Shitty Living Conditions

Having spent a year cooped up with a bunch of China scholars I can very extrememly safely say that I completely, utterly, wholely, superlatively, 200%-ly agree with Sheng when he says Singapore should send a nuke to the middle of China so there would be one huge hole there. That should sour relations between the two nations quite well, resulting in a very lovely situation whereby we wouldn't have shitty PRCs living everywhere and speaking in chinese, and sitting in such close proximity with me and being completely utterly selfish and uncivilised and contagious. They are such a disease. My goodness. I cannot describe just how much of a curse it is to live with these things that are supposed to be human but seem more like... smelly, noisy, selfish, irritating bulks of flesh whose only purpose is probably to keep you innovative so you think of more ways to tolerate them, co-exist with them *shudder* or if you're lucky, anihilate them. Unfortunately, I have never been quite lucky. Stupid shits.
When I am already depressed it completely SUCKS to have to come back to this shit hole that is full of all this shit people that speak a shit language and act in a shit way. forgive the vulgarities. maybe boarding HAS actually had an effect on me. Maybe the past 4 years have traumatised me more than I realised. Maybe it's made me the shit person I've become. Wad the hell. Maybe I wun send my kids to boarding school after all. Shit. 2 whole months living in this god forsaken building. I shd go home for christmas.
11:38 pm
the Discworld MUD

am going mud my hols away thanks to the discovery of the above. someone mud with me! pratchett-MUD!!
people are ridiculously nice here. someone resurrected me earlier for no cost (when resurrection costs 270gp!) and someone who noticed my n00b status offloaded tons of stuff onto me. brill. this rocks. am delighted.
5:28 pm
hey folks, finally a post from sophia.

well, it's year end. in a way, I'm glad because I need to get away from some things. In a way, I'm a bit sad, because I'm not looking forward to my very boring work attachment at AsiaPac.. hoepfully Arthur Loke and Co-soliciters will be more interesting. Tomorrow we're all to head down for Aps' Halloween party. In a way I'm looking forward to that because there are some people I like meeting. In a way, I'm not looking forward to it because I dont have an outfit and aps wants me to come as a cat but I absolutely refuse to parade as an animal because of the snide comments it will open me up to. Plus, there are people who I might not really want to meet just yet. which is part of the reason why it's also good school has ended.
I'm feeling kinda sad. some things have just happened... I've just heard other things. I'm just sad. But I must say that the one comfort I do feel now is that once again I know I can always count on Mel to be truthful to me. To tell me what's going on when I need to know. I suppose the truth hurts, but there is no substitute for a friend who will not lie to you.
I am now at Mel's house. We were supposed to prepare for tomorrow's tea party, but we ended up playing pool. It was fun. Pool is fun because it is different from what I normally do. So in a way it's a way away from the stresses and worries and sadness of my own life. It gives you short term goals you can actually fulfil (and therefore feel the sense of fulfillment).
But I talked to Chern too. And the more I talk to her, the more I realise how different I am from her. Even right down to her little English Teddy Bear Company T-Shirt- she's all so prim and right and well.. correct, whereas me, I'm infinitely more used to my old t-shirts and shorts. where she is refined I am coarse. Where they talk about
crepes suzzette and
strange-vegetable-name I chip in 'beetroot'! becoz it's the only veg I know that isn't kangkong or kiam chai and that I actually like (and even that it is only because I went to O'Briens with Daniel).
It is not that i want to be like chern. It's just that I wonder how possible it is to be close friends to someone who is so far removed from yourself. Someone who talks about clothes-matters and such, who has ideas for what is nice and interesting, while the only times i -do- go clothes shopping, I end up completely depressed (even when it's aps taking me out). Completely honest, I thought I knew chern better than I realise I know her today. completely honest, it is not a good feeling.
i suppose I am feeling a little out of place now. it just seems more emphasised that I'm the little country girl I am, lost in a sea of city girls. i do worry that I haven't grown up. I'm older than most of my friends, but I'm so much more naive inside. I've held on to my ideals and my childishness and really, i don't want to let it go. I'm happy with who I am, but I don't like how I'm being left behind by everyone who's rushing ahead to grow up.
I hate it when I am being mistaken for younger than I am. My boss (for the work attachment) gave me a critical eye when I talked to her. She thought I was too young for the job. For goodness sake, I was older than the other two! she never quesitoned them! And it wasn't the way I dressed or whatever. I was in sch u! And today, we went to play pool (chern me and mel) and the bloody old lady came back after us after a while to check my ID again! I was the bloody oldest! Check Chern for god's sake! (no no this has ntg to do with chern ok? just the little old lady).
I'm sick of everyone dressing up in short skirts. and tight tops. and makeup. and hair styles. I'm sick of feeling inferior and insecure and just completely out of place because everyone enjoys it and I don't. I'm sick of being so desperate to fit in when really I don't enjoy the processes. And I'm sick of hearing everyone talk about their boyfriends and how they're trying to make their boyfriends happy because I don't understand the feeling and while I think it is all well and good after a while it gets sickly sweet. like vomit. and I really have no qualms with BGR, as long as you keep it to yourself. *annoyed*
10:37 pm

here we go. now. i insist on going.
9:46 pm
snow queen

ac drama's putting this up on the 26th and 27th of november for an as-of-yet-unspecified sum of dosh. it's probably between $10-$20. anyone interested? i must go.
1:45 pm

in the wake of the various s paper talks and all, i have cleverly turned manic street preachers on- they who are the musical equivalent of hardy ("will do his utter best to convince you life is a bitch!") sigh.
oh my god, i can't stop listening to them. they're so depressing but so brilliant.
7:44 pm

