...because boredom sets in quickest right after dinner.

random videos to drop your jaw at. =p

- silly video with many fluffy bunnies. this was found off some subway site (the sandwich people)...i have no idea where the connection lies -_- (quicktime file, about 4megs)

- bugs in love. random animated vignettes. (quicktime file, about 5megs)

- ...this is the level that all wmp and winamp visualisations should aspire to. love the bit with the gulls (which, incidentally, is also cg.) (realmedia stream, just over 5mins long)
have fun =]
and: i've been on a bootleg rampage over the last few weeks! so if anyone wants high quality recordings of concerts by the shins, bloc party, sufjan stevens, doves, radiohead, franz ferdinand, coldplay or the decemberists, (i have some others also), drop me an email and pass me a cd-r or two or something, i'll burn a copy for you =]
p.s. choon: the song is nice =]
7:54 pm

c/heCKING IN!!!!
me so boreeeeeeddddd
augustana - boston!!
see if u like it wheeghee!
guess what song im hooked onto now
the day you went away - M2M!!!!
the first part.......
did i lose my love to someone better...and does she love you like i doi doyou know i really really do *croooooon*
8:47 am

hm ages since i've last been here. what a hive of activity.
coincidentally it's halloween tomorrow! and our juniors are happily organising fancydress parties while we tee up for nightmares of our own. ah well - such is life.
The song itself is an epic journey into the pulsating heart of fear. It is a rallying cry to stamp out this most scary of holidays. The North American Halloween Prevention Initiative features a who’s-who of current alternative music:
The Arcade Fire
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Devendra Banhart
Postal Service
Sum 41
Sonic Youth
Wolf Parade
hee. =] you can listen to the song/watch the video here: have many good songs to make a scary-fun halloween playlist.
and i am so going to watch hp4 when it comes out, if only for the band scene =]
edit: was watching the video again when i realised that the little ghouls near the end were impeccably zhian-ish. hm.
2:12 pm

pretty cats for visual relief! apologies to vaish in advance!
very cute indeed--i love kittens. =) used to adopt strays and all that. my first cat was a stray my family adopted when we were still living in malaysia; we called her patty-catty. she was sort of orangey--marmalade-coloured, you know? pretty. i used to try to scare her with a stuffed-toy dog but clearly it didn't work.
my second cat was called greyscale (don't ask; i know it's a terrible name, makes it sound scale-y and fishlike). because she was all grey. she used to get into fights--another adopted stray--and had huge chunks torn out of her tail, poor thing. we'd bring her up to the apartment but one can't really keep cats in apartments especially if they're strays (plus my mom hated the fur).. she liked listening to the piano though, when i played random things she'd sit down and listen, SO cute.
ok anyway enough sentimental (or not) reminiscing about pets.
recently the birds have been eating my fish.
it is very upsetting.
12:07 am

I'm blogging way too often. I can't tag the board because MAC is (probably) incompatible with the tagboard. horrible microsoft imperialism. gah. So I have to write here. Claud: I didn't see you name. or if I did, it was over ridden by the fact that it was cutesy fashion and coz kelly on the tagboard said viv was so adorable. so I linked two and two together. and got three. oops.
8:54 am

okay! fix0red. you weren't linked on the last one, I thought you wanted to keep it a Private and Sekrit place on the InterWeb.
yeah if any of you want to link your hitherto secret blogs please feel free to do so. it's just one line of code and one tag, nothing to be afraid of. claudia is here to smooth over any cockups you make. nods sagely.
do we want a links to other places that are not us/school related? like links to boingboing, etc.
1:17 pm
soph, did you not see my name on the right earlier?

that was me posting. not vivien. the title should have been a hint even if you didn't read my name...
look! a new template. that works both on MSIE and firefox. why didn't anyone tell me about the MSIE issue? I hope this means that all of you use firefox. yes, I actually really made one rather than slapping some old thing together. well, actually I tore apart an old skin and reassembled it in a better way. so this is the result. it is much better than anything else we've had this year.
9:14 pm

viv! nice site. ingenious products.
here's some self-glorification:
claud: I just realised your blog's like a tv series, it has seasons and lots of episodes and It's always frustrating when one season ends. :p
HAHAHAH yeaaaa alternative career. Write story of my life. And what will be the title of the series (now everybody say) "The life of Muthusamy. Woo... I'll have such a large following.
3:56 pm
I never blog fashion but...

girl 32
I couldn't resist posting this. little online fashion boutique that sells hats, gloves and scarves- hats that work with or without ponytails (there's a slit), gloves with hooded fingertips on the thumb and index (so you don't need to take off your glove to text, or use your iPod), scarves with hidden pockets to store iPods or mobiles.
good design never fails to make me day. [hat tip:
8:38 pm

hm... I've just had a look at the interview list for applicants and I'll be damned if some people don't get offers regardless of their performance at the interviews. One wonders if this is after all just 'fair' since an interview can sometimes screw up even when the candidate is excellent.
7:16 pm

wow, kenny g and an aircon classroom and no one around. actually feels kinda high class.
7:52 pm
Vivien @fashfix:
cute without the e

