continues cooking her own meals

tonight's dinner is onions, green bell peppers and prawns in sambal tumis. if you don't know what sambal tumis is, shame on you. grins. and yes the sauce was from a packet (am hardly that pro) but damn i'm proud of myself.
8:37 pm

i could really set up shop here. pot of perpetually steaming coffee, unlimited internet access, comfy couches to curlup and
sleep in research in and good company =) all hear for government funded organisations! *cheers*
4:17 pm

there is a certain sense of satisfaction in sneaking peeks into the registration mailbox and seeing 9 new mails sitting there just waiting for chunlong and shane. =D Nonetheless, we are still desperately in need of performing groups to help make somethingood a success. In fact, I think sometimes I get so stressed out I just wanna cry. *sigh* I mean, when the only performing groups that are signing up at a relatively reasonable pace are rock bands (and even so, so few from 10-17) you really wanna cry.
We need strings, we need brass bands, we need jazz [we have one already :)] we need more, we need alternative music too.. we need dance (and I'm having a hard time getting RJ dance to come down :~( ) we need alternative art. We need guitar (we've got harmoc) we need voices, we need more people.
Off late I've begun to realise that we're pushing for performing groups so desperately that we have neglected looking for canners. We need canners (though I'm still inclined to beg more for performers). But ultimately, it's the canners that go out and ask for the money. (We've gotten RI/RG RP and RI Shooters) But we need more. Because we're trying to do this for 14 days. Please please please you guys, for the love of me!! Or for the love of charity and goodwill at christmas, please get people to sign up.
1:39 pm
cooks her own meals

in case you didn't know- i'm living on my lonesome til the weekend as my family's not yet back from m'sia. anyhow, it's a repeat of june; i have to cook and clean for myself and not die while at it. :D
so anyway!! i just cooked and ate my own dinner, and i am still typing straight! :D salad, mushrooms in oyster sauce and ribs
sorry vaish, aps and now honey dew anad strawberries for dessert. grins hugely. damnit. i'm proud of myself.
nods. i think you may expect daily accounts of what i cook and eat. i'd forgotten how funky this singleton thing gets.
8:38 pm
hey look 8-)

All credits go to Montage magazine (Asiapac Books)
I sure hope there isn't a copyright on this!
It's crunch time!
Rugby is probably one of the most misunderstood sports around. To the unaccustomed eye, it looks as though the players are perpetually banging into and wrestling each other for the ball.
However, you cannot be further from the truth if you have the notion that the sport is for brutes. Rugby is such a thinking man's game that it has been likened to "chess played on a field". Hugely exciting, rugby demands supreme fitness, a cunning mind to strategise, tear open the defence or smother the attack, and a lot of skill in running, ball handling, kicking and tackling.
The rugby player is thus, quite the complete athlete.
Rugby's roots
You can almost say that rugby was born in a moment of mischief. The time was 1823, the setting was an afternoon of soccer in England's Rugby School, and the character was 17-year old student William Webb Ellis. No, he did not conjure up the game or invent its rules. Rather, according to rugby beliefs, what he did was he picked up the ball and ran.
In those days when football rules were still solidifying, Ellis' eccentric actions became accepted as part of a new game, which came to be named "Rugby Football".
Its appeal spread widely across campuses in England, and in 1846, the first set of rules was established at the Rugby School. The sport reached the shores of places with strong English influences like Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Today, rugby is played extensively in all continents, with the top 20 nations qualifying for the 4-yearly Rugby World Cup. The last one was held in Australia in 2003, and England lifted the Webb Ellis Trophy for the first time after a nail-biting final with Australia.
Rugby rules
Admittedly, rugby is not the easiest of games, so let's take some time out to understand what exactly is going on at the field.
International games are played in two 40-minute halves, with the aim of scoring more points by:
a. A
try worth 5 points. This is akin to a "touchdown", when a player crosses the white line with ball in hand
b. After a successful try, the team is allowed to attempt a
conversion (a goal when the ball sails over the crossbar and between the two vertical posts) worth 2 points
c. A
drop goal - a goal scored during open play. Worth 3 points
d. A
penalty goal - worth 3 points
Players can move the ball by running with it, kicking it and passing it backwards. When the ball goes out of bounds, a
line-out occurs. Two to eight players from each team form two straight lines; a player from the non-offending team throws the ball in and any member can attempt to win possession.
To resume open play after an infringement, the big guys huddle together in a
scrum. The scrum-half puts the ball into the scrum, then runs to the back of the pack. The hooker (stay with me) tries to win possession by "hooking" the ball backwards with his legs; the ball reaches the waiting scrum-half, who then make the best possible pass to get the game going.
And who are the people doing all these? Well, the team has 15 players divided into two groups of eight forwards and seven backs, with each position demanding different responsibilities, physical attributes and skills.
The forwards are usually the strongest members, for they are the ones battling to get the ball in the scrum. Likely to be also the tallest, they are charged with winning the ball in line-outs. After laying their hands on the precious ball, they then try to pass to the backs. These are the Speedy Gonzales of the team, with the ability to launch attacks and counter attacks from the smallest of loopholes. Fully capable of making defence-splitting passes (whether by hand or through kicking) while running at full speed, they are also *gasp* responsible for defence by virtue of their position at the back!
The thinking man's game
If you have seen the tremendous pace of the game, you will think the players are ready to set the field on fire. This makes it heart pounding for both players and spectators.
As a result, rugby does wonders in building up both physical and mental strength. The more you play, the better your speed, agility and overall fitness will get.
Never about one-man-shows, rugby demands teamwork and co-ordination every minute the team is on the field. Requiring discipline and commitment from the player, rugby is definitely a sport that builds character. The strong emphasis on loyalty means that team members often bring the camaraderie off the field into firm friendships.
And of course, the most important spirit of rugby is that - it must be enjoyed! The games’ friendly and boisterous atmosphere is infectious, and the get-togethers after matches are almost as important. Lauded as a game played by gentlemen, the athletes typically compete fiercely on the field, but show lots of respect for each other off it.
Let's get touchy
You may find the body contact in rugby pretty intimidating. But still, it does seem like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? Well, there is a way to enjoy the thrills sans the pain. It's called Touch Rugby.
Also known as "Touch" for short, it began as a warm-up routine for traditional rugby players. But now, Touch has come into its own by gaining a big international following. And it is so easy because all the beginner needs to do is:
- Pass the ball
- Catch it
- And run for his life
Touch is somewhat like a game of "catching". The player with the ball is "It". The attacking side tries to score a try by holding the ball to touch the ground after the baseline. If you're defending, you chase the opposition to give him a tap on the body. There is a turnover once the attacking side gets touched 6 times, upon which the other team gets the ball. The ball is not kicked, and there are no tackling, scrums or physical ruckus.
Touch where?
You can have a Touch game on any court surface. Play on a grass field, basketball court, indoors or outdoors, as long as you have enough space to sprint. The number of team members is up to you too. Although a full team consists of six-a-side, you can have as much fun in a three-on-three.
If you think this is a simple game you'll soon get bored of, you ain't played nothing yet. Years of training are necessary to fully master the silky moves of side-stepping, swerving, bluffing your opponents, plus attack and defence formations. A good Touch player is the one with fine fitness, a quick mind, strong determination and great team spirit.
It's very violent
Do you know that contact rugby players are actually intensely drilled in safety before they even get into a match proper? They learn the correct ways of breaking a fall, tackling and other techniques strictly put into place to reduce the chances of injury, especially to young players.
Touch is also an excellent way of introducing players young and old, male and female, to rugby. With contact taken out of the equation, this is a fun and thrilling way to pick up moves, condition your body and enjoy an exciting game.
It's only for the big and strong
The beauty of rugby lies in the fact that player of every size and shape has a role to play. The big and imposing ones serve as forwards, while smaller and nippy players have their niche as scrum-halves and flankers, where speed and agility are much valued.
That's why, if you look at any good rugby team, you will see an astonishing range in height and weight between players. It's amazing that they are all playing the same game!
Gearing up
Other than comfortable clothing and a good pair of sports shoes (soccer boots are popular for their grip on the grass), all you need to start is a size-4 Touch ball or size-5 ball contact rugby ball. Costing an average of $30, the ball can last years of handling.
Other than that, just arm yourself with truckloads of enthusiasm! Inquire if your school has a contact or Touch rugby team. You can also call the SRU at 6467 4038 or visit They can assist in placing you in the junior / beginner team at a suitable sports centre or club.
Box Story
World-class action - right here
Rugby is played internationally in teams of 15, 10 and 7 players. The International Rugby Board (IRB) Sevens Series is highly regarded for providing entertaining and flowing rugby charged with an electrifying pace.
As one of 11 official stops across five continents, we play host to some superb rugby action in the Singapore Sevens on 3rd and 4th April at the National Stadium. For two days, there will be lots of action from world-class teams and every excuse to have a party. Visit the official website at to know how you can soak up the atmosphere!
The writer thanks the Singapore Rugby Union for their wonderful assistance.
I took out the bits I found boring. And um, un-necessary to our understanding of the Rugby Finals 2005. hope we get there.
1:00 pm