oooh sorry about the gg kitson darling. incidentally the latest gg ep which i just finished watching, mentions the new interpol album and has this techno-geek guy giving rory a super-quick review of it. and it's also got her trying to research the whole downloading music thing. pretty cool. and logan's soooooo cute.
and musicccccccc gah. does anybody have a discman to lend me? i have my very old one which i lent wiggy for england but it's sort of useless. sigh i guess i'm just gonna have to work on my parents about it, since they're forcing me to go to india for so long. or i could work up the nerve to draw 300 bucks from the bank and just go buy a discman without telling them. they would probably get quite mad though.
also, european reunion thingy sounds funfunfun! although yes, NS. which is why we should wait for kitson so we'll have one boy to look after us and kungfu all the mugging people away. by mugging, i mean robbing, not.. studying. would you call them muggers? english has become so screwed up. though i seriously doubt kitson's got the kungfu or any other martial arts expertise. hee. maybe we girls should all go make ourselves black belts like sarah michelle gellar by then.
oh and! talking about european tourist love stories and reunions, does anybody want to skive tutorials (although, really, what tutorials?) tomorrow and go for Before Sunset? i'm one of about a dozen people in the world who've actually watched the previous one, Before Sunrise - ok not a dozen since it's critically acclaimed but it's still indie and it's from the days before ethan hawke became famous and he's quite beautiful in it - and it's one of the best movies in the world. it's pure dialogue, and just two people walking around vienna talking and talking and talking and falling in love and both of them are leaving the next morning, so they promise to meet at another spot in europe 6 months later, and it just ends with the two of them leaving vienna and looking happy.
so Before Sunset picks up 9 years later - obviously the 6 month reunion didn't work and whoever got stood up is pretty pissed, but these two run into each other again in Paris, and they manage to kinda pick up where they left off i guess, and the Life review gave it 4 stars and a great review, and it was ong sor fern who is a tough critic, and if it's anything like Before Sunrise, which it should be considering same actors, same director etc, it'll be good.
i need to be home by 5 tomorrow, basically, cos i've got to go for dinner with the parents, but any earlier than that and i'm good. ideally, i'd skip tutorials and go for a really early show and laze around orchard for a bit. who's in? actually i hope not too many since the whole class skipping kwok may not be good.
10:02 am

haha cool, my entry has sparked off much commentary.
about bush: kitson, don't get too excited. i'm not really on his side, and actually i've changed my mind. my dad told me that kerry can't actually do a whole lot about the protectionist stuff, and yeah, bush hasn't exactly got a clean bill on that one. and i just don't like bush, and i clearly support kerry on the social issues although the way he's trying to be pseudo-conservative and say the things bush says in order not to alienate the conservative vote is either inconsistent or hypocritical. but kerry is the lesser of two evils, and actually in comparison to bush is hardly evil at all. so... yes, change of mind. i guess i'm what they would call a swing voter? actually not really. swing voters just don't have particular party affiliations. i'm not sure if i'm a swing voter since i clearly prefer democrats. anyway not like i'm a voter anyway. so anyway, i'm back with the kerry side.
about europe: haha of course, i know it's completely expensive and ambitious but it's been my dream for a long time to do something crazy and lorelai-like after As. i mean, how many times in your life can you do 20 countries in 2 months. 19: perfect age, plenty of time. so that leaves us with the money problem. which is a problem, definitely. especially since my S paperlessness now leaves me without any scholarship hopes therefore i'm banking on parental finances therefore asking them to gimme 20grand for a trip to europe before they have to spend 100000 a year for the next 4 years after that, would be nothing short of inhumane. sigh. i wish i could be young and rich.. like eatmejusteatme. have you seen his freaking holiday plans?
Right. This one is slightly nuts, but between 21 Dec and 24 Jan my plans are: Christmas in London, Boxing Day in Amsterdam, New Year's and a couple of days in Paris with Janaki, a week back in London, and then a couple of days in Stockholm with Emi. I'm also trying to figure out a way to visit Rachel in Geneva. Meanwhile my sister's on the phone asking, "Dude, do you want to come skiing with us in the French Alps?"
yeah so i have dreams of being like that. but i figure when i'm young i should do the crazy road trippy thing with the youth hostels and stuff and it'll be fast and furious and fun. when i'm old and hopefully rich, i can spend two months at the ritz in paris and shop daily on the champs elysee and visit the dior atelier and sit by the seine in a yves saint laurent rive gauche dress. rive gauche, how appropriate. heh that's a little bit of french i know from reading vogue - rive gauche means left bank, referring to the seine's left bank. although actually i'm not sure how you figure out which one's left and which one's right.
so, my point is: we should do the crazy city tour while we're young and alive and kicking. because it'll be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, money permitting. and kitson you should definitely join us but when do your As get over? i guess because of the money issue we could cut it down to fewer cities. keep it to southwestern europe or something so england, france, italy, spain. but gahhhhh how can we leave out prague and vienna and copenhagen. maybe we should find out how the gilmore girls did it in their perfect marc-jacobs-wearing wb world. i guess they had more than 10,000 euros at their disposal considering that one of their outfits generally costs about a tenth that amount. oh dear god i sound ever so bitter. i'm wanting moneyyyy.
at some other time i also need to see africa. morocco, egypt, etc.
oh and i was telling shoojee that i have strange urges to visit war zones. the ivory coast, the DMZ in korea, baghdad, the gaza strip. am i the only one?
i am discmanless and leaving for india in ten days! i'm panicking already!!! i need to buy a discman, only my parents seem to think it'll do me good to be without music for a month, only it's more than a month and i'll just freak out and die if i don't have music. i'll probably take my cds anyway and hug them to sleep or something. this is pure torture. plus blee's pulled out of india cip leaving worm as the only one who's sort of confirmed, and that does not bode well at all because the india people are so not going to be interested in having two people do cip. and plus staying with some random guy at my grandaunt's place? now my mum's annoyed that i put her through all the effort and then nobody was interested. ah well. story of my life.
now i will go watch some more gg.
9:12 pm
thank god for the hives.

inexplicably, as i sit in front of my laptop with my new bodyshop honey&oats facial scrub mask on, in the wake of the release of lit and history results, hearing the hives'
main offender somehow relaxed me more than any of the above.
wiggy, bao, comment? i suspect relaxing has reached new heights in definition with that.
anyhoww!!! i feel ridiculously pleased with our class. and my honey&oats facial thingy, which smells gorgeous. =D because i feel smiley. =D
7:47 pm

hmm has anyone been reading eatmejusteatme lately? his bush vs kerry argument makes a lot of sense. in fact i was reading Time this afternoon, and thinking that really, i'm only opposing bush because i don't like bush's face and that he's Republican and the way he talks and i just think he's stupid. but in terms of an alternative, kerry really isn't a strong contender, besides being from massachusetts instead of texas or whatever that yeehaw came from, and a Democrat. oh and allowing stem-cell research. and not being anti-gay. ok so really i prefer kerry, but in the grand scheme of things, i don't feel like kerry's the right guy anymore. not for america, not for the world. actually given a choice i'd have neither bush nor kerry. maybe i should go look up the ralph nader guy, see what he's like although it's kinda pointless because he's got about 3% support currently and you can't hope for miracles in american elections. atleast not the sort of miracle that would make nader the next president in two weeks time.
so why bush rather than kerry?
because really, the iraq thing is huge. and if a guy (ie kerry) who opposed the war in iraq from the beginning, is going to have to lead a country that has no choice but to remain in iraq for a while, it's not very good is it? and kerry's protectionist which is no good either, and he doesn't seem to be offering a solution to the budget/trade deficits. decreasing outsourcing certainly isn't a solution.
i think i'm going to have to hang my head and be a little bit pro-bush again. i think, perhaps bush needs to continue as president atleast until the iraq thing is well and truly over. go read eatmejusteatme for a more eloquent, if typically smartass-style, argument.
in other news, i am very jealous of eatmejusteatme's travelling capabilities.
are we on for the european cities tour after As?
on the agenda, only in the order that cities occur to me:
istanbul + st petersburg if we get that far east
ok that's 25 cities. if we whirlwindly do 3 days per city, that's 75 days which is 2 and a half months. hmm. ok we can take a few off that list, but currently it excites me.
6:59 pm
The Devil's Dictionary (DL SunSITE)