oh my. im bored im bored im bored im bored im bored im bored
and as proof of my complete and utter boredom i actually TYPED all that out instead of copying and pasting thus showing the true extent of my complete and utter boredom
so over the course of the past week i have attempted to solve my boredom by doing what i love doing. shopping! except its pretend shopping so its really no fun at all. Pretend shopping is the shopping that people who do not have credit cards do when they're online despite full knowledge that they can't purchase a single thing online because of depravity of that oh so crucial piece of plastic that Singapore being the retard it is, only allows people over 21 to carry. like you can smoke and drink but get a credit card NO! grumble grumble grumble how terribly frustrating
so anyway to all who might be interested
victoria secret has GORGEOUS clothes. like seriously. lace in a big way! plus if i ever grow up and like start working and all that jazz then i will buy all my work dresses from there cause theyre totally darling without being supremely office-y or crazily girly which is only suitable if you're a teacher PLUS theyre still classy yay! however the REally killing thing is that there was a spree and I DIDNT KNOW till exactly the day it closed so two thumbs up for unfortunateness :
plus coach has really darling bags. i really really do like their bags and am so frustrated with singapore having such a limited and meagre selection. how totally annoying right! i mean their wristlets are adorable and oh so cute especially for people like ME and i would post photos except i dont know how to. Oh wait! theres like this blogger upload photo thing. HA okay im gonna spam you with all the cutesy pictures i found :) love doing stuff like this
and saw these really pretty red ankle suede boots at the topshop website. like seriously cute. i like ankle boots. make you look all young and cutesy. far nicer than those thigh high boots that have a hooker element to them whereas ankle boots are just dainty and fun and remind of red robins for some strange reason
I WANT SEASONS. yea like a variety of clothing options pls :)
anyway how worried is everybody about oxbridge interviews + test + what have you. actually im not scared in a Scared sense i think though i am trying to catch up on al those gp lessons so i dont appear completely and utterly clueless to interviewers. cant be scared in a scared sense since its more of a give-it-a-shot thing rather than a -ihavetogetin-ihavetogetin kind of thing right. ha maybe i shall do a legally blonde during the interview and get in. that would be utterly hilarious and apparently cambridge once asked someone to throw a brick out of the window. like WEIRD???
and is it just me or is the blog somehow disaligned cause it looks disaligned to me since the text only start from the bottom of the left hand margin or it could be just my screen which is highly likely and probable too right.
sigh photos are not uploading. oh well i guess you guys will miss out on the gorgeous opportunity of looking at gorgeous photos of gorgeous items and i bet thats the most time gorgeous has been used in a single sentence :)
i think someone should do a pyschiatric evaluation of me. thats my whole chain of thoughts. whatcha call it. my string of consciousness or whatnot insert the fancy name/phrase that should be inserted :) ha anyway boredom has been cured somewhat as will yours possibly by reading my fabulous fabulous post HA :)))))))
12:08 am
Message from your GP rep

Ms. Ho would like ya'll to know that the prelim model answers are available at the photocopy lady's place so if you want go pick it up yourself and pay yourself. I don't know how much it costs. I'm not sure how regularly I'll be at school at any rate. The sky started pouring on me and I am stuck at J8. Highly annoyed. Today I went to church and felt somewhat optimistic again. So maybe I'll do another charity thing in the future maybe I won't. Yea. signing off.
postscriptum mr. p has gone out of his way to settle his bit of the blowup so that's sorta over too.
12:45 pm
something for conrad

Wrecks - Abandoned Photography :
came across this via boingboing as usual, photographs of shipwrecks at a boat graveyard somewhere in the states. beautiful hulks of neglect. very impressive.
11:47 am

NME.COM - News - Rare Dylan poetry goes under the hammer
I saw this headline in my rss feed reader and I thought whoa! dylan poetry being auctioned, I want several million dollars now-- wait, why is it on NME? [clicks link] --oh.
bob dylan.
whoops. too literary for the nme readership.
7:50 pm

She cared, no more.Was this a moral victory? Whose? It doesn't matter anymore. Regardless of what is said or thought it wasn't personal. It was a matter of principle and some people can take that some can't. it's alright I suppose. But I do feel disillusioned. The most important thing for me was not the charity. Was not the event. It was the people. It was seeing other people lose their disillusionment and experience music under the stars and good will from the Singapore people. I know it sounds silly and sentimental but that was it. I believed in it and i think i still should but for the first time, mainly because of the hurt, disgust and anger I see in daniel, I don't think i do. I don't want to give back to society anymore though I feel guilty for that because I think society has given me a lot. Maybe in time but for now I can sincerely say I wish never to deal with the ugly Singaporean again.
There is a fine line between the truth and political correctness. For that reason this ends here. But that's okay. If everyone keeps their word it's over and I've never been a rafflesian in the sense that victory has never been my main object.
10:16 am
here is a photo specially for vivien

from Boing Boing

Dylan Thomas audio: eleven volumes in free MP3
thought some people might be interested kthxbye.
10:27 pm

10:34 am
fundamental truths about the Human Condition

The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
a well organised, rational and clearly written thesis! substantiated well with examples and detail, this study is top in its field! (small field though) 10/10 on the Really Very Academic And Stupendously Impressive Scale!!
it's not like you lot need it, but it's absolutely hilarious and sometimes, scarily enough, almost true. grins.
9:15 pm

(Weblogs and) The Mass Amateurisation of (Nearly) Everything... (
this might be pertinent to that GP question, although I don't know the exact wording, just that it was about blogging and so forth. and this is really quite an engaging op-ed piece on how blogging (and by extension the movement towards web2.0) has made everything so easy that creativity nowadays comes pretty cheap.
which is really amusing when you think about it in terms of markets, lowering barriers to entry to a market with supernormal profit (is there supernormal profit in the internet?), increasing the supply, lowering the price-- yeesh. I'm inclined to agree with the author, damnit, Things Were Better when it was 2002 just before the big blog explosion. back then, we had
no title fields,
no tags,
no comments,
no shoutbox, and we had to walk for two days uphill through snow and a swamp just to post on blogger. hmph!
11:24 pm
I see real animals.

National Geographic Magazine - WildCam AFRICA
a webcam looking at a watering hole in botswana. elephants and impalas and wildbeasts and other assorted african wildlife, appearing to drink at certain times of the day. fascinating, damn good timewaster.
6:48 pm