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Thursday, October 28
oooh sorry about the gg kitson darling. incidentally the latest gg ep which i just finished watching, mentions the new interpol album and has this techno-geek guy giving rory a super-quick review of it. and it's also got her trying to research the whole downloading music thing. pretty cool. and logan's soooooo cute.

and musicccccccc gah. does anybody have a discman to lend me? i have my very old one which i lent wiggy for england but it's sort of useless. sigh i guess i'm just gonna have to work on my parents about it, since they're forcing me to go to india for so long. or i could work up the nerve to draw 300 bucks from the bank and just go buy a discman without telling them. they would probably get quite mad though.

also, european reunion thingy sounds funfunfun! although yes, NS. which is why we should wait for kitson so we'll have one boy to look after us and kungfu all the mugging people away. by mugging, i mean robbing, not.. studying. would you call them muggers? english has become so screwed up. though i seriously doubt kitson's got the kungfu or any other martial arts expertise. hee. maybe we girls should all go make ourselves black belts like sarah michelle gellar by then.

oh and! talking about european tourist love stories and reunions, does anybody want to skive tutorials (although, really, what tutorials?) tomorrow and go for Before Sunset? i'm one of about a dozen people in the world who've actually watched the previous one, Before Sunrise - ok not a dozen since it's critically acclaimed but it's still indie and it's from the days before ethan hawke became famous and he's quite beautiful in it - and it's one of the best movies in the world. it's pure dialogue, and just two people walking around vienna talking and talking and talking and falling in love and both of them are leaving the next morning, so they promise to meet at another spot in europe 6 months later, and it just ends with the two of them leaving vienna and looking happy.

so Before Sunset picks up 9 years later - obviously the 6 month reunion didn't work and whoever got stood up is pretty pissed, but these two run into each other again in Paris, and they manage to kinda pick up where they left off i guess, and the Life review gave it 4 stars and a great review, and it was ong sor fern who is a tough critic, and if it's anything like Before Sunrise, which it should be considering same actors, same director etc, it'll be good.

i need to be home by 5 tomorrow, basically, cos i've got to go for dinner with the parents, but any earlier than that and i'm good. ideally, i'd skip tutorials and go for a really early show and laze around orchard for a bit. who's in? actually i hope not too many since the whole class skipping kwok may not be good.
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