The Devil's Dictionary (DL SunSITE)
how can you not love ambrose bierce.
2:10 pm
the physicists/the tai tai

hello darlings! how is everyone post-openhouse? i stoned the whole of yesterday away.
anyhow, thong wants to know if anyone's interested in watching either of the above plays. the physicists, which some of you might have heard about before the promos, is about three mad dudes who delude themselves into thinking they're a famous physicist. the tai tai is about a filthy rich lady who returns with a coffin- mystery unfolds.
tickets for the physicists are either $24 or $32, depending on timeslot. for the tai tai, it's either $30, $40, $50, $60 or $55, $65, $75, $85, depending on timeslot and seat. both are currently showing on weekday nights (except monday) and there are matinees on weekends at 3pm- altho either physicists or tai tai only has matinee on either sat or sun, thong can't remember presently. the runs end on 31st oct.
rightyho i know your wallets are all exhausted from earnest, but those who didnt go, those filthy rich, etc- msg me if you're interested? by today, if you can. thong'll coordinate and we can decide on a date convenient for those who want to go.
ah yes:
sistic for more details.
9:41 am
Vivien @fashfix:

For love and all it's trappings
Whispered sweet nothings
Being wanted
hmms just came across this the other day and was wondering what you people thought of it. i kind of like it (tho i admitedly probably don't have half as high standards as you guys) but anyways yea. for love and all its trappings. quite sad. anyway yea comments! so as to improve my lit? haha im desperate
9:15 pm
Vivien @fashfix:
of chinese among others

Yeah, I'm Chinese and what?
Yeah, you know who this is, Jin
Let me tell you this
The days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wings
coming to your house by me is over
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
When the pumps come out, ya'll gon' speak Chinese
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
Ya'll gonna wanna be Chinese (Fai dee chow ah!)
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
When the pumps go off, ya'll gon' speak Chinese
Go fuck with your head man
I know a bunch of crypts that love red man
Blood book in New York man things done change
Stop, the chinks be all over the game
This ain't Bruce Lee, ya'll watch too much TV
This is a game of death when I aim for your chest
Too much sex got me seeing slow motion
Eyes barely open with a roach roastin'
And your girl, she loves the gin motion
Rub it on her body like body shop lotion
What's the commotion, you never seen me? (ngaw)
The original chinky eye emcee
You don't want to step to the army
And Double-R rank refugee
And the battle of the gun gonna make you speak
another language
And amigo I ain't talking about Spanish
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese [wyclef: ladies]
Ya'll gonna wanna be Chinese [wyclef: fellas]
[Jin: umm hay ahh!]
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
When the pumps go off, ya'll gon' speak Chinese
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
Ya'll gonna wanna be Chinese
Fai dee chow ah!
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese
When the pumps go off, ya'll gon' speak Chinese
This one goes out to those that order four chicken wings
And pork fried rice and throw dice
In the hood, you think this is all good?
Till the cowboys roam through like Clint Eastwood
I wish you would come to Chinatown
Get lost in town, end up in the lost in found
Eyewitnesses, you must be crazy
We don't speak English, we speak Chinese
And the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hook out by the window
Every time they harass me, I wanna explode
We should ride the train for free, we built the railroads
I ain't ya 50 Cent, I ain't ya Enimem
I ain't ya Jigga Man, I'm a Chinaman
Ginseng in the palm of my hand
She looks surprised when she saw it in the palm of her hands
You know what's next? Safe sex
I'll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect
(Woman singing)
[Jin: dee caw chong hu teng ah! wei da co deen wah bi ngo la.]
Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man
Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things [Jin: zhan hay?]
Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man
Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things [daw che]
The moral of the story is
Don't judge a book by its cover
I know you think he's fam, but he's really undercover
I saw his name on the affidavit
It was written in Chinese and this is what he said:
[yee can tong yan chan coon hay yung chu sau so]
Bring about some local hooligans and thugs so
Catch them at midnight when they close the shop up
Reading the Ten Commandments, cooking up hecka
Biggie Small posters are all over the walls
If they think you'd save me the bullet, it's over ya'll
Me, I'm just Jin just doing my thang
Just doing my thang, just doing my thang
["chong sau caw tum may tew chek mu"]
Why is there beef everywhere I go?
I'm drunk screaming, can't we all get along
My ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearms
Ya'll gonna learn Chinese [Wyclef: all the ghetto]
was just highly amused by this song.. by Jin which basically pokes fun at all those typical chinese stereotypes. hes a rapper (if you havent guessed). and btw
choon this song is especially for you. for reasons im sure u noe :)
9:09 pm

maybe my prejudice has something to do with -really- not liking his moustache. ;p
ah but 2046. it's not a film that appeals to me, though i don't think it's any less masterful for that. kindof the same way i feel about michael cunningham.
hmm. i will come back with more things to post.
8:47 pm
regarding 2046