im finally feeling the holiday. ~~ havent slacked around properly at home since the hols began am super tired. hehz. stoning does feel nice if uve alot of things to do. k im rambling. newae im posting about 2 things..
1. class outing.. enuff said. some1 go organise. like the good and responsible class rep or sth.
2. manu matches. wtF is wrong with espn star?!
2 SuCeSSIVEEEE manu matches have been shown delayed. one of them was fergies 1000th. wtF is their problem. its not like manu is in some sort of injury crisis w/o their captain, influential playmaker and all their first team strikers waD.. 0:)
3:10 pm
heels and wedges

if i needed any persuasion to make the US of A my land of domicile, it would be that i can wear the highest heels and wedges there and not tower over the rest of the populace. you may not realise the agony this causes me here but it doooeeeesssssss because i lovelovelove shoes and all these delicious-looking heels and wedges either out of sight (too tall) or out of SIZE (too big)! truly the land of the dwarves =S
1:57 pm
Because it's Christmas

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas
Irving Berlin 1942
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
Just to get you guys into the mood... since it's going to be christmas. I really am dreaming of a white christmas (I'm sure Orchard Road will be relatively white come the day). Because this year I will not be going back to Kuching I think it may be possible for this christmas to be very very magical. :) Coz Kuching's a v laid back place, and we don't really do much there... plus, Judith's invited me over for a christmas-something I'm not quite sure when or what but Jul's place always has nice stuff christmas or not so I'm looking forward to that. I wanna spend Christmas (some part of it) with you guys too. Coz I've loved this year so much and you guys are a big big reason. So... for those of you who don't celebrate christmas with family (like aps or vaish maybe??) or for those of you who can spend one of the days leading up to christmas with us... lets go the open air ice-skating rink at Orchard! It's free too! Then we can go for a Christmas picnic and maybe a movie. It being the season of the year, I'm sure everyone can afford to bring perhaps a fruit cake, or a simple roll of ham which we can all cut up and share. *feeling loved*
11:14 am

no, not paid jobs.
because lots of you didn't come or ponned most of the last friday of school the notes that we collected later that day ended up in my locker, and were subsequently banished to the back of my mind by way of project work, chinese aos, bookfairs and assorted mp3 files.
until i recently cleared my locker, that is.
i have kindly (?) scanned them into jpegs into zip files and uploaded them onto the web.
they are here:
maths december holidays extra questions (2.14 mb)
econs promos essay postmortem (1.03 mb)
int'l hist promos essay answer scheme (2.01 mb)
int'l hist term 1 assignments (694 kb)
euro hist essay qns/position papers (645 kb)
with respect to the last one, i have only two copies with me, one marked "claudia" and one markes "choon hwee", so i presume that everyone has taken their copy except for these two people. i'll just post it up anyway, in case anyone's lost it or spilled coffee over it or something.
there is also the small matter of lit and history model promo essays, which i absolutely refuse to scan because of sheer bulk. if you desperately need them ask around or ask me.
p.s. please don't shoot the messenger. go and hunt down the respective teachers for breaching your precious personal time. may i add, "objection to holiday homework" makes a very absurd murder motive when heard on the evening news.
p.p.s. i hereby absolve myself of any responsibility for anyone not getting the stuff. and kitson can go ahead and gloat.
9:54 pm

