shoojee and i had quite a hilarious conversation last night, topics ranging from the bad dress sense of geppers to memories of england to new york to the godfather to just a bunch of things. oh and shoojee borrows his aunt's fashion magazines! he never ceases to amaze, does he?! so there are some hilarious bits here. convo, edited for length and the boring bits:
haha your links to the gepaa site triggered a whole load of nonsense
and a diversion from anc which is welcome but bad for health =p
the gepaa site is hilarious though
heh it's fucking stupid
i mean, seriously. talk about a congregation of bad dress sense
someone should tell boy-and-girl friend in matching purple that red lipstick does not go with wet-looking hair
ugh, i know
the purple pictures are beyond painful
oh and that kid in shirt and tie and bad braces
yes. ugh
the SITE is beyond painful
oh dear god
he looks like an indian dork
here we go, racism wins!
oh i posted on the blog about the site haha
haha ok I’m glad we have ample entertainment during these tough promo times
entertainment is good
yeah i think the kid is an indian dork too, so go us!
i reckon he's an indian dork who does mathematics/econs/biology in an ivy league uni
but he's a kid!
like a small kid
._. god screwed up on the proportions, aps.
no! he looks young!
please tell me that loser is not above 18 years old
because it'll take him ages to lose the loserness and he'll never get a girl ever
oh me, oh my.
why on earth is the girl on his left wearing a bandanna thing?
good question
these people really don't understand the concept of a formal dinner do they
it looks sexy, aps.
it really does
are you kidding me?
it's bright blue! and the rest of her is black!
i mean, wearing black obviously since she's chiense and not black
it's crazy, to be put simply.
as is this
ooh purple picture:
le purplewoman strikes back
god, they're all so shinyhappy
and we're like, one of them!
sort of
two of them
i know
it's just sad
no we aren't
we're ARTS students
ok let's all join and create a gep fashion revolution at the next dinner
oh yeah, we're the ostracised.
holee shit yes =x
no dirty-coloured shirts for you mister
no way.
only white shirts cos you look good in white shirts
as do most guys
however most guys don't seem to realise this fact and prefer weird peach-coloured shirts
haha well.
(at least i have..2 white shirts!)
that's good
saving grace =/
oh you know what, i just realised that purple!shirtguy is wearing a SHINY purple shirt, and his girlfriend's dress is shiny too and they've got oily faces so they're shiny all over
oh what do you think of lky as the godfather?
i think not now..
now he looks like a deposed puppet
okay no ._.
now a bit grandfatherly
a bit younger would be good
have you -watched- the godfather?
marlon brando was OLD
that sucks.
he died recently
great actor
eccentric, so i read
fantastic voice which i still can't mimick
not a singing voice
just his normal voice - incredibly raspy
oh we should add godfather night to our list of post-promos things to do
i attempted one last year, watching all three in a row, but i never got past the first one
fell asleep..?
because each one is three hours long and watching it is exhausting
i think we decided to move on to bridget jones or something
or maybe it was shakespeare in love
something easier to watch, obviously
so now i've watched the godfather three times and i've never watched parts 2 and 3
we need a good tv set and sound system!
godfather marathon
and monty python marathon
and alias and gg
okay dokay.
(and study marathon which i WILL put myself through to ensure i don't die from the word go next year)
then some stuff about how Singapore school terms are different from school terms everywhere else and how it’s a pain in the ass… and then about being a girl and therefore never yet being allowed to sneak around alone places that we travel to unlike shoojee and therefore having only seen new york with parents, which sucks because new york is new york and I want to wander around the village and soho and everything with people closer to my age, and how we must all go together on a trip to new york or generally someplace cool sometime. Like the amazing England trip. Leading to…
and yes picturesque photos are super memory-inducing
bath hillside!
Oh definitely
but that's more memory-inducing than me standing on a boat with my mom taking a picture of me with the world trade centre behind me, way before it was of any significance in my life
not that it really has anymore significance in my life today than it did then, besides the whole terrorism shit that it sparked off, which made me hate america more than i did then, and which threatens my life as much as the next person
unless the next person's from iraq, afghanistan, beslan, indonesia or one of those places
the world is just a screwed up place, so let's talk about bath hillside!
i want to go back.
yes. toytrain and beautiful brick housing
stone i mean
seriously, nothing better in life than sitting on a hill and watching the sun go down on an ancient city is there?
i suspect sex, but that's secondary =x
how about, sex on that hill
and that is NOT a proposition
the place is full of shit anyway =p
but yes i guess it's like sitting and watching world go by
too much grass
._. yes, pokey.
only good with jeans on.
and cold, i imagine, without jeans on.
ok this train of thought goes no further
you brought up the sex, though, not i
okay aps, i'm dirty and you're angelic =p
Yes - i was all innocent cornfield-y!
i was talking about a field of grass and the sun
i am saving this conversation. it's making me almost fall off my seat laughing every few minutes, which gives it a pretty good rating on the good-conversation scale
then shoojee says some stuff about planning to watch the world go by in borders
and isn't it saddd that we have to watch the world go by in borders??
no it's convenient
i think you should go somewhere more.. picturesque
i dunno singapore's just not picturesque, but i like being around people that i don't recognise
and books that i do
that's true
sometimes borders gets annoying though, cos sitting on the floor is nicest but then people come up to you and say no sitting on the floor
there was once that i got told 3 times not to sit on the floor
i just move to another shelf =p
doesn't work when there are annoying borders people who like telling people to get up off the floor
twice it was the same guy and then i moved to the kids section where i was promptly told the area was only for kids and parents
"but i'm a kid!"
so i stood up and started muttering to myslef
i could have either started protesting about my kidness, or pretended i was pregnant and that i was going to read a style magazine to my unborn child in order to intitiate him/her in the important aspects of my life such as fashion mags, sort of pull a lorelai gilmore with the teenage pregnancy thing
i actually considered the latter, just for kicks
teenage mums, you never know
but i couldn't be bothered to argue with strangers and i had a hungry friend who was bugging me to go for lunch so i just left after a couple of minutes and went for lunch
i dunno, borders is special because i went there after prelims and after Os!
when like i was all dead stressed and tired
i went and read nicholas sparks twice!
and finished 2 books in 2 sittings and the feeling of oh-the-world's-just-brilliant was great both times
3am- i should be offf
nicholas sparks? hmm.
Yeah i should too
yeah nick sparks
don't like
all sappy
too sappy
yeah, good to rejuvenate a tired soul =p
i'd much rather read some good chicklit
but then that may have to do with being a girl
or the latest issue of vogue
vogue is cool
i should stop stealing my aunt's fashion mags and start buying my own
but it's
you steal your aunt's fashion magazines?!
you never fail to surprise me, shoojee
i read them ONCE IN AWHILE
haha. if you like, i have a lot of fashion mags
you're welcome to borrow them
the price is the mocking that i will undertake to shower on you
okay aps whatever
anyway yes bedtime
good morning
alright good night/morning
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