okay time to do a serious post.
anyway firstly, hurrah for Suzy and IAn who have seen the light!
or lack thereof.. or wadever
firstly, yes cinematography .. if u've watched in the mood for love... the cinematography was great yes... happy together too.. except for ITMFL it was sO DRAGGY... (im not a blind wong kar wai fan) i ended up jus stoning and admiring the colours... the cocktail of colours.. and in happy together.. its a bit better than 2046 plot wise so theres nice cinematography + a moving/not so draggy plot
but yes 2046 cinematography
secondly.. the whole MEAINIng for 2046.. i think 2046 is the kind of movie tt .. oh dear i hope i dun end up sounding so cliched
that means something different ot eVERYBODy... and it features the highlights of ALL of his works.
there was a line.. about a kind of bird being born without legs... and the only time it touches the ground is when it dies. Well.. that was from Days of BEing Wild.. featuring LESLIE CHEUNG.. and that was HIS QUOTE. as in.. when he died.. people realised.. kind of the uncanny connection b/w art/life tt kinda oozish stuff.. ( farewell my concubine too! but thats not wong kar wai) sOOO.. when in 2046 they sed that my heart STOPPED a moment.
i tell you this film has MEANING.
ok not only for leslie cheung fans... but also.. hiya.. the whole lOvey dOvey bullshit thing... like the bai ling / zhang zi yi thing... when he slowly broke her down n iduno.. jus all those overlapping kind astuffs and i guess only some people can relate to it cos its happening in other people's lives and even among these there can be many different intepretations
i think wong kar wai once sed smth like... oh ... smth like a movie jus being this... vase (was it??) and many people can look at it and ... have their own intepretation laaahhhh oh dear my memory is failing me.. thats not the only thing failing i think
anyway ka tsai dun worry about not understanding/identifying.. 2046 actually makes a good 'lOve' guidebook i tihnk... hahaha dun u think? u noe wad i mean??? do oyu??all of you i mean?
i duno.. i like the music too.. wincing.. and OMG the aCTING.
YES. anothetr point. THIRDLY> the ACTING.
TONY LEUNG---- > just watch happy together.. and be amazed at how he can act so gay and so straight and so faithful AND so philanderous and so vulnerable AND so heartless... ack ack ack... ok and faye wong was mesmerizing.. for me la. but her eyes i tihnk. shes got a pretty face :)
and zhang zi yi.. but i guess their characters are kinda them-ish.. it'd be less convincing if zhang zi yi was jing yi (is it?) and faye wong was bai ling.. i think? ack ack ack
PW clals.. =(
okay bye bye
9:47 am

"If we didn't support directors who attempted to broaden asia's film output with more experimental directing and cinematography, we would never be able to become like hollywood, which has a variety of mainstream and more fringe and art films. Which would be just sad, since we'd be confined to making more vampire/gambler/gongfu/newyear/pseudo-creepy horror/whatever movies."
I CHOPE THAT QUOTE FOR OUR PW!!! bwahahahahaha.
10:50 pm

hello darlings, i realise i have neglected the class blog muchly over the past weeks. but then i had nothing to post.
(actually, i still have nothing to post.)
hm i stumbled across this, which is from a long time ago, and about that show with tinky-winky, dipsy, lala and po. i can't remember the name of the show. ;p
"We assure the parents of the world that your children will not become gay due to the subsersive effects of the colour purple, triangles, or magic bags." (David Smith, gay rights activist, on Tinky-Winky)
okay, so it struck me as drily amusing at the time.
in other news: pay up class funds, for those who haven't yet done so, or who have paid up incompletely! -_-
/to the lighthouse/ (virginia woolf) is brilliant, especially the middle bit where time passes, despite it being hard to read especially at the start, and despite each page being a veritable wall of words. i shall quote:
As summer neared, as the evenings lengthened, there came to the wakeful, the hopeful, walking the beach, stirring the pool, imaginations of the strangest kind--of flesh turned to atoms which drove before the wind, of stars flashing in their hearts, of cliff, sea, cloud and sky brought purposely together to assemble outwardly the scattered parts of the vision within. In those mirrors, the minds of men, in those pools of uneasy water, in which clouds for ever turn and shadows form, dreams persisted, and it was impossible to resist the strange intimation which every gull, flower, tree, man and woman, and the white earth itself seemed to declare (but if questioned at once to withdraw) that good triumphs, happiness prevails, order rules; or to resist the extraordinary stimulus to range hither and thither in search of some absolute good, some crystal of intensity, remote from the known pleasures and familiar virtues, something alien to the processes of domestic life, single, hard, bright, like a diamond in the sand, which would render the possessor secure. Moreover, softened and acquiescent, the spring with her bees humming and gnats dancing threw her cloak about her, veiled her eyes, averted her head, and among passing shadows and flights of small rain seemed to have taken upon her a knowledge of the sorrows of mankind.
i'm not sure if it's exactly beautiful and lyrical in the way that fitzgerald was beautiful and lyrical but there's something about it.
and incidentally--i don't really understand the book, especially the individual bits, but ah well. good read. =)
8:41 pm
since i'm bored

here's a new template. the bit where all the posts appear seems rather clumsy. i'll work on it. i want to display the time, you see, but for some strange reason you people all include 2 or 3 line breaks at the end of your posts so the time appears in random spaces between posts. still, it
is a nice new template. eh. for those of you who've been following my work recently, yes, i got a bit lazy.
5:17 pm
does work post-promos

because i no longer have public places to do these things, claudia created has produced two new templates, both in monochrome, cross-resolution and most likely cross-browser compliant.
mousetrap, for zhiheng's bleated birthday present
hislovesong, for bernard, based on plath's mad girl's love song
i have a couple more lined up but i'll be damned if i can remember who. uh. i think this class blog needs new shine.
9:39 pm

2046 was fwoozerific!!! the perceived 'dragginess' is in fact... because somebody had to rush back to school for some meeting or wadever else... and maggie cheung apepars at the START TOO!!! -_- ... for 2 seconds too.. hahah... but if not u'll jus kinda .. . move with the so called 'draggy' bits
and din you think takuya kimura was so cute?
did u hear incidentally that takuya+faye wong and some others swore NEVER to work with wong kar wai again? its quite funy... but NOW nicole kidman wants to work with him! and the interviewer's like.. so how r u gonna treat her? then wong SMILES ... and says " oh im looking forward to working with her. ill treat her like how i treat ALL myother actors" =D
i want to see if nicole can take the heat.
8:51 am

wong kar wai did happy together?!?! ok newfound respect. i must watch that movie sometime.2046 was disappointing, although the style is really quite cool. but it was just absurdly draggy in the middle. maybe because i was hungry and worried about getting late back to school for the exco meeting, but i wasn't too impressed after a while. and i got quite confused by all the faces and names, so i was overall confused. all the women look the same! and maggie cheung only appears for two seconds at the end, and i wouldn't even have realised if not for shirin going "phew, that's maggie cheung" after we'd been giggling about how long the thing was, and how the fact that maggie cheung hadn't appeared yet might mean that the movie was gonna drag for even longer.anywayyy two down on my movie list, and next i have to see vanity fair. i must i must i must see vanity fair. hot guysss. if my mom doesn't take me soon then i need to find someone to go with. and thong just asked me if i wanted to go tomorrow but i'm not free the whole day. anyway he's going with me for ballet under the stars in the evening. and vivien's coming too, if i'm not wrong. am asking around for more people now.
10:37 pm