With two 9-6 jobs spanning the length of the holiday (minus christmas) and a christmas event to plan I have been well and truly stretched to the max. I don't think I could take on a single other activity. Plus, I'll have to squeeze in homework somewhere. Yet, I think this has been the most fulfilling holiday I have ever had in my entire life till now (and the best part hasn't arrived). I think this is what holidays should be like. When you're free to do what you please -it doesn't necessarily mean do nothing- basically, when you're able to do what you feel is right at that point in time. I'm feeling satisfied. wow.
3:38 pm

FEATURE: Hello all, KITSON EDWARD SYMES will be coming down for somethingood. As a result of this, it has become compulsary for all 13a-ers to come down for somethingood. haha... afterall, we do want to meet up with our little lost sheep now don't we? =D
Note 1: Where are the 1A people? hahaha
manpower update:
I hope I get this right:
Shoojee (playing)
Yeekiat (playing right?)
Shane (playing)
RJ sch-based groups involved so far:
RJ sch-based Groups pending:
Other School's (to be confirmed soon):
CJ Dance
NJ (various performing groups)
HC Strings
AC (not sure wad)
VJ (various groups)
SJI (?)
Plus our merry assortment of rockbands.
3:27 pm
needs to keep more regular hours

you all think so? hmmm.
anyhow- i'm going up north to ipoh tomorrrow afternoon. back sunday. sigh. i'm going to miss my computer muchly.
aaaaand just in case you were about to scold me- no i wasn't mudding. i was reading and embroidering. hah.
damn it's late. this is too much of a regular occurence.
4:21 am

Thank you Ronald Wong (and benuel who got in touch with RW) for this beautifullll website!!!!!!!!!! It is in the makings but check it out! coolio~
credits for the funky letter head cum logo goes to danniielll!!!!!!
9:53 am

...In the fetid fleapit of Rincewind's brain the projectionist of memory put
on reel two. Recollection began to flicker.
i dare you to tell me mr. pratchett only writes funny books. kel how is thief of time?
4:25 am
security blankets

i miss dannnniiieeellllllll who has left on texprog. i have a number of security blankets whose presences are matters of strategic importance to me and right now glory isn't really talking to me coz I screwed up, puffy seems to have decided that ignoring me will make me stop calling it puffy, fruit-cake is away, handcuffs&whips is in india, and love-muffin is busy. oh woe on me woe on me. I need to find more blankets!
right now I am imagining scooping puffy up in my hands and giving it a nice rough rub down. i imagine puffy is a poodle.
i don't know what I'll do when I leave Singapore because all my dears are of the Singapore variety. I suspect I will be most sad, most depressed esp at night coz that's when i use my blankets. I suspect projects will be terrible to work on without fruitcake. oh... and life without my leedle love-muffin. and whips! oh dear. it's funny, in this short span of time I have grown more attached to the Blankies than I ever was to the girls at MGS. This might make it hard for me to leave.
10:13 pm

Sorry Everybody
a HUGE gallery of photos of apologies- on the recent US elections. mindboggling and muchly worth perusal.
sorry world, we shat on your heart
12:29 am

alright i know it's nasty to do this here but i really couldn't resist this.
off bernie's blog.
claud claudia eh.
hair sleepiness weirdness
nose laziness flu-ness
post-o's euphoria/the chinese ao paper/love for badmusic
demands(hear hear)/being sick/unbecoming behavior
lack of voice/need to dress up/body parts
coffee (HEAR HEAR)/more coffee/another round of tea
i'm leaving 2 of bern's on coz they'r good
2 rufus wainwright [cigarettes and chocolate milk]
3 aqualung [strange and beautiful]
but am naming 3 of my own anyhow
1. plug in baby - muse
2. reptilia - the strokes
3. don't panic - coldplay
uh please more slots
i would like my classmates to be on this list but that is not presently true. [scowl]
my family
judith/soph lately
ride a bike.
listen to good charlotte without sniggering madly.
stop listening to rediscovered parachutes.
reading music mudding
a solution to the flu/sore eyes thing
surround speakers to play parachutes on
enough bands to make soph and i happy for somethingood
teaching journalism techdesign
play the guitar, and well.
pull off a trans-nationally organized conference of some sort.
obtain large amounts of immortality elixer (without turning into MJ/voldemort overnight)
i miss my blog, can you guess?
10:50 pm

this is what I call canvassing!

yay... I feel somewhat satisfied with myself. Coz I called a friend to call his friend coz apparently his friend has a band. So he does. Next thing u know we realise his friend is already busking for us except I don't know that because I'm in contact with a diff band member and I forgot his friend was also in that band! I wish I could jack up this whole process to the US election scale. haha... then well have hoards of buskers. but for now, I am pleased with me... do come down! We need to put people down on paper any time now so would appreciate concrete commitment!! A website will go up this weekend which will contain all necessary information. Look out for it!
Luv, Me.
4:01 pm
So it happened.

