
something interesting for everyone to mull over (and laugh with).
Spotty-Handeed Villainesses
9:54 pm
Message from Randy

Watch de video in dis website, it shows a super talented 9 yr pld Brazilian boy who MAN UNITED is interested in. tok abt prodigies. u WILL b shocked.
3:51 pm
Bluebird - Charles Bukowski

(found on yixun's blog)
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pur whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do
8:25 pm
has changed her email address

i have
changed my email address.
remove the backslashes, of course.
in the midst of moving i may not have added you to my messenger list, if that's the case just add me (:
6:32 pm

that feeling, the one you get where
you run more miles than you had hours of sleep-
i'm tired. i need my own blog. sorry.
1:03 am

Get Back To Work
does the internet waste your time? check that page out. what an
amazing tool.
5:55 pm

as much as we may have screwed up some bits, our accounts now stand at 53.5k and counting has not ended. it does fill me with some sort of joy; that the seed of a little dream could bloom into this. nonetheless,
bittersweet memories linger and it remains to be seen if I shall look back on my baby with much approval.
i honestly have taken some things that have happened personally. failures as personal failures things like that. i do wonder, if having fiscal succees could be somewhat of a remedy to my sorely bruised ego. as one of those running this thing, i wonder if perhaps i have not been as lousy an organiser as I have thought.
2:48 pm
fake ska!

Communication, a telephonic invasion
I'm planning my escape...
Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back
And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls
you know, i'm so freaking addicted to spiderwebs, no doubt, gwen stefani, aqua and so on that i should be shot for being a stereotypical ska pretender.
tick tock tick tock
take a chance you stupid-
5:59 pm

i adore you all =)
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
7:51 pm
Iain M. Banks: A Few Notes on the Culture

Iain M. Banks: A Few Notes on the Culture
"The Culture, in its history and its on-going form, is an expression of the idea that the nature of space itself determines the type of civilisations which will thrive there.
The thought processes of a tribe, a clan, a country or a nation-state are essentially two-dimensional, and the nature of their power depends on the same flatness. Territory is all-important; resources, living-space, lines of communication; all are determined by the nature of the plane (that the plane is in fact a sphere is irrelevant here); that surface, and the fact the species concerned are bound to it during their evolution, determines the mind-set of a ground-living species. The mind-set of an aquatic or avian species is, of course, rather different.
Essentially, the contention is that our currently dominant power systems cannot long survive in space; beyond a certain technological level a degree of anarchy is arguably inevitable and anyway preferable."
i love this man (: saw purvis today, mentioned banks to him and although he's not read banks, he said things about reputability and generally accorded banks a veneer of respect [beams] i'm keeping him very very much in view for lit s... so much in mind that i may just have to reread all the 7 banks novels i have. i've just had a think and realise that i've been reading (m) banks for 2 years, now. (: feeling good about banks, and lit. [shuffles off, pleased]
read iain banks, he'll blow your mind (and probably other bits of your body up as well).
9:14 pm

we went down to count somethingood money at the Children's Cancer Foundation today and so far have reached a bit below 27k. That's about half of the tins... plus we still haven't reached the 1.5k US dollars some guy donated... so in terms of the practical side of things, somethingood has indeed been successful. Thanks to everyone who came down. More specifically:
Daniel Teh(!)
(Teh's friend- Mangkuang?)
I'll be told the exact amount by next week. Goodie... 40k anyone?
Anyway, truth be told, I... oh nevermind. Okay I don't feel like saying this to you in real life Grace, coz I'm too lazy to talk but when I muttered "shit.." I didn't mean 'shit' in the sense that why the hell do you have to leave but 'shit' in the sense that argh how are we going to finish counting everything. yea, so... just to clear that up coz I think you misunderstood.
Don't talk to me for a bit you guys. I suddenly feel very sian..
2:09 pm