i was looking at the gepaa photo things and i saw ms chan chen fen!!! but o dear i thought miss lee 's batch was the first batch of geppers.. but wth.. feel vaguely odd abt the elitism thing... :S
anyway stupid mark when you lose an argument you suddenly turn around and use that old girly tactic which is SUPPOSEd to be used EXCLUSIvELY by girls.. that 'oh you're so mean' tactic.. in fact its almost exclusively vivien's until you came along...you hideous.. GIRL.. and how come ure measuring players by the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
did u all watch sky captain and world of tmr?!?!?!?!?!??!
i watched wimbledon.. which is -------
i ve decided that in order to save $$$$$, im only going to watch horror shows and arty films. cos horror shows are fun like going for a ride in a theme park.. walk in scream come out kinda thing... and arty films are well... 2046!!!!!!!!! omg i was so excited about IT coming out since... 5 years ago!! well the excitement got lost along the way... but got found again start of this yr so i went to buy the prequel!!!!!! in the mood for love.. :D
2046 2046
omg omg omg
wong kar wai!!
happy together!
:D :D :D:D
7:53 am

aaand finished. yay!!!!!!!!!! everyone had better have fun now, and hopefully you do all those things you aspired to after the promos, heh =P
anyway, this is an early invite, i'll remind you all later, but you're all invited to and end-of-school bash at the beach (we havent decided which beach yet so i'll tell you as the date approaches) on the last day of school! so keep that day free and even if you wanna go out drop by in the evening for a while =) if i'm not wrong, the friday before holidays begin is the 12th of november. it'll be really really fun because it's the last day of the school year, and this has been a pretty eventful year for a lot of us, so do do do come and end it with a bang, yeah? commences around 6ish (though you are soooo uncool if not fashionably late), bring music if you like, though we already have that taken care of. so come!
i'm going off to paint my nails. wheeeeeeeeee!
6:30 pm

1. chooon is a buLLY! with no conscience at that.
2. devils bar!!
[derick] u r delusional. henry - 11 million, reyes - 17 million... RIO - 30 million!! how can the arses score? RUUD - madrid offered 40 million, ROONEY - 29 million (a conservative estimate after his hat trick against febernache and his display against wales), SAHA - 12 million, Smith - 7 million (buy of the season probably..)
how do you stop manu from scoring? how do you stop the sun from shining, what makes the world go round.. hahas.. just realised that if we sell our strikers.. we can name the new arses stadium MANCHESTER UNITED STADIUM for the next 8 yrs.. but dats being nice already... those arses have no backbone.. fancy naming their home ground after some airline just for money... :S o yaRS! and to all those who wana wear
pink (the 'red' of liverpool) or
purple (the 'red' of the arses) be my guesT!
[shoojie] ure the mANNN! :D:D
[ian and claud] *shakes head* u do not understand...
sighs* thinks promos have been taking their toll on me... carn wait for tmrW! yay YAY
7:50 pm
better suggestion

i have a better suggestion! lets all go to the Devil's Bar on 24 Oct... n remember to dress in Red. vodafone printing welcomed. :D dere an even better version of star trek there: Ronaldo
teleporting past the defence, RoOney running into
space, RuuuD's
laser-guided shooting and Keano's
captaincy! and the arses
blown into bitS! everybody's happpy :)
1:03 pm
updates on the afterlife- halloween

star trek doesn't seem to have elicited much response [sad claudia] -- how can no one love data??
anyhow, aps has volunteered her house for halloween since pandan valley is fabulous for going trick or treating, so maybe we can plan another glorious party, like the lysis ppp which was brilliant. =D
am working on a french rev chronology complete with helpful reminders- i'll be done by tonight, will send it out. please hurry the chronology if you see me online, coz you'll get it when i'm done.
6:01 pm
more plans for the afterlife

this suggestion may not meet with much enthusiasm but it goes for the other classes too, not just 13a- what about a
star trek marathon!! i watched generation last night on channel 5 and was muchly satisfied sci-fi-wise. more star trek!! data!! [huge grin]
another suggestion that may be more interesting:
halloween party! this is pretty much self-explanatory.
shrill-tongued Fulvia scolds, so back to a&c.
8:00 pm
snippets =]