and she entered the working world. Work has been pretty cool so far. Today's the second day. my first day, we had a book fair to set up (don't bother going it's kids stuff) at EXPO. so... I went there mucked around (how do I -always- get put on deco com/group? n I never seem to improve too!) with some deco items and a PRC boy who could speak english about as well as I can speak chinese. At some points I got a bit irritated but naturally, since I'm working at the tact I was quite quite nice to him. He called in sick today. Not me I hope. *laughs* Got let off at 1 plus... supposed to be let off early but at three not one so i decided to go for lunch with my colleagues till three then I let myself off. hahaha and my colleague actually drove me to capitamall where I was meeting chunlong and benuel to discuss somethingood. Daniel came a while later (you guys -have- to ask chunlong/benuel about their daniel fruit cake theory. it's hilarious).
Today's the second day and happily for me, my boss is out. She told me what to do in the morning. Wrap presents for the costume parade that -i will be emceeing!- and write out my emcee 'speech'. LoL... wahhhh so hard eh. so she gave me 4 hours (and counting) to do it *laughs*. She's not back yet so effectively I have nothing to do till she -does- come back which will hopefully be at 6 when it's time for me to get off work. So right now I'm here and I have access to the internet using a computer whose screen is probably like, 25 inches or something. It's absolutley huge because it is the design computer, and that naturally, suits me just fine. I love big things. *laughs* ooooh.
Despite my
heavy work schedule, I bet I'm working harder than this guy who sits at the desk next to mine. He came in at 11! and spent the whole time, till now, calling various travel agents to find the cheapest tickets to Bangkok (hm....). He's going on the 25th for 2 nights and 3 days and wants it cheap. Coz he keeps asking for Valueair when agents give him SIA. I even know the cost of these tickets coz he's repeated them half a million times. And no, it's not like I -want- to eavesdrop. I was trying to read but he kept talking so.... LoL.. I hope this screen isn't big to the extent that he looks over and can read what I'm writing. *grin*
Today has been relatively productive. I've contemplated using the office telephone to call CCF coz I need to speak to Simon (my CCF man who I need to talk to regarding somethingood). But decided to settle for company computer. I've also scheduled my other internship at AL and Co-Solicitors to start once somethingood and this current work attachment ends. So I'll be kept busy. Am a bit anxious about my workload (as usual). It's amazing how I can -always- think of school even when I'm meant to be on holiday. Ahh... guess that's why I'm a scholar. Or maybe that's a result of me being a scholar. Coz like, u know no one's gonna give a damn about you if you don't look after yourself.
I am now sleeping in the sick bay at RI. Because my roommate has a cold and naturally, isn't doing anything about it. Sometimes I feel a little annoyed at her uncivicmindedness but overall, she's been a pretty good roomie. IE. Little conflicts, no theft cases as yet... so I think she's okay and I try very hard to compromise to keep the peace. Wondering if I should continue being roommates with her next year. She's okay with it but... she's always sick, she doesn't throw rubbish into the bin very accurately, she's not too clean, she is anorexic (which i won't mind except she vomits in the toilet leaving it sticky sweet) and she doesn't know how to fill the toilet paper dispenser so I always have to do it for everyone. Other than that, she really is pretty cool. Honestly. I suppose I'd rather stay with her than certain other PRCs who are like..... complete morons. My current roommate.. is modern.
Anyway, that doesn't explain my stay at the sick bay. Basically, I can't afford to get sick now because of my tight schedules and i was starting to get the flu etc etc from her so I grabbed the first sniff I got and shoved it at the boarding mistress telling her I'd be really really sick so please let me stay in the sick bay. The sick bay has one bed, so effectively, it's a private, ensuite bedroom. nice place. Have my own bathroom too. I'm gonna stay there till I'm convinced that I'm super well, and that she is super well because I dun want to get physically sick(er).
Somethingood is coming along well. A certain girl (whose name I will not mention because she has a boyfriend) was right when she said "you know how boys are. like to dilly dally a lot." heh... coz the bands I'm in contact with take aaaagggesss to tell me which dates they can come down for. But honestly, so long as they don't mind me smsing them once in a while to bug them about it, I dun really mind either. Coz it's great that they're coming down to play... plus, their procrastination can sometimes get amusing. Boys.
Yea, I still need volunteers so hurry up and COMMIT you guys. As in.. really. I know you thik u can come down without teling me firts and all that which YES you can buttttt, I -do- need to be assured that at least the minimum number of people required will be down. If not the event might turn out a failure which we don't want do we? Common... we've been really priviledged and all, and the Singapore government really pours lots into your lives because you're all smart and stuff. You can afford to pass on the love (okay fine, not love, but... good deed) to other people. And really, this is for children. who have cancer. don't you think it'd be nice to give them a nice christmas gift? Realllly mannnn... think about it okay? (= And reply to me. More publicity will go out soon... once claudia gets everyting up and running. She's been hired as publicity head. heh... so claud, Do ur thing!
I'm kinda happy. Today as I said was productive becoz I went through one section of history reading (Russia) and one set of lecture notes. I should have brought more stuff to do... I suppose I could go and finish up the Russian reading that I -did- bring. But it's a bit boring. This saturday I'm going to busk at Orchard. This friday I'm staying over at Judith's. I feel like pooling after work today. Oh this saturday if u wanna see firas and the ruggers dancing u can come down to orchard. I think they'll be at wheelock place. This busking event is under interact.
Funny... I always remember first impressions/first meetings. And the first time I registered firas' existence was at the rugby finals.. hm.. I dun think it was at previous rugby matches... coz usually we sit at the bleachers. but for the finals we could go closer to the field. keep remembering that image... or him running.. and his bulging (and by golly very very appealing) thigh muscles. I have no idea what they're called. Yea, that's it. No, I really don't have a thing for Firas. Just a thought. And no, I dun ALWAYS think of his muscles. Really... just when i think of rugby. Ciao.
1:42 pm

second post in a row.
i feel blah. don't really want to move out of the house, even going to check the mail seems too tiring. but on the other hand im full of this restless energy at home that's driving everyone nuts. catch-22.
and at nights, i don't want to stay up late because i can feel the lids drooping heavily already, but somehow, i cant stop myself and before you know it it's 2 in the morning and an irate dad. maybe i need a keeper.
10:30 pm

bleagh i hate feeling stupid (though you'd think i'd be used to it by now, especially in math). december holiday questions are giving me a headache. i
knew i should have left my homework to the last minute as usual instead of trying to even start math today.
in cheerier news, i want company to accompany me to kino =) i feel like a day of sheer book-slutting. takers?
also, bjd2, someone to ogle hugh grant with.
(goodness this is beginning to sound like a personals ad. woman, age 17, seeks man/woman/undecided to watch blah blah blah)
so how are -your- hols?!
1:31 pm