random convo by two random people on random topics. conclusive evidence that the influence of maths cannot be ignored.
you shouldnt diss the party.
according to folklore you fissed there.
*fissed into existence
i didn't diss party
i don't doubt the root of my derivation
square root of my derivation
i feel punny
do your puns differentiate you from the rest of us?
...sorry that was weak. my corniness has limits.
no, not really; we're all integrated.
11:29 pm

omg the pic !! haha thanks wiggy
i just cut my hair! myself! snip snip hair maketh the person
clothes maketh the person
what is the person!?
newae how screwed i am
kwok times two
position paper n essay
where shall i start....
i like good charlotte i wanna live!! i just wanna live!!
lets go clubbing tog one day! it'd be so funny
the shoulders n tops of my shirt are hairy.. ill be leaving a trail of dna all around the house
good charlotte i jus wanna live!
i just wanna live
dont rellie care abt wad happens to me~
11:00 am
pablo neruda

rediscovered him while trawling through poetry file.
If You Forget Me
I want you to know
one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
In My Sky at Twilight
In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud
and your form and colour are the way I love them.
You are mine, mine, woman with sweet lips
and in your life my infinite dreams live.
The lamp of my soul dyes your feet,
the sour wine is sweeter on your lips,
oh reaper of my evening song,
how solitary dreams believe you to be mine!
You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the afternoon's
wind, and the wind hauls on my widowed voice.
Huntress of the depth of my eyes, your plunder
stills your nocturnal regard as though it were water.
You are taken in the net of my music, my love,
and my nets of music are wide as the sky.
My soul is born on the shore of your eyes of mourning.
In your eyes of mourning the land of dreams begin.
perfect for any manic-romantic in search of the Holy Grail.
9:50 pm

this is choon and og member on orientation day five at raffles city collecting donations. =]
7:23 pm

The Llama Song [Flash]
i'm hugely amused.
9:25 pm
plath owns my soul!

"...Already he can feel daylight, his white disease,
Creeping up with her hatful of trivial repetitions."
SPOT ON, lady.
"morning has broken!" "it's a bug, fix it."
11:53 pm

i'm getting bored. sleepy. tired of writing analysing quoting referring massacreing the innocent-
our junior class seem a nice lot, with the exception of the Dubious fact that 11 of them take geog :P
random comment: i love morton shapiro's work!
(still in love with monochrome)
9:47 pm

i am so so so glad the o-teamers are back (even irritating little mark :D) The class wasn't the same without ya'll. Today we laughed like we laughed last year. Twas a sound I'd missed the whole of last week. (Choon, we're so glad you're back!). Not having the 13a-ness for a week has made me forever-ly grateful for every single one of you (sort of). And forever is subjective. =)
I'm scared. A Levels coming.
Sophia, relax. Really, relax. There's nothing to worry about. You can do it. Now count after me, one, two, three, ahHHHEHEWJKHFJEU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:08 pm

[the people in this conversation shall remain nameless.]
did i tell you about the lovely cd i randomly bought?
in real life, or on the mud?
well, i've stopped being able to tell ;p
anyhow europeans are hot in general unless they're german ^ ^
hey i think germans are hot too
in a kinky sort of way maybe
they're like... i dunno how to put it but germans make me think of steak.
steak is nice but i'd rather have a light salad.
but all the emphasis on order..
and hierarchy
and BISMARCK come on bismarck is sexy
ohhh ohh yeah i forgot him
i need a man.
no. i need a Man.
what kind of Man, precisely?
rich european to pander to me, take me travelling, argue with me and mud with me.
keep me in style and comfort.
hahaha the mud part is important eh?
yeah i want a swede or a dutch
not a brit, they're too mainstream.
yeah agree completely
aww poor rolly
not even rolly?!
i'll never be able to shag a rolly type twould be too Wrong. ):
10:03 pm