shoojee and i had quite a hilarious conversation last night, topics ranging from the bad dress sense of geppers to memories of england to new york to the godfather to just a bunch of things. oh and shoojee borrows his aunt's fashion magazines! he never ceases to amaze, does he?! so there are some hilarious bits here. convo, edited for length and the boring bits:
haha your links to the gepaa site triggered a whole load of nonsense
and a diversion from anc which is welcome but bad for health =p
the gepaa site is hilarious though
heh it's fucking stupid
i mean, seriously. talk about a congregation of bad dress sense
someone should tell boy-and-girl friend in matching purple that red lipstick does not go with wet-looking hair
ugh, i know
the purple pictures are beyond painful
oh and that kid in shirt and tie and bad braces
yes. ugh
the SITE is beyond painful
oh dear god
he looks like an indian dork
here we go, racism wins!
oh i posted on the blog about the site haha
haha ok I’m glad we have ample entertainment during these tough promo times
entertainment is good
yeah i think the kid is an indian dork too, so go us!
i reckon he's an indian dork who does mathematics/econs/biology in an ivy league uni
but he's a kid!
like a small kid
._. god screwed up on the proportions, aps.
no! he looks young!
please tell me that loser is not above 18 years old
because it'll take him ages to lose the loserness and he'll never get a girl ever
oh me, oh my.
why on earth is the girl on his left wearing a bandanna thing?
good question
these people really don't understand the concept of a formal dinner do they
it looks sexy, aps.
it really does
are you kidding me?
it's bright blue! and the rest of her is black!
i mean, wearing black obviously since she's chiense and not black
it's crazy, to be put simply.
as is this
ooh purple picture: http://www.gepaa.org/2004-reunion/index.php?image=74
le purplewoman strikes back
god, they're all so shinyhappy
and we're like, one of them!
sort of
two of them
i know
it's just sad
no we aren't
we're ARTS students
ok let's all join and create a gep fashion revolution at the next dinner
oh yeah, we're the ostracised.
holee shit yes =x
no dirty-coloured shirts for you mister
no way.
only white shirts cos you look good in white shirts
as do most guys
however most guys don't seem to realise this fact and prefer weird peach-coloured shirts
haha well.
(at least i have..2 white shirts!)
that's good
saving grace =/
oh you know what, i just realised that purple!shirtguy is wearing a SHINY purple shirt, and his girlfriend's dress is shiny too and they've got oily faces so they're shiny all over
oh what do you think of lky as the godfather?
i think not now..
now he looks like a deposed puppet
okay no ._.
now a bit grandfatherly
a bit younger would be good
have you -watched- the godfather?
marlon brando was OLD
that sucks.
he died recently
great actor
eccentric, so i read
fantastic voice which i still can't mimick
not a singing voice
just his normal voice - incredibly raspy
oh we should add godfather night to our list of post-promos things to do
i attempted one last year, watching all three in a row, but i never got past the first one
fell asleep..?
because each one is three hours long and watching it is exhausting
i think we decided to move on to bridget jones or something
or maybe it was shakespeare in love
something easier to watch, obviously
so now i've watched the godfather three times and i've never watched parts 2 and 3
we need a good tv set and sound system!
godfather marathon
and monty python marathon
and alias and gg
okay dokay.
(and study marathon which i WILL put myself through to ensure i don't die from the word go next year)
then some stuff about how Singapore school terms are different from school terms everywhere else and how it’s a pain in the ass… and then about being a girl and therefore never yet being allowed to sneak around alone places that we travel to unlike shoojee and therefore having only seen new york with parents, which sucks because new york is new york and I want to wander around the village and soho and everything with people closer to my age, and how we must all go together on a trip to new york or generally someplace cool sometime. Like the amazing England trip. Leading to…
and yes picturesque photos are super memory-inducing
bath hillside!
Oh definitely
but that's more memory-inducing than me standing on a boat with my mom taking a picture of me with the world trade centre behind me, way before it was of any significance in my life
not that it really has anymore significance in my life today than it did then, besides the whole terrorism shit that it sparked off, which made me hate america more than i did then, and which threatens my life as much as the next person
unless the next person's from iraq, afghanistan, beslan, indonesia or one of those places
the world is just a screwed up place, so let's talk about bath hillside!
i want to go back.
yes. toytrain and beautiful brick housing
stone i mean
seriously, nothing better in life than sitting on a hill and watching the sun go down on an ancient city is there?
i suspect sex, but that's secondary =x
how about, sex on that hill
and that is NOT a proposition
the place is full of shit anyway =p
but yes i guess it's like sitting and watching world go by
too much grass
._. yes, pokey.
only good with jeans on.
and cold, i imagine, without jeans on.
ok this train of thought goes no further
you brought up the sex, though, not i
okay aps, i'm dirty and you're angelic =p
Yes - i was all innocent cornfield-y!
i was talking about a field of grass and the sun
i am saving this conversation. it's making me almost fall off my seat laughing every few minutes, which gives it a pretty good rating on the good-conversation scale
then shoojee says some stuff about planning to watch the world go by in borders
and isn't it saddd that we have to watch the world go by in borders??
no it's convenient
i think you should go somewhere more.. picturesque
i dunno singapore's just not picturesque, but i like being around people that i don't recognise
and books that i do
that's true
sometimes borders gets annoying though, cos sitting on the floor is nicest but then people come up to you and say no sitting on the floor
there was once that i got told 3 times not to sit on the floor
i just move to another shelf =p
doesn't work when there are annoying borders people who like telling people to get up off the floor
twice it was the same guy and then i moved to the kids section where i was promptly told the area was only for kids and parents
"but i'm a kid!"
so i stood up and started muttering to myslef
i could have either started protesting about my kidness, or pretended i was pregnant and that i was going to read a style magazine to my unborn child in order to intitiate him/her in the important aspects of my life such as fashion mags, sort of pull a lorelai gilmore with the teenage pregnancy thing
i actually considered the latter, just for kicks
teenage mums, you never know
but i couldn't be bothered to argue with strangers and i had a hungry friend who was bugging me to go for lunch so i just left after a couple of minutes and went for lunch
i dunno, borders is special because i went there after prelims and after Os!
when like i was all dead stressed and tired
i went and read nicholas sparks twice!
and finished 2 books in 2 sittings and the feeling of oh-the-world's-just-brilliant was great both times
3am- i should be offf
nicholas sparks? hmm.
Yeah i should too
yeah nick sparks
don't like
all sappy
too sappy
yeah, good to rejuvenate a tired soul =p
i'd much rather read some good chicklit
but then that may have to do with being a girl
or the latest issue of vogue
vogue is cool
i should stop stealing my aunt's fashion mags and start buying my own
but it's not...um.
you steal your aunt's fashion magazines?!
you never fail to surprise me, shoojee
i read them ONCE IN AWHILE
haha. if you like, i have a lot of fashion mags
you're welcome to borrow them
the price is the mocking that i will undertake to shower on you
okay aps whatever
anyway yes bedtime
good morning
alright good night/morning
11:12 am

claud, for poems try this:
it's got some good stuff. although it's organised by poem and not poet, which is bad if you're looking for something specific. but it's got nice daily offerings.
and i have to eat my words about the eatme guy. i've been wasting time reading his site instead of studying, and although at first impression he's annoying, his interesting views make up for it. i like intelligent people, although he's interesting, intelligent and anti-people. there's a word for being anti-people which is the general human version of misogynistic but for the life of me i cannot remember it. anyway, he's an interesting guy whom i wouldn't want to know personally because he's a bit too anti-people and anti-happiness. yeah, the angst's still there.
but interesting.
and i think since i banned myself from blogging i'm spamming this blog a little often. but then i never used to post much, so i'll just let this make up for it.
8:27 pm
find me an ee cummings repository!

rather upset over the fact that the americanpoems database seems to be down. =(( so can't find me ee cummings or eliot or anyone comforting like that to read. also i dislike the fact that ee cummings is already dead, so i can't even aspire to meet him.
[/end attempt at poetry binge]
8:08 pm
eat me just eat me (>< what a name)

i don't really like the site that much, because it's the sort of self-important condescending intellectual bragging sort of thing that characterises too many annoying blogs and i know he hates it being called a blog and it's not a blog but it just resembles blogs that are somewhat irritating. that i find irritating. oh yeah - it's sort of angsty and hedonistic and he swears too much. i know i'm the last person who should condemn swearing but the way he does it is gangsta-cheap. i'm not sure why.
nevertheless, really quite amusing:
"But the coolest thing about Lee Hsien Loong being the Prime Minister is that in the admittedly extremely unlikely event that there’s ever an anti-government protest, we can all bring signs saying, “WHO’S YOUR DADDY?”"
"I really like that Lee Kuan Yew’s taken to calling himself the Minister Mentor. It just goes to show that at some point in their lives, old people will reach an age where they don’t give a piss what you call them anymore. Because there is no way you can say that phrase with a straight face:
“Well, what do you do?”
“I’m, um. I’m a Minister Mentor.”
Who is coming up with these phrases anyway, George Orwell?"
I have to say, LKY as Don Corleone and Lee Hsien Loong as Michael is a VERY interesting parallel. Although Ho Ching as Kay is stretching the imagination a little far. "Here’s Lee Hsien Yang as Fredo, just a half-step slower than Michael, whom Michael loves and shields from the evils of the family business. Hell, Shengwu’s even around to play Andy Garcia’s role if they ever want to film Part III."
And he was very right in his
predictions about the
sartorially challenged at the GEPAA dinner. Seriously. Chinos and sneakers at the Hyatt. Ouch. However, I have to say that my experience of the GEP's been a good one, and the sartorially challenged probably as many as you'd find in any other class. I think I'll join the GEPAA next year, just for kicks.
6:38 pm