i am having a blast on the mud.
around midnight, i wandered into the shaades and was subsequently hacked, chopped and torn apart by the agros and had to call in the RRU to retrieve my corpse, haul my ghost back into a safe place and ressurect me. after that, i walked around re-recording locations on my new broom since the old one had been stolen while in the shades. then, i hopped onto the broom to fly to granny's to relearn spells, but joy of joys, misflew, and then thinking i had a full tank, flew again- but i did not have a full tank. crashed on top of a warrior and a priest and broke my legs. fortunately i crashed where i crashed, the warrior su'ed to his priest alt and passaged me to the doctor's where i got the legs fixed.
if you ploughed through all that and didn't understand that, know this:
shut up claud, just shut up. shut up!
3:32 am
Vivien @fashfix:

heys POLL!!!
very important
and everybody should, no,
MUST answer
Should I keep my hair long or should i cut it short??
hehs anws i just watched bride and prejudice
and all i have left is one burning question
do you really all dance like that at weddings?
how does everybody learn the dance?
are indian mothers really like that?
and MOST importantly,
:) oops thats 4 questions. ahhwells
thats why i got B for math :(
MIGHTY IMPORTANT! :) appreciated greatly thank you very much!
6:16 pm
At claud's place

i had to not jog my daily 1.6 today coz claud doesn't like jogging. funnily enuf, her parents went jogging. we cooked lemon chicken today and oyster sauce siaw pai chai and she did some sort of steamed fish. it was really fun. being a simple house-wife person. i sorta decided I'll send my kids to learn how to cook... so I dun have to cook. coz while it is fun i dun like getting splattered with hot oil.
11:00 pm
Light Reading. Really.

Theatre of Cruelty
a short story by Terry Pratchett. this isn't as comic as his best, but it's a good read.
Dead Air
the first chapter of Dead Air by Iain Banks. work-safe and probably parent-safe, grin. if you love it very much you may
ask beg plead try to borrow the book.
3:10 am
reading list!

i have a few books to add to claud's (and ian's) list(s), a large majority of which are children's books, since they make good light reading--
/Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery
simple and beautiful and heartwarming in its outlook. yes, even guys should read this. ;p
/The Exiles, Hilary McKay*
utterly hilarious, in a remarkably healthy way.
/Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian*
another children's book--but this is absolutely stunning. the characters are so full and so real. and the emotions cut so sharp.
/Katina, Roald Dahl*
this is a short story found in the anthology titled "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar"... roald dahl's usually macabre but this is so different from what he usually writes, and for that alone--even without its poignancy and evocativeness--it's worth reading.
/Boy and
/Going Solo, Roald Dahl*
but as you can tell i'm a die-hard dahl fan, so. ;p
/Watership Down, Richard Adams*
sometimes i can't say why i like books, why they are good. this is one of them.
/For Whom The Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway*
set during the spanish civil war--so calling all ye who like war stories and spain. it's a masterful depiction of the life there, i suppose, and the war, and the people caught up in it.
/The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde*
"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.
All art is quite useless."
/At Swim, Two Boys, Jamie O'Neill
there's something about irish writing... and then there's the way the story takes off and is swept along by the tide of history (1916 easter rising). contains homosexual material, though--but love is love (though that's only personal opinion) and here it is beautiful.
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho*
an "enchanting fable", reads the synopsis at the back. this is something that renews one's faith in life and in dreams.
7:47 pm
i beg thee on a mid-monsoon afternoon's dream post the top 100 book list here becoz yahoo hates me and refuses to open up. ohhhh that could have been something dirty! *waggles eyebrows* Anyway, me having a WONDERFUL time at RI boarding. Yup yup. So much so that I REALLY want to go out and share the HAPPY me with all of you. Oh dear, I'm going a little bonkers.
The hols have certainly been fun though not because of RIB and you guys -should- respond more positively to my invitations to pool. Also, can someone tell me wad the econs s mailing list is? Coz I want to sign myself up secretly and hope sowden doesn't realised I'm not in Econs S. I am going to Claudia's place tomorrow to cook. Wooohooo.... I'm being domesticated! Like a pet!
Next on the agenda: Movies. Does anyone have the movie JFK? Coz people in Hist S need to watch some history related movies and I'm very keen on watching JFK. I promise you your cd/dvd will be returned in good condition and if you do not think it is in aforementioned good condition... um... I will treat you to a meal at.. uh, Junction 8 next year. Yea, and to those in hist S, you guys want to watch movie together? We cld watch smtg else tho, if u dun like JFK. Yup Yup, anddd... we can play RISK together~ which is the main reason for learning this subject I'm sure.
Oh and a quick reminder to my lovely lovely classmates. We have the following bits of homework(s), maybe claud can put it on the side bar:
Rolly Essay
Kwok Book Review
Frost PC
Math Homework
Econs S: essay
Hist S: random things
Christmas: somethingood
Yes yes, you've seen it all. Make sure u start early, starting of course with the bottom, then u work your way up. heh...
When are we going for AC play? I'll be working starting Tuesday so if people want to go out schedule it on Sat/Sun please???!??!?!? Or... after 6. Which is when my work ends.
6:26 pm

i resent the implication claud *sulk*
anyway, take heart all you fellow strugglers in lit from my mother's words:
me (while reading the good essays): "mum these people write so well! it's bloody depressing."
mum: "good! that's the first step. first you feel depressed, unworthy - get a lovely little inferiority complex and feel like absolute shit. then, THEN, from that fertile compost heap will sprout a magnificent plant of a writer."
well, if anything, at least she's encouraging.
1:59 pm
fiction for
me plebians

