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Monday, February 28
HELLO ALL good luck for math test tomorrow. i haven't started studying yet if it's a comfort (it's now 6.20pm which gives me about 4 hours of studying, leaving time for dinner and my requisite 6h of sleep per night (actually it's 8, but that's a bit too idealistic) but not for distractions). thank goodness it's only 2 topics. i hope they're easy.


anyway. have not blogged here in a long time. for some reason have had nothing to blog about. i have here two definitions of love that are quite interesting:

1. "just a word trying to find another word", carol shields
2. "the most treacherous word in the language", mary renault

okay the second isn't really a definition--but close enough.
interesting how they both focus on the fact that it's just a word, no?

ugh. math.


and hope our junior class did well =)


ARGH this is our last year in rj. (and we only came in last year how utterly ridiculous!)
as in. gah.
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