something funnie on the bus lol
5:59 pm
regarding class progress or regress

hellO hafnt seen you people in agessss
will be marching into class on mondaY!!!
our class which is an island away from the rest...
together with other elites who have managed to inveigle themselves thru the system into this humanities thingey and so end up in a quartered seminar room above a performance theatre
so yes 13a will be back full force on mondaY!!
attendance wise.... at least.. ive got to face rolly + sowden + kwok on monday.. theres time to do essays i guess... BUT I HAFNT READ ANY bLOODY THING
and im f-ing j2!!! wtf!?!!?!? WTF!?!?!??! OMFG!?!?!?!?!?!??
yesterday i climbed into rg after midnight and peeped at sec ones sleeping (thEir orientation)... found out that the darling receptionist ms christina was in school... bugged her... helped her do some paper cutting... ate her biscuits and drank her coffee... threw mysterious (it must have been to thEM) paper pellets from above the prefects.. heard their gasps of O_O and sneaked skillfully away... ^_^.. went back to my old classroom.. outside only... tried to find mrs bala who was sleeping inthe dark with the sec ones n i din rellie want to wake her up so...
den woke up the security guard to open the gate and walked for an hour or two up bukit timah road until i cabbed and reached home at like..4? 5?...
look where spontaneity leads you
but now im wide awake at 1.45 pm and ........ im gonna stop blogging. CYA MONDAY
1:38 pm

i'm cold, and sheila fitzpatrick is good. - photocopy!
random thoughts. and mark! shoojee! i'm holding some of your notes for you. come back and get them soon.
think kitson's flying off about now. hmph.
because it amuses me:
Yes, in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred;
it is well allied: but it is impossible to extirp
it quite, friar, till eating and drinking be put
down. They say this Angelo was not made by man and
woman after this downright way of creation: is it
true, think you?
How should he be made, then?
Some report a sea-maid spawned him; some, that he
was begot between two stock-fishes. But it is
certain that when he makes water his urine is
congealed ice; that I know to be true: and he is a
motion generative; that's infallible.
You are pleasant, sir, and speak apace.
1:01 am

it's only when they're gone that you realise how absolutely important they were. =)
so--o-teamers, we miss you, and come back soon!
and have fun while you're at it. ;p i second what soph said about shooj/ ruth looking absolutely exhausted.
i was going to say something stupid like do you think we've progressed or regressed as a class since last year, but obviously the answer is progressed, though i suppose the extent/ nature of it is debatable. i think things take a bit of getting used to in the first few days--you have a two-month hiatus, and then we come back, and everything hits you full force. yikes.
anyway on a more cheerful note: my opthamologist rocks, despite his outrageous fees. he is such a charmer! and he makes bad things sound good, or at least minor (which, in retrospect, may not actually be a good thing). oh he says a-levels are the most important exam you will ever sit for, because after that you (presumably) go off to university and then it's either pass or fail and no one cares what class honours you have (he says) as long as you've graduated from a university. yes. so ruin your eyesight this year and then slack off. i'm not actually sure if that was the message he was intending to get across.
8:20 pm

...I've learnt to understand (a bit more) when Claud screams her head off when she's stressed
taaaaaanks. but i'm OC and entirely insensitive and callous when it comes to Organising Things i realise.
macky-machia- nah shush you all. =P
looking forward to meeting our junior class! and really falling into work proper. i feel that my hols have managed to energize me to the point of possible self-motivation. this may wear out, but i am riding a high of writing two essays at once (and not having mind implode!) whee!
i want to listen to radiohead but i haven't got the energy and i think kitson's leaving again in 4 days. wiggy burn him kid a! am too lazy to myself. [grin] and kitson RETURN MY CLASH STROKES MANICS CDS before you launch yourself back to winchester.
[falls asleep.]
11:14 pm
i think my last post