hm just stocktaking. no real rush (i
vaish you still have my copy of goldfrapp's black cherry.
vivien - my copy of blue man group's the complex.
- modest mouse - good news for people who love bad news
- blur - the best of
- radiohead - amnesiac
just to let you know. =]
9:38 pm

dinner conversation:
dad: "it's like that song we used to sing as boys - (obscuretamilsong) - everyone said there was another meaning but i never found out what it was."
mum: "oh my goodness! that song?! it's got such a bad meaning! (tells him the bad meaning)."
dad: "oh. well, you know, we were all young and school students then, so naturally we didnt think of it that way - innocent in school right?"
vaish: (thinks of class and snickers to self)
9:10 pm

sigh can someone tell me,
in the event that i manage to make notes for new.imp, is it better to do it by country or by uh factor (for imp)?
9:02 pm

Written during Sec 2 invigilation
For those who had suffered under Shylock's knife
"You must take your choice
And either not attempt to choose at all."
The issue of choice is a nebulous one
In an exam paper that has to be done
For my homework I've not written
And with my doom I've been smitten
Countless sins I try to atone
As those becomes thus and thus does
The quality of my teacher's mercy I will not strain
And from literary inconsequence I will refrain
I must do justice to my teacher dear
Otherwise its my parents' wrath that I shall fear
The dread end is near
And the Bard's voice I hear
As I pen an answer
That to my teacher I will endear
anonymousnoises where the best is, uh you know, be yet to and all that. brightest of brains too.
8:43 pm
David Ricardo

David Ricardo and his 'labour-embodied' theory of value- fascinating stuff! relevant for econs, has some stuff related to wage determination and technological progress, etc. he's somewhere in the MS Anderson readings for new imperialism, as against imperialism.
5:38 pm
tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.

when i checked my mail earlier, i found something from a senior of mine (xinhui, for the hissoc rgs people) regarding her new contact information- i haven't talked to her since rmun, and heard from tseyang that she'd got her psc scholarship a few months ago. anyhow, she's at st edmund's in oxford now, which is close to where i want to get to (trinity, in the same university) so that put my own ambitions in mind.
i've done about a quarter of what she has, which is quite demoralising to realise actually, but it's a bit of a nudge in the ribs- other people have made it, they've made it to that horizon we're all looking to and, well, there's nothing to stop me from getting there myself. i refuse to look any lower than that future i can make for myself, and i will start by gettting through this stack of imperialism stuff.
we don't pay you for the power of your dreams. get to it, people! =D
4:37 pm

vanity fair's opening soon too! my mom wants to see that though, so maybe i can go with her. i haven't been for a movie with my mom in ages and ages. and i just went to look up de-lovely and watched the trailer just now, it definitely looks GOOD. if it'll be open next thursday we should definitely go. ashley judd, robbie williams, elvis costello, diana krall. irresistable and i'm definitely buying this soundtrack! too many definitelys, but i definitely mean it. and any show that dares to put alanis morrissette in a red polka-dotted dress and jump and sing jazz is definitely worth a watch.
abba: i'm not a huge fan, unfortunately and the life review made it out to seem a bit tacky. anyway in my humble opinion (=P) earnest is fantastic-er.
ooh importance of being earnest movie: RUPERT EVERETT and COLIN FIRTH. DROOOOOOOOOOOOL. i actually was going to suggest it for the girly movie-thon, but wasn't sure if literary stuff counted, but then BJD is somewhat literary anyway so who the hell cares. and the edge of reason comes out in the US in november, so we should have it by the beginning of next year. or maybe even the same time. singapore's getting better at this anyway.
anyway! let me know by friday about the play or else!
1:02 am

yessss we should watch importance of being earnest. agitated muffin-eating, how can you possibly say no?! heh. i have the tv version, it came on central once and diligent me taped it. reese witherspoon as jack's niece (cant remember her name right now, cecile was it?) is mildly interesting though too wide-eyed for her own good. beats me how she's starring as the lead in vanity fair. but i am torn between earnest and mamma mia because mamma mia is abba-filled, i dont see how i can possibly not watch it. and watching both is NOT an option unless my parents get hit on the head by something extremely dense. so howwww? personally i want to watch mamma mia, but acknowledge that a production of earnest would be cool, or boffin (=P). but it's abbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
oh, and we must watch de-lovely which is based on cole porter's life and has a gazillion of his songs. soundtrack includes krall and robbie and someone else i cant remember (is buble singing for it too?) i propose day promos end because it will be a happy jazzy suitably bubbly finish. grin.
and i sooooo should have been born in an earlier time period.
10:49 pm
BETTER post exam plans

ok something more expensive but VERY cool. The Importance of Being Earnest! Full British cast, in the Jubilee Hall and the normal tickets are 200 and 180 BUT student discount is quite AMAZING because price is 55 or 65, and I've asked Mrs Perry if we can book through school so when she lets me know I'll pass along the information. Plus 5% discount for British/American Club members and we've got a couple of those so we can use that maybe, and 10% discount if we have 10 or more people.
i was initially thinking mamma mia but i looove oscar wilde so i shall not pass up this opportunity. my mom says she'll pay for me, cos she's going with my dad for the private premiere on wednesday which i can't go for due to the unholy history the next day, and she feels bad. (such BAD timing, rumours and this premiere bth during exams.) anyway, point therefore is that as long as i have -some- company i'm fine. i'd like to get the nice 65 tickets though, so if you want discounts drag more people in. i'm also going to find more people outside our class to go. in any case, we should book soon!
i shall go post this on my blog too, in order that more people might read it. although i think this blog has a far more regular readership, judging from the tagboard.
EDIT: let me know by friday if you want to go, so that i can book tickets. i've already got myself and nasty on the list, and probably shoojee and claud and hopefully kel and i'm counting on that vaish won't pass up this opportunity so about 4 or 5 more to go atleast :) but the more the merrier!
10:28 pm