having just read the rathiho top 100 list on the yahoogroups, i feel somewhat unliterary, so to bolster my flagging confidence, i shall post my own list.
and in case you were thinking nasty thoughts (
vaish this means you) this is not a list of all the books i've read. additional disclaimer: please consult me if you intend to read any of them, because
most some have Content. * means i have them, but doesn't mean i will lend them to you. accompanied by a rather bad one-liner summary and the mood i am in when i read them. uh check amazon if you want more info la. or ask me.
/A Clockwork Orange, Antony Burgess*
alex and gang rape and rob in a futuristic world.
read if: pissed off at world and feeling macabre.
/Fury, Salman Rushdie*
brilliant academic in new york, guess from the title.
read if: intellectually inclined and in need of deep thought about the Global Society We Live In
/Complicity, Iain Banks*
cameron colley, reporter, has a rather mysterious source on a number of macabre andn gristly murders.
read if: uhhh. sick-minded?
/The Business, Iain Banks
kate telman is a highly ranked executive in a corporation that beats microsoft at the insidious domination thingummy.
read if: in an Evil Overlord/kickass females mood
/Song of Stone, Iain Banks*
an exnoble has his castle overrun by soldiers as war decomposes the region around them.
read if: tired of just hearing the statistics on the news.
/Motherless Brooklyn, Jonathan Lethem
brooklyn dude with tourette's syndrome has to solve the mystery of his boss' murder.
read if: inclined towards noir mystery with a scifi touch
/Gun With Occasional Music, Jonathan Lethem
futuristic world where animals act like humans and drugs are freely avaliable in makeries, a private eye has to try to absolve a man from guilt.
read if: you are also reading motherless brooklyn
/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, JK Rowling*
no need to say anything
/Lords and Ladies, Terry Pratchett*
part of pratchett's discworld series. an adaptation of shakespeare's midsummer night's dream with Real Witches and Bad Elves
read if: feeling Occult.
/Thief of Time, Terry Pratchett*
also part of the discworld series. i can't really describe the book. look up amazon.
read if: temporally disturbed; or in need of a hilarious blockbuster that doesnt have arnold schwarzeneggar running for california state governer.
/Bridget Jones' Diary: The Edge of Reason, Helen Fielding*
also no need to say anything.
/Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk
i refer you to the movie or amazon.
read if: you think martin amis is a pansy.
/Lord of the Rings (all 3), JRR Tolkien*
really. why'm i even bothering to fill in the blank space.
/The Romance of Tristram, Beroul et al
one of the earliest recorded stories. beautiful, poisoned fairytale.
read if: well, if you need a 'beautiful, poisoned fairytale' you know where to get one.
/The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
think we've all read this.
/1984, George Orwell
/The Picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde
/The Hours, Michael Cunningham*
i also refer you to the movie.
/The Cat in the Hat, Dr. Seuss*
if you haven't read this to a small child, shame on you. go
hinder help their education.
/The Chrysalids, John Wyndham*
a telepathic group of children are persecuted in a society where religion and dogma dictate all.
read if: you want a less subtle attack on religion than eliot.
/Foundation, Isaac Asimov
gah. you Have to read the series.
/Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte*
a classic?? [bolts and runs]
/Dune, Frank Herbert
Ditto series must-read.
/Goodnight, Mister Tom, Margaret Magoriam*
set in ww2 england, an old man takes in a boy from london. come to think of, an interesting comparison to silas marner.
read if: not in a silas marner mood.
/Far from the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
bathsheba everdene (kickass name!!) has 3 suitors. do the math.
read if: if you like eustacia vye? i like eustacia and bathsheba a lot.
/Memoirs of a Geisha, Arther Golden*
ah we've all read this too.
/Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman*
APOCALYPSE. sort of. check amazon on this too.
read if: hello! look at the two authors! hello! no if!
/The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4, Sue Townsend
if you havent read this you must have slept thru puberty or something.
/The Little Prince, Antony St Exupery*
i'm tired of writing bad summaries. could you tell, from all the excuses from sumarry writing i wrote above?
read if: you want to read something more advanced than cat in the hat to your small child.
/The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides
bunch of virgin sisters commit suicide one after another. could any title be more self-explanatory?
read if: in a slightly macabre, but still beautiful mood
/Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
in the future, all children are tested and the best are sent to be trained to direct armies. this is a really bad summary.
read if: you have an opinion on children.
/Ender's Shadow, Orson Scott Card
prequel to the above, and to be honest, i like it better.
/The Giver, Lois Lowry
crap. i can't remember. but it's good. yup.
/Number the Stars, Lois Lowry
jews somewhere in the middle of ww2. from the pov of a girl about 13ish? can't remember either.
ok that was damn taxing. i ran thru my bookshelves, checked under my bed, pulled out drawers- just to compile a list of books i like. -___- and i wrote all those crap summaries. or came up with excuses not to. very tiring. ooh. someone feed me icecream in reward.
9:53 pm
smtg i found online..

Here's the thing about fear: You can't make it go away, but you can talk it down to size. When you decide against taking a risk, it's because it's truly dangerous, or impossible. It makes no sense, for instance, to train for a marathon with a broken foot. And it could be offensive to others to sing karaoke when you have no voice.
But when you're holding on to irrational fears, (i.e., believing that speaking in public will automatically make you a laughingstock), you have the strength inside to examine the fear and give it a good pooh-pooh. "Truly everybody is afraid," says Susan Jeffers, PhD, author of the classic Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Fawcett, 1988) and Embracing Uncertainty (St. Martin's Press, 2003). "Fear is not the problem. It's what you do with it. Do you let it paralyze you, or do you just acknowledge the fear and go ahead?" In fact, says Jeffers, "An awesome amount of strength lies within us all."
People who seem courageous, she says, are actually people who tell themselves that they can handle the consequences, no matter what happens. The only basic fear, Jeffers surmises, is this: "What if X happens and I can't handle it?" That's why people who've survived major life disasters, such as the death of a child, a divorce, a war, or a serious illness or painful surgery, apparently become braver. They have handled worse: "When bad things do happen and you come out alive and well, you don't fear so much about the future."
3:01 am