the title might not come true but at least for a while, I'll be offline. RJ's com labs aren't up and RI took theirs down for a while. The boarding mistresses care too little to let me use theirs. Only by the kindness of my level tutor did I manage to get online. so... here goes. my last post.
Firstly, happy new year all I hope you had a somewhat enjoyable if not at last bearable first day. It was great seeing everyone again.
Secondly, I really need to close up somethingood for good. As in, I need to get the reports done, need to get the accounts settled and need to make sure manpower gets CIP logs out. Or everyone will have more reason to rbeath down my neck about it.
I found a really politely worded pleasant letter in the somethingood mailbox enittled 'feedback for busking'. Was from NJ guitar I believe who were amoung the many(?) buskers who weren't too pleased about the organisation. hah... well, am getting used to hearing 'organisational screwup' whereever I turn but that's okay.. sort of anyway. Thing is, I started out saying it'd be worthwhile so long as some people are touched by it and hopefully would carry on the whole charity thing (perhaps they'll be more organised than me).
For all the screwups, completely honest, I feel a sort of responsibility for them all since I started somethingood. Nonetheless, it's good to have the committee there to share the blame. =D Kaiyun (of NJ guitar) said the feedback was to help improve further activities we organise. I laughed. Not because of the e-mail truly. I am really grateful for the maturity it showed esp when I bet they were really pissed. But I laughed at the 'future activities' bit because no way in my life am I going to organise another activity (esp not for charity) again. That reminds me, sam, I'm not goign to do anything for tsunami people. sorry haha, enough people are doing it anyway and even if no one was I wouldn't put my feet into those waters for about a decade or so. Or maybe I will but in a small unimportant way.
What have I learnt (besides that I'm not ready yet for handling such big events). I've learnt to shut out the noise (you have to when everyone's complaining). I've learnt to appreciate others more (because you kinda feel unappreciated). I've learnt to understand (a bit more) when Claud screams her head off when she's stressed. I've learnt to try my best and not scream, though I tend to fail. Most importantly, I learnt to cut myself some slack. Life isn't about chasing your dreams. not always. That's where somethingood has been a turning point.
I've always lived by the principal that we have to be go getters. You dream big so you get big. stuff like that. and I worked hard at my dreams. buttt... i've learnt that it probably isn't the best principal to live by (like jon said, the higher you climb -or try to climb i might add- the further there is to fall). I think I'll take a leaf from daniel (teh's) book and keep to myself a bit more. In terms of what I do I mean. I'll try. Not easy I guess.
This year I want to be self centered. =D I feel like i've gone out too far and now need to come back to myself. Do I regret somethingood? Honestly, a bit. You do regret mistakes. For most of it, I just want to be over and done with it. Like I said, it was a once in a lifetime thing (I don't want to do this again!). It has changed the way I see some things so that's good I suppose. but hey, at least some people did enjoy it.
So here's to the end. (As soon as it comes). And good riddance (you'll start being a good memory when all the bad bits fade away).
To the committee... thanks man. really. although I feel this isn't the thing for me, i think you guys were great.
i guess what sucks (the most?), besides having to face the music due to ex-problems that is, is the trip back to self discovery. Or in simpler terms... where exactly does the sophia lie? Not in math (I honestly thought my niche would be in math... before I came to singapore), not in lit (surprise surprise), not in debate, not in charity, not in people relations, not in music (i miss my lessons), not in being a girl (think uh... girls in chort skirts go figure), not in computers (a thing that ended when I came to singapore). It isn't nice not being good or at least very involved in something... but... for now that's okay. this year I shall try to exhibit less of myself here. or anywhere else.
somehow, i feel like i've been hurt somewhere.
p.s. to anyone I've hurt or pissed off in the past year, I do apologise. With the new year, I hope we can start things anew.
8:26 pm
Vivien @fashfix:
happy new year and other things