haven't blogged here in ages! i'm listening to sigur ros and feel like i'm floating and i'm going to pretend this isn't a violation of my self-imposed blogging ban (although i've broken it 3 or 4 times on my blog) because this isn't my own blog. i'm not sure where i got that logic from. not of this earth, certainly. haha buffy quote: "your logic does not resemble our earth logic." when xander was trying to convince himself and the rest that it was anya's fault that he kissed willow and got caught. season 2 or 3. i'm seriously a tv nutcase aren't i. today i was imdbing some girl/woman/female thing called jaymee ong, because some blog i was reading mentioned her, and i was curious because she's apparently quite beautiful. she's not very beautiful, ok lah but she does 100 laps of her pool + 500 stepups + all kinds of other exercise everyday so i guess she's fit. anyway i discovered that she's done one movie with keiko agena in it (lane on gg) and another with milo ventimiglia (jess on gg) in it. it's like six degrees of seperation except even more interlinked. so fun. and did you know that keiko agena is 31!!! that's crazy, cos she looks so YOUNG. but according to imdb she's born in '73. if my math's not failing me, which it better not be considering the all-important Date we have with the math paper friday morning, that's 31 years ago. and she plays a very young-looking 19-year-old and she's almost lauren graham's age.
ok you know what this is seriously degenerating into the sort of post/rant that would be so much more at home on my blog, but i refuse to blog there because i posted twice just yesterday and am still feeling guilty. and i feel guilty already because i always forget to post on all blogs except my own.
anyway, HELLO/VANAKKAM/NAMASTE/BONJOUR/HOLA/ALOHA/OI. Did you know that Portuguese for hello is 'oi'? i find that extremely cool. i feel lonely these days. i miss us. as in, our class. i've been skipping school too much, and everyone's been in unrecognisable Exam Monster Mode. i hhaaateee exams. especially in raffles. everyone gets metamorphosed into focused, unfun people. :( we must do something really really fun next thursday! like go for a movie. hur hur hur. well in defense of the suggestion i haven't been out for a movie properly in ages, the last time was les choristes and this time i want to watch something completely brainless and that i won't have to read subtitles for. maybe we should just have a sleepover and watch bridget jones' diary and legally blonde and bring it on and notting hill and you've got mail and other girlie stuff. lots of hugh grant is good for the heart. we can add two weeks notice just for kicks. oh and there are the impending oc/gg/alias marathons that i will subject you to! i think i'll have some help from vivien and vaish with the OC and gg atleast. alias will be subject to my own singular persuasive skills, which i have no doubt will succeed and have you knocking on my window asking for more. (if that doesn't make sense, explanation: my friend daph has her friends knocking on her window asking for more alias dvds. it's fun. and sexy. especially vaughn and sark.) oh i also intend to one day watch all the movies that they talk about on gg. maybe sometime this year i'll FINISH the godfather marathon that i never did last year. looks pointedly at chit and daph, who unfortunately do not read this blog. presumably.
ok i am happy that i haven't lost my blogging expertise. i feel satisfactorily amused by this post. yay. i'm still funny! and not exam monsterish! i never was, though. damn. one day i will enjoy mugging. i shall go now and watch the Eagles Hell Freezes Over thing on starworld with my mom. she's freaking out like a teenaged fangirl.
and then i'll freak out about math. NOT like a teenaged fangirl though. merely a teenaged girl who loathes exams worse than cockroaches. ok i'm not so sure. cockroaches freak me out more screamingly. when i think of a better word i'll let you know. byee! the eagles call me now!
8:45 pm
in response

to kelly's insert;
i was referring to the punishment for sex offenders (in texas). there was something about it on sam yeo's blog, and it sprang to mind.
i ain't wasting no more tiiiiiiiime
and i'm rather happy because people are downloading my alexandra palace bootleg and the libertines from me, so am spreading the love. =D huzzzah.
belatedly: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZHI AN! said i'd give you your present on friday... the day of the math paper. =D
ohhh yeahhh.
7:33 pm

the tagboard amuses:
kats: random taggers should be castrated.
clauD: but the question is, chemically or physically? you have that choice in texas, i think.
[kelly inserts: huh you mean people actually want to get castrated in texas?]
shoojee: acid! acid! pour the acid! *cranes neck to watch*
electioneer: oooooh look at the fizz. (of the acid.)
kel.: ew. -_- haha physically is quite cool, like in krippendorf's tribe ;p
electioneer: goodness, kelly.
kel.: excuse me, who was looking at the fizz? -_-
electioneer: chemistry was my favouriate science in sec school. bio was the least i think :]
clauD: ROFL kels and shooj. teehee. bio!
Ian: oh! chem rox! did any1 ever try mixing all the chemicals at the bench together? always wanted to try that, but was afraid it'd explode or something...
kats: did all that come from my suggestion? o.O
[welcome to 13a, kats ;p]
kats: oh, ian, i did mix all the chemicals once! including con hydrochloric acid, but in the sink rather than the beaker. let out this BEEEEG cloud of chlorine gas that killed almost everybody on my bench. woohoo.
shoojee: timmy and me were famous for making funky stuff. we managed to get crystals and other random things. it's not just mixing EVERYTHING, you need to use some chemicals. like KMnO4 was really funny. not that we knew what we were doing but oh well tim and i were the bestest lab partners heh.
wise: the lucky geppers got to stick pretty stuff in polymers and watch it get suspended! -_-
kel.: haha it got suspended? -amused- but it was quite cool, we solidified things in plastic. smelt horrible. i miss chem! kinda.
haha in protest against (of?) this exam period let us talk more about chem!
anyway i think i was quite a disastrous lab partner, i seem to recall almost burning my partner's hand when i turned on the bunsen burner. and then the time i wasn't looking at the burette when i was pouring NaOH in so it drenched the table.
haha but at least i made life more interesting ;p
8:36 pm

ARGH why is americanpoems.com down just before our pc exam!! it ees a baaad sign.
presently listening to the gig the strokes played in japan last december on my birthday. i love jules. i love his voice. i love jules. have i mentioned? i love jules.
in other news, the strokes live album is cancelled, because according to ryan, they couldn't get the mastering right. =( actually, doesn't really matter to me since i have about 5 bootleg albums. and 15 odd vids of them performing live on telly. er... obsessed? i'll call it an outlet, thanks. grin.
9:33 am
viel gluck!

ok y'all - this is it. i know you guys have been working your butts off (just -look- at all the butts lying (hurhur) around!) and so this will be the last papers we take before breathing a sigh of relief and chilling till we freeze to death.
(this was copied on my og blog as well as i am rarely this amusing and its hard work to duplicate such genius.)
so here goes, all the bestest best and
god bless you may the force be with you. i have utmost faith in you lot! in myself, not so much. but in you i do! :D
5:58 pm