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Tuesday, January 4
it's only when they're gone that you realise how absolutely important they were. =)

so--o-teamers, we miss you, and come back soon!
and have fun while you're at it. ;p i second what soph said about shooj/ ruth looking absolutely exhausted.

i was going to say something stupid like do you think we've progressed or regressed as a class since last year, but obviously the answer is progressed, though i suppose the extent/ nature of it is debatable. i think things take a bit of getting used to in the first few days--you have a two-month hiatus, and then we come back, and everything hits you full force. yikes.

anyway on a more cheerful note: my opthamologist rocks, despite his outrageous fees. he is such a charmer! and he makes bad things sound good, or at least minor (which, in retrospect, may not actually be a good thing). oh he says a-levels are the most important exam you will ever sit for, because after that you (presumably) go off to university and then it's either pass or fail and no one cares what class honours you have (he says) as long as you've graduated from a university. yes. so ruin your eyesight this year and then slack off. i'm not actually sure if that was the message he was intending to get across.
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