okay hmm where should i begin.
here seems a good place.
since i closed down my semi public semi private blog thingy
im not an ogl anymore
and neither is randy i thk
and its really all my fault that we are both not ogls
cause i ponned too much so yes
im REALLY sorry randy cause it really is my fault
would appreciate it if none of you started asking how come ur in class i thought u were an ogl
when class starts in like 2 days
so yes thats one
second up
im going to rant
cause im a bitch
haha and its new year
and i wrote this yesterday in a fit of rage
after walking the entire stretch of upper thomson
from rj all the way till YCK mrt
in the rain nonetheless
though i stole an umbrella from a good friend
anws i would write it in my own blog xcept its closed and actually not too fond of writing it here cause SO many people come here but i think i need the closure.
as in. its a new year
so after i type this here its gonna be all over
as in water under the bridge, im not gonna thk anymore of it, etc
was DEBATING whether i should actually give the letter to the guy but
nah. stuff like this have a way of haunting one ya (ie marking exams, also tchrs exchange notes on students so yea not very good idea)
dear teacher
firstly i dont like the way you handled things. why even bother asking me for reasons when you had already made up your mind on the decision and my reasons bear zilch weight at all. why even put up the pyseudo pretence that you really do care about what i have to say. whats more you even seemed to be interested in my reasons (even if you clearly didnt trust them or me for that matter) when still you've made a final and complete decision. Basically im annoyed you came to a decision without even asking/telling me or randy. And your PR skills aint too great either.
secondly you get me to come down at 830 bloody am in the morning on new years eve nonetheless and then u stand me up till like 915am. and all to tell me that. well thanks very much.
thirdly nobody informed me that coming down was that imperative. well not personally at any rate. i did tell my ic (and no please dont go and scold him for this or put the blame on him cause i really hate to sound like a sneak and its just some lousy attempt to blame someone for something that is not really his fault and its just not fair to him either) that i wouldn't be going down for oprep2 and not a word was said about Oh NO u CANT etc. I figured it was alright.
fourthly, out of all the missed calls on my home phone not a single one is from anybody in oteam. like wow. i guess you guys really did make genuine attempts to contact me huh? along with the dozens of emails that must have got lost in some warped cyberspace. unlike the rest of you i do have a life and i do not sleep with the phone by my side so i do not bother checking my phone 24-7 because i prefer real people to sms-es.
fifthly, im in Storyline and perhaps you do not realise but if you're not in the cast you pretty much have nothing to do unless you want to act know it all and direct. not that i was SO enthusiastic in being in the cast but yes. you basically sit around and watch people act or sit around or sit around. wait did i mention you sit around. so ocassionally you fill in for someone but since the full cast was never there for oprep1 then well hmmm. rehearsals and going for them are kind of useless since you won't make a difference by your physical presence anyway. especially when the people you really like aren't in the same comm. so you're just bored to tears anyway.
lastly, and perhaps most importantly, orientation is about the PEOPLE. its not about where you are not what you do, its about who you're with. i suppose in RJ everything is done by rule and regulation with dubious OB markers. how is running around singapore orientating yourself with rj? its not. its orienting yourself with the People and in case you didn't realise thats what the entire programme is about. aside from that even the freaking batch dance is about the people since we perform it SO often. really batch dance is just for appearance sake cause EVERY jc has a batch dance so hey! rj is not gonna lose out to Them right.
its ironic really that the one thing that could have probably made me really like rj (asin actually sing the awful school song which is too obnoxious for words, along with the tshirt and shorts emblazened with a huge logo going im from RAFFLES and im smart, along with the even worse school motto which well. lets not go there shall we) has possibly made me hate rj and realise it for all its flaws. yes im awful
okay and yes i feel much better and i guess it still is my fault but well as i said
i want to bitch about it and i hope whichever random councillor reads this doesnt hate me for it
cause well yes im saying its MY fault okay. dont take this to heart. i dont often wash my dirty laundry in public but well. i need to tell my class this cause well theyre my class and this is the easiest way to do it and since this is my class blog well just sod off.
happy new year people! and please dont ask me about this anymore. its wiped from memory.
sorry for the long post... but well yes
oh and anybody have the class timetable? what time do we let off on mon n tue???
1:05 pm