing. something i'd like to challenge. ;p
9:39 pm

heyhey what's happening tomorrow? are we still co-ordinating what we're wearing? or has it been reduced to girls only? or no-one?
9:11 pm

q upset that batchelor din want to sign my blue slip.. esp when sowden and prince were like.. tell us the REAL reasno and we'll make him sign...
obviously playing risk is 'interdit'
so mean
and when batch sed no
the other two tchers were obsessed by their teaas andcoffees
so sad
i wanna play risk
10:59 am
also to various people

aps: aye rasam dinner's fine. no lysis rehearsals then i hope!
choon: haha looking forward to meeting your taiwanese girl. do you all know that on thursday, rolly came up to us lit-boarders in the concourse and told us that:
mr hodge will be sitting in on his lecture this tues.
and yeah i might have to let ms ho down too. and ms salina. and hong laoshi. and mrs seah. and...
=( i feel work-laden. but not as much as some of you- =) smile yiting!
3:07 pm
rasam rice party

fucking taiwan immersion dance is at 4 tomorrow, so rasam rice party is postponed by two hours, meaning it might as well be for dinner. sorry to everyone who can't stay for dinner. party starts at 430, rasam rice at about 730-ish. this is truly screwed up.
1:20 pm
to various people!

To Shoojee: thank you for the apology, but really, it wasn't you. It was just everything in general which led to minor things pissing me off. Your part in it, if anything, was miniscule. Of course everything doesn't seem particularly minor to me still because the entire memory of that day is really very messed up, but in the grand scheme of things everything's trivial. And I have to agree with Vaish - you and Choon were amazing for pulling off the Oliver Twist thing so quickly, and yes, gracefully. I'm really sorry for repeatedly coming to the canteen and yelling at the class and interrupting the Risk...
To Choon: your post was really funny! and the whole thing about tsz san's guy/danleong's guy/your girl was rather.. gay =P or it sounded gay. anyway, there'll also be indians in the lecture! me and vaish! so that's singaporeans malaysians taiwanese french indians british!
and i can't do the stupid gp essay by tomorrow!!! rathiho shall have to be disappointed in me :(
i have a huge load of work to do today plus i have to go for some stupid dance rehearsal and relearn a whole dance within 2 hours which will be performed tomorrow for -your- taiwan immersion people! sighhhhh i plan today to do rolly's position paper, ecosn essay outline and redo gp application. the rest of the time will be spent withering at dance rehearsal, and spending 4 hours in fine arts related activities - ie the music/dance place that vaish also goes to, where i have music then one hour of nothign where i will sit unhappily in the open-air, fanless airconless auditiorium because the airconditioned waiting room has been taken over by a music class due to the severe lack of space in that crumbling building (it's worse than rj, except that the classrooms have aircon. but the two toilets are lizard-infested, which is beyond disgusting. but today, in between classes i will walk to mustafa and buy printer cartridge because we've run out and my dad hasn't bought any and my parents will be out of town until wednesday and my darling brother cannot live without a functional printer until then. and after that one hour break, i have dance, the very thought of which exhausts me. my goodness i'm perpetually ranting about my tragic life on one blog or another. haha. but the whole sunday exercise of fine arts is really annoying. i wish it could be some other day. sundays should not be destroyed like this. sundays should be for sleep.
to the class:
1. apologies for bad mood on friday, although i have to maintain that for some, it wasn't undeserved. anyway let's just put that behind us, because my moods are rare, thankfully. i'm doing too much worrying these days.
2. the a&c thing is on thursday! i know that our class is fantastic for pulling stuff together very quickly, but let's make this fantastic! get cracking, people!
3. rasam rice party is tomorrow! come to my house after school is over and pig out on wholesome indian food. feel free to bring other (vegetarian) food if you want to, because i think my brother and his friends have exhausted the supply of junk food here right now.
11:51 am

oh claudia u jus succeeded in making me feel
i want some chills BABY!!!
and include some FRILLS.. LADY!!!!!!!!
okay the taiwan girl is here
shes sweet enough
and shes crazy about comics and cartoons
knows more of them than my sister
which is pretty amazing
and shes been reading some comic called fruit basket -- apparently guys turn to zodiac signs (meaning ANIMALS like mouses and horses) the moment they come into PHYSICAL CONTACT with females
wad kinda WEIRD jap thing is that but it'd be funny if it applied to our class
heh heh
heh heh heh
anyway tsz san's guy + daniel lueng's guy + my girl + french pple + singaporeans + malaysians will be attaneding rolly's lectur on tuesdae.... n including him we've got like... 5 ++ nationalities in one lecture theatre!! oooh all the genes and DNA
CRIPES theres so much bloddy work i duno how im gonna bloddy finish them
and lit board -- actuallyi was q upset e way evans was like : every year sapphic poetry makes its appearance n congrats to the class who kept the tradition up ... hrmph.. like we're so act special buay special and become so a.s.b.s. liddat.
was jus reading international history.. the EVENTS so i noe wad actually happened n came across interesting fact!
apparently khruschev called east berlin the West's balls cos " when i squeeze it the West squeals!"
Revision pointer for the dAy!!!! ^_^
tWistEd choon (PUN PUN PUN)
12:21 am