i want chocolate
and aparana wads me to tell yee kiat that theres a choc buffet at fullerton
but dun go for it its a waste of money
the last time we went i let myself down
i ate grossly little
the trick is to make those chockies so rich ur utility curve is \ steep :(
we should haf a class outing!!!!!
and whos going for art classes? cant wait!
and aps + vivien + me had the funnest time doing PW the whoLE year... last wednesdae.. 3 nov i think.. or wadever... hahahaha it was seriously funny
stupid vivien went to label a stack of our file.. hand-paginating it .. starting from 232.. den right.. she started labelling the NEXT stack of papers starting from 232... and den when i was doing the contents page im like WTF???
and shes like.. oh no.. no wonder i could never reach 500
$%@#$%@#$%@#$ hahahahahahahah and the fininshing line was waiting for us.. and aparna was being useless and commandingish n funny n i think i jus made her worse...
n soph next time u go lanning u should try out sand king! he can mine himself underground.. recuperate.. and then pop up and stun pple! so cool!!! ^_^
8:06 pm
Vivien @fashfix:

heys people
yes there is a book sale at suntec this wed
from 5-9pm
its pretty good
warehouse sale
last time i picked up a few books, 3 for $10
hmm so yea
if you want to go
meet at cityhall mrt at 5?
and who wants to go for ac play??!!!
please organise a time and date and yada yada
and tell me
so my kind friend can sell you guys tickets
cause she has 30 to sell, poor dear so yes
help me / her out a bit eh =)
for the sake of random people
okae fine i actually ws going to post the 100 list
but its simply too long
and troublesome
sorry random people
2:28 pm
extract from /at swim, two boys/.

this extract set after ireland's
1916 easter rising.
from jamie o'neill's /at swim, two boys/.
Oh sure that grin. Oh sure that wonderful saucerful grin. Jim sat on the grass and he plucked at the blades. He knew for certain sure that Doyler would be turning from him again. He said, You'll be walking away from me soon, won't you now? There was no answer. Jim plucked the grass and stared beyond where the waves broke on the island shore. He said, I wish if you wouldn't, Doyler. It does break my heart when you walk away.
Old pal o' me heart, said Doyler.
But already he had turned, and he was walking away. Walking that slow dreadful slope with never a leaf or a stone. Walking; and though Jim tried to keep pace, he could not, and sometimes he called out, Doyler! Doyler! but he never heard or he did not heed, only farther and farther he walked away. And when Jim woke from these dreams, if he did not remember, he knew he had dreamt, for the feeling inside of him of not feeling at all. And it was hard then to make his day, hard to make anything much save war; and those years that followed had plenty war.
After a time he learnt to harbour the share of his heart was left him, and he did not look for Doyler, not in crowds nor the tops of trams, nor in the sudden faces of lads he trained and led to fight. Even in his dreams he did not look for him, but stared at the sea while behind him he knew Doyler so dreadfully walked away; and after he woke he stayed where he lay, fingering the revolver he kept by his side.
He never looked again for his friend, until one time, though it was years to come, years that spilt with hurt and death and closed in bitter most bitter defeat, one time when he lay broken and fevered and the Free State troopers were hounding the fields, when he lay the last time in MacMurrough's arms, and MacEmm so tightly held him close: his eyes closed as he drifted away, and that last time he did look for his friend. Doyler was far far away on the slope, and his cap waving in the air. "What cheer, eh?" he called.
3:11 pm

I was clearing out my e-mail box and found that the bulk of it was from my dad. Was about to delete them but then pangs of sentimentality suddenly appeared and prevented that. wanted to print out the e-mails first, sorta like a documentation of my communication with family but RI boarding doesn't have a functioning printer. I dunno.... I guess we take forgranted the things we talk to family about. If I were still staying with mine I wont think twice about documenting my life with them, unlike the way I've always very conscientiously documented most of what I do and feel about other people or things. Perhaps it makes more sense for me to record these things (than you guys?) since I generally communicate through e-mail and therefore there is less of the mundane, no-need-to-record things like "what's for lunch?" In other words, the content of my interaction with them is of more substance than it would be if I interact with them every single day. Which do -you- think is better? Staying with or without family?
Having stayed on my own I must say I wouldn't give up this life ever. It's convenient, not having to make your decisions based on someone else. And as much as this is wierd, it is actually rewarding to send your own clothes to the washing machine and drier. I mean, every time I do laundry I have to wait for 26 minutes for the wash then I have to troop down to the laundry room and transfer everything to the drier and wait another 45 minutes before I troop down again to collect the clothes. Yet, doing this has given me a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment then previously when I sent everything to the laundry service provided. I suppose when I put on my uniform in the morning it feels more like -my- uniform since I'm the only one who has any dealings with it. Granted, it may usually be rumpled since I am usually too lazy to iron but I dunno... it's all me. Everything I am is because of what -i- do and not because of what others have done for me. It's a good feeling. self reliance.
My uncle (who is now an incredibly rich doctor in OZ) was 'yanked' away from his village (he came from one of those up river) and has regreted it since then. I dunno why. Maybe coz he was yanked to some sarawak school which isn't too great. I heard they have fish head curry for every other meal in Sarawakian/Malaysian boarding schools. I guess I've been lucky then... coz my experience has generally been quite rosy. For that, I actually -do- feel a sense of gratitude to Singapore which I am very likely to want to repay someday (u see? It isn't all a waste to educate youngsters like me). mm... musings. at this point, my first encounter with singapore floods back. as it always does. it helps me keep things in perspective, because there is always a point to which I tie back the way I view things now... easier for comparison and evaluation's sake.
Also, I've realised that the further we come from our secondary schools the more we sentimentalise our experiences there and become more 'loyal' to them. Therefore I think it important to always have a stand on any experience we have.. to prevent this 'sentimentalisation' of reality just coz the truth has become blurred. I will always enjoy the luxurious and high-flying lifestyles of MG girls. Enjoy being surrounded by people rish enough to have little cares about the world. Everyone was -happy-. Little worries see? It was definitely a good life. Yet, I remain dead set against the administration who made my life not-quite-hell but really sore and bul-shitty at times. I remain dead-set against those who condescended me and tried to put me in my place... unlike RJ where despite the lack of action with regards to our concerns (for now) they treat us with the respect I think is due to all people. Also, I must -must- remind myself to insult other people's secondary schools less since not everyone will be as disinterested about this topic as me.
shoojee: sortta feel disinclined to have a briefing in person. as in, physically meeting up somewhere because I don't want to give anyone more trouble than absolutely necessary... so was actually thinking of sending out these things through e-mail.. perhaps through a mailing list? What thinks you? Oh and what do you mean by overlap of performances? It's okay wad... isn't it? Coz it's not like passersby will stand there throughout the day? Yea, let me know wad u think the briefing shd entail...
Note to everyone: I wanna go buy books at Bras basah if anyone wants to go maybe we can set up a date? Decide here if more than one wants to go? If not you can just message me. They have VERY cheap books there.. and I think they're all new too. The impression I've been getting (from mel tan and katz and a number of others) is that u get books like Geir Lundestad for only $3 etc etc! Me thinks they have lit books etc too since it's unlikely there is such a thing as a history book shop?
2:24 pm
the past few weeks

Well folks, the past few weeks (post promos) have been most remarkable. Initially I was a bit dogged by results seeing how *ahem* brilliant certain people's grades are. But you know, when you look at the bigger picture and compare yourself with the rest of Singapore... haha, our E prolly still good... in a way. Not meaning to sound arrogant or anything but it's true sort of... isn't it? That our papers are tougher. Besides, I went out with my friend (from a certain JC near ours) yesterday and he said most people he knew got pretty lousy grades and that's by their standards... *laughs* Deriving security from other people's discomfort... good job soph. hahh
Me thinks the best bit post promos is learning how to pool. and restarting the whole risk madness... though it ended soon enough since school closed and I now do not have a risk board nor risk people to play risk with. ALSO, there's dota!!! Which is really fun despite the fact that I'm dead more than I'm alive and that the only times I stay alive is when the computer can't find me. LoL... yes, I play single player WC coz I'm too crappy to play with human beings with brains. But building base is really funn! (Might as well play the SIMs). Difference being in the SIMS your buildings can't produce archers and those flying dragon-like things and heroes. heh.. and they cant kill people. All those level-monster thingies are soooo fun. (= Have I defiled this manly-hardcore-wadever game already? haha..
tui pu chee (I dunno how to write hanyu pinyin).
About our Christmas Drive, pressure building up... coz people have started responding to the e-mails and letters we've sent out. Today received an e-mail from a coupla people from RJC who I do not know at all... it sorta freaked me out because the realisation hit me that we can't quite back out now. Coz other people have been brought in. freaky... i sometimes think about what will happen if something bad happens and we dun pull this off. dunno where to hide my face if that happens. yea, so ya'll must come down and help out k?? Details:
Dates: 10-24 December 2004
Time: 11am-7pm daily
Place: Orchard (maybe Bugis too)
For: Children's Cancer Foundation
We need more busking groups (or maybe we can beg current ones to come down more often). The cool thing is, yesterday I went for some scholars meeting thing, to plan orientation for next year's bunch of scholars (ASEAN, PRC and SIA-ie, India) and the MOE officer in charge said her husband has a band and they might want to play too. heh... and her friend who was there apparently has a band too. Dun worry tho, this wun be some old foggies busking week. They're really quite ok anyway [she's quite chio =)]. =P
Yea, anyhows, we need groups/soloists/anyone who's willing to come down and busk. Methinks I will drag Sam Yeo down (who will drag Aud down) to do gym stuff since she's actually doing it for AFUA too and I'm her FRIEND and demand the same kind of favour. muahahaha Oh yes, we need canners too. I've talked to most of u at sch already and ya'll seem pretty free but I need exact dates. Think u can msg me/e-mail/talk to me on msn and let me know exactly when u can come down? Try fill up the week just before christmas first la... then work to earlier dates as more people sign up. Yea.. the pre-Christmas week a bit more happening I think. Yup! So dats it.. my e-mail box needs clearing. tata
11:31 am

storm + lagging mud server = very uncooperative mud. can't command at all, printed stuff isn't appearing- gAH.
anyhow, this just means i'll play shogun instead. chunlong if you see this msg me the name of that clan that's got industry on one end of the island and agri on the other. i'm going to figure out a strat for that.
7:10 pm

the laaassstttt part of the laaaassstttt group evaluation of the laaaassstttt pw project EVER. mwahahahahahahahaha!!!
i have a 13-city itinerary for europe. woot! though stupid wiggy and zhian and shoojee think its too cluttered. i guess so. could cut it down to about 5 to spend a week in each city. but i honestly cant imagine spending a whole week in each -city-, country yes, but city? still. for the geriatrics among us *coughwiggycough*. anyway, loooook at this beautiful whirlwind one:
and time permitting, spend a lovely week back in london to shop our hearts away =) buttttt if you want the slower version, this could be it:
berlin/munich (i cant decide!)
assuming we go endmay/june (summer and the best time to go europe, remember gg aps!), we have about a month and a half right? sooo bout 5-6 days in each place would be beeyootiful.
whee im happy i love planning fantasy trips! fantasy because at this stage i dont know where the minimum S$8000 is coming from. heh. work maybe. but still! its lovely to picture those places.
8:48 pm
Choon Hwee

I like Choon Hwee becoz she is cool and funny. And becoz I am talking to her on Msn rite now. (= Looks like there's been a barrage of posts from me eh? Ah well, this will um, add variety to the page! B-Sides, I bet ya'll have missed 5thPlace ;-). I miss it too, but being the stubborn old oaf I am I refuse to own another blog. hahaha ah I'm feeling silly. I liked Aps party (albiet the slightly smaller than expected number of ppl). Coz I suddenly went high there. Which was really fun. We gotta let loose sometime and I felt quite easy going mad on Bernie and the other two HC (I think) ppl coz they wun be around to judge me all week long at school.
8:15 pm